A/N: I'm on a roll! Okay another fic coming up! I had an incomplete old draft of this in my laptop but since I have spare time (I'm not at home right now but sure why not), I'll write and submit this now. Hope you enjoy this oneshot. Chiaki's POV for the win!

They said I needed a much deserved break? Well I don't need it. We have to practice! Practice until everything's perfect! The concert's on Monday for crying out loud!

Fine. Maybe one day wouldn't hurt. Everyone's giving their best in the rehearsals and will definitely be at their finest on Monday. I'm not nervous! Everything's going to be fine!

Just for today though. Rehearsals resume tomorrow as early as 5 am! There will be no complaining! I'll drag everyone by the teeth if I have to.

Still I can't believe I'm doing this.

A couple of continuous but extremely successful performances are tiring sure but merely resting at home for one day should suffice. No one should be out in the sun on a Saturday! Though nice weather we're having...it's not raining.

Why isn't it raining!

I wonder who sent me these damn tickets...

Oi Nodame let go of my arm!

"Senpai why so serious? This is going to be fun!"

"Tell me how is this... fun?"

"Aww senpai no need to be shy around Nodame..." Who's shy! And l-let go my arm! Your umm..is touching my...argh! "And it's our date so why not try smiling?"


"You could buy me food... because I'm starving! ...Or win me a stuffed rabbit... Gyabo! Look senpai! Let's-"

"Who said anything about a..a d-date! You...you dragged me here remember? I couldn't relax once you started kicking on the door! The tickets..yes the tickets! You wouldn't stop pestering me what a waste it would be if I didn't use the tickets! Those tickets were only for one day! By the way shouldn't I be the one to decide on what to do with them?"

"And stop going through my mail!"

"But senpai... Oh silly me of course it's not a date! Ehe..I forgot. It's not a date because we're married."


"Married people do this stuff all the time. Even if you try to deny it senpai I know you wanted to come here and spend time with your beautiful wife."

Beautiful.. wife? Is she serious? I should leave before... "O-Oi again people we are not married!" I would never marry this woman! I'm sane people! Sane! Ok you are sane. Stop shouting in your head Shinichi.

Phew. It's a good thing I don't know these people.

"Hey stop twirling like an idiot and get back here!"

At the food court...

"Really how much can you eat? I'm going bankrupt here. You'll throw up when you ride the rollercoaster later Nodame. Nevermind that..."

"Can you even walk now?"

"Muki! Senpai's face is so close to Nodame!"

"Your face is so red senpai! Kawaii!" S-shut up. "If I can't walk senpai would carry me. Aren't you senpai?"

"Not in a million years! Are you done? Can we go already?"

"Yes! There's still much to do. So many rides, so little time. There's the ferris wheel, the carousel, the water rides...you won't freak out on me will you senpai?"

"Of course not dummy!" It's not a cruise or a plane ride. I should be fine. "Okay put that pocketwatch back in your pocket! Let's go! Come on! This way senpai!"

"Oi Stop running or you're going to trip!"

Hmmm...water rides. I don't have extra clothes Nodame. Wait wet clingy clothes...I'm fine because I could just take my shirt off but...

I'm not a nudist!

How about you...that white shirt is going to...uh...let's... let's not go there.

For my sanity, let's not go on those water rides. Please.


Fine. I'll buy you a shirt.

After an hour...

"I'm tired and dizzy..."

"Hang on to me senpai! Nodame's got you! There's a bench! Let's sit and relax for awhile senpai. Nodame needs to rest too! That ride was fun! Admit it you had fun senpai! Going round and round and round!"


"And we got couple shirts!" It's not. It's only identical Nodame. We needed new ones after we got wet after that water raft ride remember?

"Oh I remember! We haven't been on the tunnel of love ride yet..."

"Mukya! Senpai and I will...aaah! Nodame's so happy!"

The what? Stop making that face Nodame! Stop saying chu all over the place! Are those floating hearts? I must be hallucinating right now.

S-seriously would there be such a ride here? Nah..surely there's not...surely we can ride another...

"Looking for that special ride aren't we? Oh no husband. Let's save that for last!" What! No! I was just looking for the..the exit! I'm outta here. Bye! You're screwed up in the head. Screwed! "Up and about mister! There's still that stuffed bunny you still owe me..."

No it's me that's screwed in the head. I shouldn't be here! Why am I even here? Why am I here with you of all people!

I should've stayed at home listening to Chopin, Schumann, Bach and Mozart!

You're too loud! You're embarassing! You're annoying! You're childish! Your room is a mess and you eat like a pig! Your fingers are too big! Ever heard of a hairbrush? Use it! You're a pain in the ass that it drives me crazy!

That's not true. Well the part that you drive me nuts and you're a mess is true but I don't hate you. I will never hate you. I don't say it but I really do. I don't really care if your fingers are big or if your hair is unruly. I worry about you all the time. I want to make sure you are eating right and doing well in music. I can't take it when I'm away from you and I'm miserable if you don't visit when you're busy. The truth is that you're absolutely adorable and cute in everything you do. Your music soothes the soul...my soul. Your laughter is joyous melody to my ears.

You're you.

And I'm being incredibly cheesy right now. Good lord. Good thing this is all in my head.

Fine I admit everything. I couldn't resist those pouting lips this morning. Those pleading puppy dog eyes... That cute smile and the hug you gave me when I agreed. And all the ones you had today. I'm really having fun right now. It was so long ago since I went to these things. My parents were so busy. I... let's not dwell on that. The rollercoaster was high and believe me I did not scream! Or clung to you as it went through that loop things.

Really. Well maybe I did and you enjoyed it like the hentai that you are. Ahem. Taking pictures were also nice.

Getting that stuffed toy wasn't too hard. Holding your hand. Walking around. Laughing without a care in the world. Bump cars...that was fun. Who cares if were acting like kids again! Only for today. Tomorrow... back to work.

Fireworks. The day has ended huh?

"The park will be closing in an hour. Thank you for coming."

"Aww...it's over already? Too bad the tunnel of love is on repairs right senpai?"

"...Yeah. Let's go."

"We're back home. Nodame is sleepy. Good night kiss senpai?"

"That was fun. Let's do that again sometime."

"Yes definitely senpai!"


The End.

Amusement Park


A/N: That was adorable wasn't it? You guys know what chu is don't you? What else do couples do on love rides? Yep exactly. Too bad it was closed. Mwahaha. Thank you for reading!