Everyone is a Big Kid Now

(Bella's POV)

I woke up to the sound of rain pattering against my apartment window. Normal weather for the rainy city of Seattle, Washington. I slowly get up but retract back to see I was still in Edward's nice warm arms still tangled up in the sheets. I smile as I go to snuggle up against his chest again, oh how I would love to stay like this forever.

I was now a full graduate of college at the age of 26 and I am now a teacher to a bunch of bright eyed first graders. Edward Cullen, my boyfriend and best friend, is now a doctor. He has been working at the Seattle Hospital for about a year now. He is a handsome bronze haired, green eyed, Adonis that I am madly in love with.

My goofy immature brother, Emmett, works for the Seattle Police Department. He looks a lot like me with his curly brown hair and brown eyes. We have both been through a lot with one another, with our parents divorce to the craziness of our childhood. Then there is his girlfriend and one of my best friends, Rosalie Hale, the owner of a day care not to far from my school. She is one tough cookie with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. We normally go to lunch together since our lunch breaks fall around the same time.

My other best friend and Edward's sister, Alice Cullen, has a boutique called Topaz. It's a pretty popular boutique here in Seattle and people especially love Alice's personal designs. Alice is a short pixie girl with black spiky hair and brown eyes. Then there's one of my best friends and Alice's boyfriend, Jasper Hale, he's looking to become a history teacher but at the moment he's about to be deployed overseas. He is also the twin of Rosalie, he has blonde hair and blue eyes like her.

It is going to be extremely hard on everyone, especially Alice when Jasper is overseas. She is always terrified that he won't come back home to her, and I don't blame her for being worried. I know what it feels like to almost lose the one you love, I almost lost Edward in a car accident when we were sixteen years old. I would have died myself if I lost him.

"Edward" I whisper.


I giggle as I climb over so I'm on top of him and go to kiss his lips gently.

"We have to wake up" I whisper to him "Nessie, Jake, and Seth need help moving boxes" I remind him. His eye lids slowly open up to show his bright green eyes and smiles.

"I know but, five more minutes" he grins pulling me back and I giggle as I go to kiss him once again on the lips.

It's been four years since Ness, Jake, and Seth graduated from high school and were not fresh graduates out of college. Nessie would be moving in with Alice just for a short while, until Jasper get's back after his year long leave, and then move in with Jake and Seth.

Nessie got a job recently as a teacher's helper for a preschool. The teaching is a way for her to pay the bills while really she was trying to write a novel. Nessie, which is short for Vanessa, is a small girl with bronze hair like her brother and but has brown eyes. Nessie is Edward's younger sister by blood. Him and Nessie where young when their mother died and their abusive alcoholic father had put them both up for adoption. Nessie was 1st and she went through foster care for years until Esme and Carlisle, their adopted parents, had found Nessie brining the two siblings together again.

Then there's Jacob, who is trying to find a job here in Seattle for a mechanic or try and open his own garage. Nessie is complaining because she thinks he's stubborn for not allowing her to 'invest' into his garage since she can afford it. I know how Jake feels, Edward tries to buy things for me all the time, but I want to work for the money on my own. It just doesn't feel right.

Jacob is a tall muscular kid with black hair and brown eyes, his cousin Seth, looks a lot like him. Seth is looking into opening up some sort of business but for now he got a job at a coffee shop.

"Come on" I groan and he chuckles as he kisses my lips one last time.

"Alright let's go" he smirked. I laugh as I crawl off the bed and glimpse to see the photo of the picture Alice gave me years ago when we all went our separate ways for college. I framed it and it will forever stay by my bedside next to the photo of Edward and I.

I then got changed out of my t-shirt from Dartmouth and the pair of Edward's boxer's I was wearing. I then change into a nice gray sweater, jeans, and a pair of chuck taylor's with my hair down. Alice is going to kill me for wearing jeans, crazy pixie and her fashion ways.

"Ready" I call to Edward who is dressed up in his Dartmouth University Sweatshirt, jeans, and a pair of Nikes.

"Yup, all ready" he smiled taking my hand.

