BACKSTORY: It has been one year since Tywin Lannister ordered his son, Tyrion Lannister, to marry Sansa Stark and gifted him with the Winterfell estate. And since then nothing has been the same in the seven kingdoms.

Daenerys Targaryen returned with an army and with not three, but six dragons. They took over King's Landing the same way Stannis Baratheon attempted to, only with six dragons to provide air cover for the army, Joffrey's troops were pitifully outmatched and outnumbered-thus ensuing a victory for Daenerys and restoring a Targaryen to the 'Iron Throne'.

Castles were stripped, taken away and redistributed. Those not swearing fealty to Queen Daenerys were executed. And there were many, that wouldn't have the choice. Lannisters, Baratheons and Starks were in Daenerys cross hairs, and many members of those families, either left the realm or perished.

Tywin Lannister was killed, burnt to a crisp when one of the Targaryen dragons breathed fire down upon him. Jaime and his new love, Brienne, left the realm. Catelyn Stark grabbed Arya, Bran and Rickon left for parts unknown, while Stannis Baratheon seemingly disappeared.

But the Red Woman, Margaery and Ser Loras Tyrell, Cersei and Joffrey, are still within the realm...along with Tyrion and Sansa. But in different capacities. The Red Woman has made herself indispensable to the Queen, something that upsets Jorah Mormont, who is once again Lord Mormont of Bear Island.

Daenerys attempts to appease to Jorah by not only restoring him as a Lord but with giving him Cersei as a bride! Cersei begs for death, something Daenerys denies her. She also imprisons Joffrey in the dungeon.

But what puzzles everyone, is HOW Tyrion Lannister managed to spare his own life, and that of his young wife, Sansa. The fact that Tyrion was able to accomplish that much, makes Sansa drop her guard with him and they get on quite well, although the marriage bed is missing from their lives. Though not for long...

"How good it is of you to take the air with me, sister." Tyrion said, walking slowly through the gardens that had formerly belonged King Joffrey Baratheon.

Cersei smiled tightly, but hissed through gritted teeth.

"I don't know how you managed to secure such a choice position for yourself with that woman..."

"That woman is Queen Daenerys Targaryen. You would be mindful to remember that. How is Joffrey by the way? Does Lord Mormont allow you to visit with him down below?" Tyrion asked casually.

Cersei stopped walking and glared down at her brother.

"I know you were the one that arranged for me to be wedded to that...look...I know Father told you something before he died. Something he probably wanted to tell Jaime, but told you in his stead. Something that could get that woman off of the throne. And I also know you have used it for yourself to curry favor with that woman. Tell me what it is."

"I have no favors to curry with the Queen. She just realized that I was of no threat to her. And I don't know why I am surprised at your ingratitude about Mormont. Marriage to him keeps you in the know."

"Marriage to him makes me sick," Cersei corrected him, "Robert's bloated stomach roiling against mine, was preferable to this imbecile. Besides, he is in love with his Queen."

"So once again, you were wedded to a man that is in love with another woman." Tyrion noted. They both knew he was alluding to Robert Baratheon's love for Ned Stark's sister, Lyanna Stark.

"Just as you are wedded to a woman that cringes at the thought of your touch. Tell me, is Sansa with child yet?" Cersei asked, a cold smile adorning her face.

"As always, it's a pleasure to see you, sister. It looks as if all is well. Say hello to Joffrey." Tyrion said, before turning to walk away. But Cersei grabbed the back of his collar and yanked him back to her!

"I will find out what you know! And when I do, I will get my son out of that dungeon and back on to that throne. I will get Jaime back here to King's Landing, along with all of my other children. And you..."

Tyrion writhed out of her grasp!

"Have you gone mad? There are fucking dragons here again! Bigger than they were before, to hear the old timers tell it. Joffrey will never sit on that throne again. And you should consider yourself lucky that Queen Daenerys did not have your head. The marriage with Lord Mormont was a good one. Do try and be happy, sweet sister."

"And do try and become a father, 'sweet brother'." Cersei smirked. "I believe your wife is around someplace...with Ser Loras Tyrell. Have you seen the way Sansa's eyes light up at the sight of him?"

Tyrion said nothing as he turned and walked off. Yes, he had noticed that, indeed.

Margaery hid behind a rose bush, nodding to her brother, Loras, as he walked by with Sansa Lannister.

"Tell me what it is like to be married to him?" Loras asked.

"To whom?" Sansa asked.

"The imp."

Sansa, who was holding a flower, looked down at it and shrugged.

"Not as awful as I expected it to be."

"Really?" Loras asked.

"He makes no demands of me. The marriage is in name only. Tyrion is a good husband."

Loras raised a brow.

"Pardon me, Lady Lannister, I do not mean to be untoward or to bring up such an inappropriate subject, but I do believe you deserve to be happy."

Sansa stopped walking and stared at Loras.

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't follow your meaning?"

"There is something between us, I can feel it. And I know you can as well. Tywin Lannister forced this marriage upon you. He is gone. His kind are gone. Surely if he is a good husband, he will give you your freedom and allow you to wed another?"

Sansa could barely breathe! But she did find her voice.

"Do you mean sir to ask..."

"Queen Daenerys and my sister have become fast friends. I'm sure she could convince Tyrion to give you up."

"Loras, I never knew you felt anything towards me. I mean your letters have been affectionate but I did not take them seriously." Sansa admitted, seeking his eyes. "I...I don't know..."

"Surely you don't love him?"

