note: i'm sorry i didn't update for two whole days! i have the flu, sadly, but this chapter is more action-packed than i had planned for it to be, so hopefully that makes up for it! enjoy!

Lovino shut the door to Feliciano's room softly, careful not to alert anyone that he was still awake. Feliciano had been hysterical all afternoon, screaming and crying non-stop for the first few hours. He had then settled down in Lovino's arms, eventually falling asleep. Lovino wouldn't dare chance the idea of staying in Feliciano's room and left.

He was a bit on the wary side now, debating his and other peoples' choices carefully. Obviously, Lovino killing someone wasn't an option. Rebelling alone was an option, albeit a far fetched one that would take days to plan, and he didn't have days. Reblling with others was a much more comforting idea, but not something that demanded immediate attention. More importantly, one of the others was going to act, tonight or tomorrow or the day after, but soon. Someone was going to die, and it sure as hell wasn't going to be him.

Or his brother, for that matter.


He crossed his arms over his chest and scowled, head down and eyes cast onto the floor. "What do you want?" he asked.

"I need to know what was written on your paper," Antonio said. His hand reached out for Lovino's shoulder and Lovino smacked it away, growling. "Lovi! Please! I know you don't believe me, but we did know each other, before this! We didn't always get along but… we were friends, best friends! I just want to help you!"

"Do you fucking realize how insane you sound right now?" Lovino tried to keep his voice low, knowing that it could alert one of their peers that they were awake. It was a mutual agreement that they would all go to bed at the same time. "Just get away from me! I'm going to my room, good night Antonio. I hope you trip and smash your face into the wall."

Lovino took a step towards his door and swiped the key. The door unlocked and he pulled it open harshly, shutting it quietly but fiercely enough that he hoped Antonio got the message.

"I care about you, Lovi," Antonio's voice could barely be heard through the cool metal of the door. "Even if you don't do the same for me. Tomorrow… someone is going to die, and I'll do my best to stop it from happening. But if you somehow trust me, please come find me tomorrow. I can't say what I need to say here. It's too dangerous. I just want to protect you."

"Go back to your fucking room," Lovino whispered into the crack of the door. He heard Antonio mumble to himself and then the shuffling of shoes, moving away from Lovino's room.

Running a hand through his hair, he slid down the wall, knees pressed against his cheek. Grabbing fistfuls of his hair, he let out choked sob. No tears slid down his cheeks nor pricked his eyes but the anger and grief he felt was immense. He had to find a way to protect himself, his brother, his family. But he didn't know how. He didn't even know where to start. For all of his theoretical mafia training and intelligence, it sure didn't seem to be helping him much now.

He crawled over to his bed, too tired to shower or even take off his clothes. He rested his head against the plush pillow, revelling in the warmth and comfort of his bed, but he missed the feeling of safety. The school was not dangerous on its own, and if Lovino had to guess, it probably had been used as a normal school before all of this. But the idea that Yuta, or whatever, or whoever was watching him right now…

Was going to watch as they all died…

The person who was planning to watch a group of teenagers kill each other for things that may or may not be true, to risk each other and their lives for just a small chance at surviving in the long run…

That person was sick.

People like that didn't deserve to live.

He brought the sheet up to his nose and buried his face into the pillow, sleeping without dreams that night.


"Rise and shine! Time to get out of bed everyone! The kitchens are open!"

Lovino groaned and pulled the pillow over his face, squeezing his eyes shut as the lights turned on. He wasn't ready to face today, but every second that passed was another second Feliciano could be associating with a future murderer. Throwing the pillow at the wall, he scrambled to kick the sheets off of him and then got out of bed. What time was it?

He sniffed his clothes, crinkling his nose. Yikes. Trudging to his bathroom, he slipped his clothes off and turned on the sink, soaking them. He had no idea if there was a place to do laundry, but once he left his room, he had no time to focus on things like that.

Turning on the shower, he tested the water with his hand. It was warm, unlike the other night when he had checked it. Perhaps the water was only warm certain times of the day – interesting, but not relevant.

He showered hurriedly, wrapping a towel around his chest as he checked on his clothes. Wet still, but he didn't really have a choice. Walking around in the open might dry it enough.

Drying his hair the best he could with his one towel, he looked at himself in the mirror, frowning. "Time to go," he muttered to himself.

He double-checked that his room door was shut and made his way to the cafeteria. Loud voices carried him the way there. At least he knew there would be others there. He hated to say it, but being in groups would benefit them certainly. It could potentially single out people planning to murder too. Something that could possibly save their lives in the near future.

"Lovino, my man!" Alfred grinned and walked over when Lovino entered the cafeteria. "This food is great, dude! Try some!"

Lovino took a step away from Alfred and scowled. "If you touch me like that one more time I'll kick you in the balls," he said. Alfred's eyes widened and he squeaked, running like a fucking coward to Matthew, who gave a shy smile and wave to Lovino before talking to his brother.

How could they be so carefree? Didn't they know someone was going to die today?

…Probably not, actually. It wasn't as if Antonio's word was guaranteed to be correct, even if it was a logical assumption. But the other student's, or at least the ones he could see now, worriless expressions made him think that they had no idea what they were really getting in to. It did make him feel a bit better, though, that strong men such as Alfred weren't eagerly planning to murder anyone.

He looked around the room, checking off in his mind who was there and who wasn't. Antonio wasn't, but he had predicted that when the other had commented on finding him the next day. Neither was Feliciano, but he was probably taking a leisurely, long shower, acting as if nothing was wrong. Yao, Roderich, and Elizabeta weren't there either. …Noted.

"Hi," a shy voice said, and Lovino's gaze perked up. Matthew's stuffed polar bear was absent.

