(Here's the rewrite)

Okay, this is my 2nd real story; I got the first two chapters written out, mostly. So um, here it goes?

GiraffePanda2 does not own anything in this story except Kate.

In a small town, at exactly 9:01am, the doors of the local library opened.

Erik and Charles had already gotten a team of eight, including them, and four of them were new mutants, so they decided to keep on looking, in case any talents stood out.

After getting the door slammed on their faces for the tenth time, Charles decided that they would try someplace else.

They drove up to a library in Newtown, Ohio. A small, quiet, little town. When they got there, Charles told Erik to stay behind, because he the feeling that this mutant might run. Leaving behind a slightly irritated Erik, Charles entering the building and started to search with his mind for the mutant. Different thoughts filtered in and out.

He scanned through the thoughts; stopping at one particularly interesting one. Charles backtracked and focused on that one thought. It leads him to the children's section, and back, where there was a small isolated reading section.

He found a young woman, who couldn't possibly be more than twenty, sitting in mast pile of books. On a closer look, the books had titles like: The Beginnings of DNA and The Lion in its Natural Habitat.

"You need something?" The girl asked, not looking up from her book. Instead she just shifted uncomfortably. Charles put on a smile and sat down in front of her and greeted her calmly. "Hello Kate."

The girl's head shot up immediately, "Oh, that's interesting." She said eyes wide and she swallowed uneasily.

"I'm Charles Xavier, don't worry, I'm not here to take you away, I'm like you, a mutant."

Kate, the young girl, nodded but still looked uncomfortable. In her mind, she wasn't really listening; instead she was timing her escape. In one, two-

"Three?" Charles finished for her, raising one eyebrow. Kate froze and swore silently.

Charles snorted a bit at her thoughts, and held out his hand. "I'm a telepath."

Kate slammed her hands down on the table. "Stay out of my head!" With that, she took off running, curiously, though, she shouted, "Please!" as she skidded across the floor to the exit. Charles didn't raceafter her, and instead sent a message to Erik, telling him that she was coming.

Erik wasn't sure what this new recruit could do, or her exact features, but the girl in a baggy green hoodie sprinting from the library gave him a clue. Erik came up behind her as she passed him and caught her by the back of her hoodie.

Instantly, she started to struggle, but Kate wasn't all that big, so Erik just lifted her up and away from him to keep her flailing limbs from hitting him.

Suddenly, Charles appeared by Erik's side. "Put her down." He said calmly. Erik scowled, but did so. Kate landed gracefully on all fours and dusted herself off, straightening her clothes.

Noticing Erik staring at her, she growled at him, "What?" Kate suddenly felt a light flicker by her hair, and turned around, barely getting a glimpse of a golden-furred tail. Kate gave a silent sigh of frustration and tried to stuff it back in to her clothes.

"That's a tail." Erik stated.

She made a face and pointed to the library next to them, "And that's a library." Kate crossed her arms and pulled down her black beanie some more, giving those glances. "What did you mean, you're a telepath?" She asked her voice suddenly shy.

Charles offered her a warm smile and answered. "I'm a mutant, Kate, just like you, we both are."

Kate tilted her head to the side, looking at Charles, she pointed to Erik. "What can he do?" Her voice was not rude, simply curious.

Erick scowled and told her, "I can manipulate the electromagnetic fields in the air."

The girl nodded. "You can bend metal to your will?"

Slightly surprised that she understood, he nodded and a metal can that littered the sidewalk by them suddenly floated up.

Kate's eyes immediately followed the can, and she swatted at it. She found it humorous and laughed. "Why would you come to me?"

"We need your help."

"My help?" Kate looked at the two men. "Why on earth would you need my help? There a war or something?" She chuckled, laughing at her suggestion.

"Something like that." Charles answered her. Kate stopped laughing and stood up straight.

"And you want my help?" She asked, confirming it. Charles nodded and Kate shrugged.

"Alright then. Let's go." Kate didn't look back with any hesitation.

There's the rewrite of this chapter, uggh, the first chapter kept making me cringe.

Keep reading, the quality definitely goes up.