Hi guys it really has been a while! I have finally had time to write more for this story, however I will be starting doing exams from late May to early July so I will not be able update as much as I want to, hopefully I will be able to update every other week or so. After that I am completely free and hope to finish this story as I have a great idea of where it is heading. Thank you all for still reading this after such a long break, hopefully this time I will actually be able to post more often! Enjoy!

I glanced at Ahsoka once more but was surprised to find that Francesca was not there. My eyes widened as I scanned the room for the familiar face but this was to no avail. I started to walk towards Ahsoka but heard Francesca's voice coming from my right. Turning around I saw that she had joined a group of three children the same age as her. I held my breath for a second as I watched their reaction to what she had said; the grins on their faces made me sigh in relief as they beckoned for her to join in with them. She had barely been in the temple and had already managed to make friends.

Looking down to my side I saw Ben looking cautiously in his sister's direction, it seemed that I wasn't the only protective one here. As if he felt my eyes on his back he looked up at me with a half-smile and a slight crease of the eyebrows. He then looked back at his sister who had become majorly involved in some sort of game that really appeared to be some sort of chasing game. It had grown louder as they sprinted around the room, luckily most people were deciding to ignore them, some of the teenagers huffed but continued to work; they were all used to it.

It was then that Francesca caught sight of Ben out of the corner of her eye and started running towards him. She was fairly fast and arrived at my feet in only a few seconds, she grinned at me before turning to her brother.

"Aren't you going to play?" she asked Ben who silently raised his eyebrows at her.

"No thanks," he muttered, looking up at me with a frightened expression.

"Why don't you continue with you game Francesca and Ben can continue the tour with me? Ahsoka can stay here until you are ready, if that's fine with her." I decided after seeing Ben's scared look he didn't want to play. Francesca frowned but nodded and ran over to Ahsoka who bent down to listen to her. I could see Francesca practically yelling at Ahsoka my idea, her use of extravagant arm movements did not go unnoticed. Once the conversation was over Ahsoka nodded at me and I looked back down at Ben.

"Shall we continue?" I asked and he nodded furiously.

"Yes please!" he exclaimed, grabbing hold of my hand and waving goodbye to his sister with the other who in turn waved back before returning to her game.

The next place that I decided would be best to take Ben was one of the sparring rooms as he seemed to be obsessed with lightsabers and it had occurred to me that he had probably never seen a lightsaber battle. As we approached the room I stopped Ben and crouched down to explain to him.

"We are entering the sparring area; there should be a lot of people here. I'll see if we can watch a lightsaber battle, if you would like that?" I asked although I already had a funny feeling of what the answer would be.

"That would be awesome!" he beamed as he started running to the door, I smiled as I jogged to catch up with him.

Upon entering the sparring area I found out that I had been right, there were a lot of people practising. There also were a lot of padawans who seemed to be gathered for some sort of tournament. This was common in the temple as lightsaber battles were the most exciting part of the training for many youngsters and I knew that Ben would soon be joining them.

We seemed to be lucky as the tournament had started in the largest battle area between a thirteen year old boy and a young female purple Nautolan. A massive crowd had gathered around them and luckily these were not all padawans so I didn't look massively out of place. The two stood in the usual low position and after a brief countdown and statement of the rules the battle had begun. It had been a while since I had seen another lightsaber battle that I was not participating in or one that Anakin threw himself into and I had to try and claw it back. This one was friendly and injuries were incredibly unlikely, lightsaber battles for entertainment were very interesting to watch.

A tug at my leg surprised me and I looked down to see Ben frowning up at me, I raised my eyebrow at him as he beckoned for me to come closer. I crouched down to listen to what he had to say.

"I can't see," he told me and I realised that of course he couldn't most of the spectators were double his height.

"You can climb onto my shoulders if you want, that should give you a better view," I replied as I motioned towards my back, Ben looked delighted at the prospect and hastily climbed onto my shoulders. I carefully straightened up so that I wouldn't hit anyone because even a small accidental hit to someone could start a fight especially in the sparring room. Once I had got back to my previous position I looked up and saw a mop of blond hair.

"Can you see now?" I shouted over the noise of the lightsabers crashing and the crowd who were yelling for their favourite to win.

"Yeah I can, it's amazing!" Ben yelled back, this was the first time that I had heard him raise his voice and I beamed in pride before returning to watch the tournament.

It seemed during our conversation the battle had really started to heat up. It was fascinating to see how they fought as both had very different techniques. The boy's was obviously more defensive as he always crossed his lightsaber in front of him to protect him from attacks; he was constantly crouching and rolling away from her attacks. The Nautolan on the other hand was definitely more offensive; she attacked with short stabbing motions as if she was holding a knife but also used flowing swings that caught the edge of his clothing. They were both using techniques from lessons instead of random moves that they had made up which many Jedi, especially the younger ones, ended up using as a last resort in battles. This meant that they were both comfortable with the fight and showed that there was no clear winner.

As the battle continued the Nautolan began to tire, her attacks became less forceful and therefore did less harm. This gave the younger boy a chance, which he took seconds after her first slower attack, he poked her in the stomach and her lightsaber switched off to show that she had lost. Cheers flowed through the room as the boy bowed and shook the hands of his opponent. Many were also cheering for the loser as she left the circle with a smile on her face; this showed that both competitors had had a successful match. The crowd soon started to dissipate and after most of them were gone I crouched down to allow Ben to climb back down again. The massive smile on his face was the biggest I had ever seen from him; he seemed enthralled by the battle.

I decided that that was a good place to end the tour, it was already getting late and I would have to take them both to crèche tomorrow to enrol. I took hold of Ben's hand and he didn't seem to mind as I walked towards the door.

"It was so cool the way that she tricked him using … and he was really quick at the end …" Ben continued to tell me all about the battle as we exited the room. Before we left he quickly glanced back and smiled once more before grabbing my hand again so that we could continue back.

Upon arriving back at my room I raised a hand to my lips as by this point it was fairly late. Entering I was surprised to see the main light still switched on but after close inspection of the sofa I smiled. Ahsoka was in a sitting position but fast asleep and on her lap was Francesca who also had dozed off.

"You go and get ready for bed, I'll sort these two out," I whispered to Ben who nodded and scurried off to his room. After seeing that he had left I carefully collected Francesca into my arms and carried her to her bed, tucking the covers up around her carefully. I then went to a different door and softly knocked on it. A few seconds later it opened to reveal a yawning Anakin who looked at me with a frown.

"What are you doing here so late!" he whined glaring at me.

"Ahsoka has fallen asleep on the sofa, I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to lift her and I do not want to risk it," I whispered, he sighed but nodded in defeat as he padded past me to the living area. I then walked back to check on Ben but after opening the door I quickly shut it again as he had already fallen asleep. I grinned and made my way to my room, wondering what it would be like the next day.