"Where's the toy?" Lovino asked gruffly.

"I didn't want to get food on him." Matthew smiled at him. "You should eat. A-Alfred was right, the food is good, and… I think we're going to be doing some investigating today."

Ah. "Did Antonio tell you that?"

Matthew blinked, lower lip curling, a confused expression flickering on his face. "Antonio? I haven't seen him since yesterday. Did he tell you something?"

"Only that someone would die today." Lovino leaned against the wall, shoving his hands into his pockets. "But even if his prediction is just a guess, it's reasonable. I'm not going to ask what the bloody paper you got or whatever said on it, but mine was harsh. Yours was too, wasn't it?" Matthew nodded. "To… kill for."

Matthew pursued his lips. "Arthur and Francis and Alfred aren't really taking it that seriously. To be honest, I-I don't think Ivan is either, which is good. I mean… I don't know him, or anything, but he's acting the exact same as yesterday."

Lovino raised an eyebrow. "And you know Arthur and Francis?"

Matthew shrunk a bit under his gaze and nodded meekly before quickly speaking. "Did you get another change of clothes? Where? I couldn't find anything else, b-but I did find a place to wash your clothes…"

"What do you mean? These are the same clothes I've been wearing the entire time," Lovino frowned.

"E-Eh? Really? The colour is a lot different."

Lovino looked down at his clothes and curled his hand into a fist, slamming it against his thigh, to keep from yelling. God damit! He should have just fucking waited to wash his clothes properly. His shirt had been a beautiful orange before, but after drying, it seemed to have melted into a rather ugly-looking pale yellow.

"Fuck," he muttered. He zipped up his jacket, scowling. "Remind me not to be an idiot."

Matthew nodded rather seriously. "Don't be an idiot and come eat."

"Not what I fucking meant," Lovino said, but followed Matthew to one of the tables. There was a lot – way more than needed for 14 people. The entire cafeteria probably sat over 300 people. 300 people… supposedly, that was 300 students who used to go here. What happened to them? Where the fuck where they? Both the students… and his peers.

"Lovino! Sorry about earlier, I didn't know you had issues with touching, here, take some toast!" Alfred shoved a piece of buttered toast towards him and he took it begrudgingly, debating whether to throw it back or not. His stomach was starting to die at the prospect of food, especially food so close, and he opted simply for a snide comment.

"I don't have issues with touching. I have issues with morons such as yourself," he replied curtly. Arthur let out a loud laugh, sipping his tea. Matthew and Francis chatted in French. Across the room, Ivan sat alone, his pipe resting beside him. The others were scattered around, alone or in pairs, eating their food quietly. Or loudly, in Gilbert's case. The entire situation was off-putting in itself.

"The first thing we should do is check for hidden rooms and doors. Obviously, someone is gettin' in and out of here somehow to keep an eye on us, right? And the cameras must feed somewhere," Arthur said. He slammed his first onto the table. "And then we kill him and get out of here!"

Francis put his hand on top of Arthur's. "Mon amour, that may not be the best idea. This person can hear us, can they not?"

"Ah, but you're forgetting something – and get your damn hand off mine! – There's no rules limiting to where we can go."

Lovino was having some serious déjà vu with this conversation.

"I-It still says locked doors can't be opened," Matthew said. "But I think it's a good idea, still. Just not… too much. It'd be pretty lame if we died for snooping!"

Alfred slapped Matthew on the back, making the slighter boy choke on his food. "That's my little brother!"

"We could get the others to help, too. I mean, we were going to do it as a group, remember? But I think that ship sailed. Still, Lovino could get his brother and the Spanish guy to help out. All of us together, that's a good half of the people here looking for a way out."

"I'm not going five feet near Antonio," Lovino said, wiping his mouth with his napkin. "Feliciano would be shit at that stuff, anyways."

"Sometimes the creative can be the most helpful, non? They can see things that we can't," Francis said whistfully. "I think you just do not want your brother involved. Est-ce vrai?"

Lovino shoved his plate away from himself. "He'd hurt himself, somehow, fucking dumbass."

"Then it's settled! We look for a way out with Antonio and Feliciano's help, and become the heroes when we take down the evil cat!"

Suddenly, a sharp, ringing noise that sounded like a fire alarm went off. Lovino put his hands over his ears and yelled, "What the fuck is that?"

Matthew looked at him and shrugged gingerly, but his eyes were sharp and his expression told Lovino that he should probably be worried.

After around ten seconds the ringing stopped and Lovino lowered his hands quickly, ears perked up for anything else. Nobody spoke, not even Alfred or Gilbert, and the only movement was Ivan reaching for his pipe.

He heard footsteps, fast ones, and the door to the cafeteria flung open. Elizabeta panted, leaning against the wall for support as she opened her mouth. Her eyes were wide and on alert and her body was shaking as she spoke.

"Y-You guys need to come, q-quick, to the library, something happened, c-come, come!"

"I didn't think it would happen so soon," Matthew whispered dejectedly.

"What happened?" Gilbert asked, standing up. His chair toppled over, a sharp contrast to the relatively silent room.

"F...Feliciano… he's dead!"

note: rosaangel naito – i can't say much about the calm and composed part… but i'm surprised you're the only person so far who has mentioned the difference in antonio's memories! it's a pretty damn big plot point/hole, lol, and thank you very much!

animefreakofcouse – thank you! i will!

nameless loner – youll see…for some, at least! thank you!

mighty agamemnon – even anime!romano needs a good punch to the face sometimes, let alone fic!romano, haha. you'll see what happens!... thanks!

lots of little tidbits of information that will be useful for both next chapter and many more to come. hope you enjoyed, and as always, reviews are appreciated! thank you!