"Well what are we waiting for" I smirk as we both make our way out of our apartment and over to the new apartment on the floor below us. It would be right across the hall from Alice and Jasper's apartment. They had got a hold of it easily because the old women who used to live there had moved to a retirement home so they were able to snatch it away once the women left. Rosalie and Emmett live down the hall from Edward and I.

When we arrive we see Alice already taking charge with placing boxes while Nessie is watching her sister with amusing eyes.

"So where do you want this?" Jacob asked "wait a second, this is my apartment, why am I listening to you?"

"Because I know the best place where to put everything, I am Alice" the pixie quipped and Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Put it in the kitchen babe" Nessie smiled kissing Jake's cheek.

"Hey guys" Edward greets them.

"Hey Ali" I greet my best friend with a hug.

"Hey Bells!" She chirped "what are you wearing?"

"I believe they are called clothes dear Alice" I tease and she rolls her eyes.

"You and the god awful fabric you call clothes" I laugh as I go to see what I can do.

"Baby Bell!" Emmett boomed scooping me up in a hug.

"Ah! Em!" I cry out in a giggle as he threw me over his shoulder.

"Hey Bella!" Jasper greeted me as I saw him looking at me upside down.

"Hey Jasper" I say and he chuckles.

"Emmett put your sister down now!" Rosalie scolded at her big bear of a boyfriend or should I say soon to be fiancé. Yep, my brother is finally going to ask Rose to marry him. When, I don't know. The poor bear is nervous like crazy when to propose to Rosalie and I don't blame him. We come from a failed marriage background, our parents. I'm kind of scared of the idea of marriage still, looks like Emmett is about to conquer his fear.

"Thank you" I say as he places me down and I go to greet Rose.

"So where do we begin?" Jasper asked as we looked at all the boxes in the apartment.

"Just start placing things were you think they might go" Nessie shrugged.

"We'll fix it later, and anything that is Ness's bring over to Alice's and Jasper's" Jacob said.

"Okay" I agree. Soon we're all going through the boxes and having a good time when Emmett starts laughing.

"Who's is this? Seth? Whoever this belongs to is a very lucky man" Emmett said pulling out a long black lace piece of lingerie causing Nessie to turn bright red.

"You put that back now" she hissed at him stuffing it back into the box.

"That's yours?" Edward asked and Nessie rolled her eyes.

"Edward I'm 22 years old, I'm a big girl" she stated.

"I know, but Ness you are my little sis" Edward points out.

"Speaking of little sisters, what are you and mine doing? Playing cards?"

Emmett loves to tease us about our sex life because we were the last of the group to have sex. I was scared to save it for marriage because as I mentioned before I have a fear of marriage. Besides, Edward and I have only had sex a few times. The 1st was in college. Edward said we should try to save it off for marriage but I am a bit nervous about that idea. I know he wants to get married but I'm very unsure. I saw how my parents marriage failed, how they fought every night. How I used to sleep with Emmett as children because the fighting would get so bad. I know Edward is planning to purpose sometime, after all he did give me a promise ring back in high school that still sparkles on my finger to this day. I know when he told me the words It's just a way to show you I'm going to love you forever meant he was also planning for marriage. Whatever happens to us I know I'll love Edward forever and he'll love me back for the rest of eternity.

"Emmett" I growl and he bursts out laughing.

"Kidding...kind of gross talking about it now thinking about it" Emmett mentioned shivering and I rolled my eyes.

"Aw Emmett did that hurt? You know, thinking?" I tease and he frowns while the others laugh.

"Touché sister dear, touché" I laugh with the others.

"Come on let's go get a pizza" Alice announces.

"I'll order it now!" Jasper called out.

Soon a nice steaming warm pie came to us. We all hung around in Seth and Jacob's new living room. I was sitting on Edward's lap while everyone was in the embrace of their other half, expect kid has yet to find a girl that is right for him, we know he'll find someone but who the heck knows when.

For the rest of the night we all just laughed and had a good time, not worrying about everything crazy in our lives. Oh, you just got to love my friends.