As this is my first attempt at a story, I could use a little break. So, here it goes. English is not my first language, so try to overlook any grammatical errors.

Jane Rizzoli woke up with a ringing sound in her head. She wasn't quite sure what to make out of it. Was it because of all the drinking last night or some sort of weird noisy tumor? As she rolled to the other side of her bed, she felt something warm, realizing that Joe Friday must've spend the night at her bed, her panic subsidized. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up before hitting the park for a morning jog.

As she left her apartment, she felt the winds gentle breeze blow across her face and somehow the ringing the sound seemed to wear off. "Works like a charm", she thought. She almost tripped over her untied laces when she noticed a stunning goddess like creature move past her. "Wow", she mumbled. The beautiful specimen must've heard something because she soon turned around and was facing Jane.

"Pardon", the pretty blonde uttered. All Jane could manage to do was stare at those mesmerizing hazel eyes. It took a while for Jane to come back to earth but she managed to do so. She gave her best Rizzoli grin and extended her hand and said "Hi, I'm Jane" and was struck by the melodious voice that came her way "Hello, I'm Maura Isles. It's nice to meet you Jane."

"Likewise, Has anyone ever told you that you're stunning?"

"As a matter of fact, yes." Replied the honey blonde.

"Of course", Jane thought. "So you would like to get some coffee?" Jane asked.

"Maybe some other time Jane". She smiled and at that moment Jane knew that she would not want a day to pass by without her seeing that perfect smile.

"Well, then can I have your number"..?

"You better tie those laces Jane, some day they will be the death of you" said Frost.

"Hey, Frost. This is…" and just like that she was nowhere to be found.

"This is what..!?" asked Frost.

"She was just here" Jane cried.

"What are you talking about? I only saw you, I didn't see nobody else".

"Trust me, man. She was RIGHT HERE!"

"I think you may have had a little too much to drink"

"I'm not drunk Frost, I know what I saw".

"Well, if you say so, what was "her name" anyway?"

"Don't say it like that".

"Like what?"

"Like I'm crazy".

"I'm not".

"And I'm the Queen of England".

"Would you tell me already?" Jane made an evil grin. She was aware of what curiosity usually did to Frost and it was not pretty.

"Maura Isles".


"Shut up".

Opinions and please don't hold back. I'm here to learn.