"He has been very kind. I am still alive, as a Stark and a Lannister, because of Tyrion."

Loras was tempted to ask 'because of what', but he flicked a glance over towards the rose bushes. Margaery shook her head at him. Loras did not press the issue.

"Think on what I have proposed. And if you are willing, I will have Margaery speak to Tyrion." Loras said, then moved to kiss her, as his head filled with images of his beloved Renly Baratheon.

Someone clearing their throat, stopped Loras's approach. Sansa looked behind her and down, to find Tyrion looking up at her expectantly. His eyes moved from hers, to Loras's.

"Ser Tyrell. Thank you for taking the air with my wife. Sansa, we should be off now. It is a long ride back to Winterfell."

Sansa nodded slightly, then looked at Loras regretfully.

"Thank you for the tour. The gardens look lovely."

Ser Loras bowed slightly, then watched as Tyrion reached up and took Sansa's hand. They walked away. When they were out of sight, Margaery moved from behind the bushes and joined her brother.

"Well?" Loras asked.

"We don't want to arouse suspicions," Margaery said, "but I know Tyrion knows something about this Targaryen child that Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark conceived. If I can find him and marry him, I will be Queen. Albeit through marriage, but Queen none the less."

Loras folded his arms.

"She told me that the imp has not touched her. Which means she is still a virgin. I am not partial to virgins."

"You're not partial to women, brother. And I know what a sacrifice this is. I like Sansa and once the true Targaryen KING is on that throne, Sansa will be in danger. Tyrion, Cersei and Joffrey will most assuredly be disposed of. And now that Sansa is a Lannister, she would be forced to perish with the lot of them." Margaery feared.

"But not if she were no longer a Lannister." Loras voiced aloud. "I am fine with the arrangement, but I will have needs that have to be fulfilled."

Margaery grinned!

"That is what the dark of the dungeon and Joffrey Baratheon, are for."

A carriage with the Lannister colors adorning it, was on the road back to Winterfell. Inside, Sansa chatted endlessly about everything!

"Queen Daenerys hair color is so beautiful. Don't you think?"

Tyrion reached for a strand of Sansa's hair, curling it briefly around his fingers, before releasing it.

"Not nearly as pretty as yours, I fear." Tyrion smiled wanly at her. Sansa smiled back and continued on.

"Margaery seems to be taking everything well." she noted.

"Why wouldn't she? She doesn't have to be bothered with my beastly nephew anymore. She has befriended the Queen, who has given her Casterly Rock as a prize. She will surely find a suitable husband with a Lannister estate in the offering."

Sansa frowned.

"Are you angry, my Lord?"

"Surprisingly not," Tyrion answered truthfully, "though it is unheard of for a woman to own property such as that."

Sansa turned to look out of the carriage.

"I don't see anything wrong with it."

Tyrion didn't answer that. He did change the subject.

"Ser Loras seemed quite taken with you."

Sansa turned to look at him.

"I did not notice."

"You didn't?"

"No." Sansa said, uncomfortable with that topic. Because it had been on her mind since Tyrion came for her in the gardens. Loras wanted to free her from Tyrion and marry her. Free her from Tyrion. Had marriage to him been so terrible, that she needed to be free?

Sansa shook off her thoughts. Of course she needed to be free. She needed children. And those would not come by way of Tyrion Lannister. While they got on well, all that his family had done to the Starks, could not be forgotten. Not really.

Two bees flew into the carriage and Sansa swatted them away with annoyance, then screamed! Tyrion ordered the carriage stopped as he saw to his wife.

"What is it? Were you stung?"

Sansa began nodding quickly, as hot tears of fright streamed down her face. It hurt terribly!

"Where? Tell me where?" Tyrion asked, touching her hand.

"I cannot! It is too embarrassing!"

"I cannot help if you don't tell me. Really, there is nothing to be embarrassed about." Tyrion scolded. Sansa took a deep breath and pointed, indicating her left breast.

"I think we should wait until we return to Winterfell. Shae can see to it." Sansa insisted, now wincing.

"You do not look as if you can wait for us to return to Winterfell and we have quite a ways to go. I know this will not be to your liking, but I will have to examine it."

"Examine what?" Sansa squeaked.

"Your breast, my dear. Just to see if the stinger is still within you."

Sansa gave him a look of horror! Tyrion lifted a brow.

"Please do not tell me you would rather 'die' than have me look at your breast? Really, Sansa, there is no time for formality and the driver is waiting. Now do you want to suffer in discomfort all the way back to Winterfell or..."

"Just do it!" Sansa snapped, unable to believe this was happening! She slowly pulled her dress down some, so that her breasts were revealed. Tyrion saw the injured one and could see the stinger was still within her.

"The stinger is still there. I will have to remove it."

"How? Can you get a good grasp upon it?"

"I can...if I use my teeth." Tyrion proposed, giving Sansa a knowing look. Sansa's return look was one of horror!

"You will do no such thing! I won't have it! I will wait until we return to Winterfell and have Shae do it. You will not come near me with your mou..."

Tyrion ignored his wife's maidenly protests and buried his mouth upon the tip of her rounded breast. Sansa gasped and tried to push his head away, but his mouth felt like wild fire as he suckled, teased and nibbled, until he removed the bee's stinger out of her breast.

"There now. That wasn't so horrible, was it? I'll tell the driver to be on his way." Tyrion said, as Sansa stared into space. No...uh...that wasn't so horrible at all. Why wasn't it horrible, Sansa thought.