Hey guys! This is my first fanfic so I hope you like it. If you do please review. Okay thanks!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter no matter how much I want to

Chapter one: Castor's POV

My aunt had promised me that everything was going to be fine. She had to say that but I could see from the look in her eyes she knew that my seven years at Hogwarts would be harder than it was for most. My last name decided as much, I was a Black, Castor Sirius Regulus Black.

A Black danced with darkness, playing in the shadows to serve Voldermort. My aunt had never been very clear on who my parents were but I guessed that if I was a Black they most likely wouldn't be good. Then again, there was always hope, my aunt Andromeda was a Black yet she had thrown away her life of comfort and disregarded the prejudice for she had fallen in love with my muggleborn uncle. Uncle Ted, Ted Tonks. I stood with my aunt and uncle at the station, my cousin next to me.

All I knew about my family was that they were my aunt and uncle and that Tonks was my cousin. They'd never told me about who my parents were or what other family I had, I knew it was to protect me but I couldn't help wondering. I was sure that Hogwarts would give me my answers, no doubt my family was infamous so someone would be able to tell me who my aunt's siblings were then I could find out my parents from that.

"Now remember Castor, be good and be respectful and polite, I'm so proud of you! My little boy! Castor all grown up, going off to Hogwarts!" My aunt grabbed me, pulling me into a hug and giving me a sloppy kiss on the cheek to which with much disgust I wiped off with my sleeve, attempting to hide the embarrassment that was forming on my face in a red blush.

"Don't embarrass him on his first day love, he'll never hear the end of it," Uncle Ted ruffled my hair, that wasn't much better, I still felt embarrassed.

"Bye Nymphadora," I grinned at my cousin, she scowled, sticking her tongue out at me but I could see the laughter in her cheek bones.

"Bye Castor Sirius Regulus," she winked as I returned her scowl.

"Alright you two that's enough, now be off with you lad, don't want to miss the train," Uncle Ted kissed me on the forehead and pushed me towards the nearest door, Aunt Andromeda's eyes forming with tears as my cousin Tonks waved me off.

I shuffled nervously into a compartment, hoping to be left alone as I stared longingly at my family as the train started to pull out of the station. Welcome to hell was all I could think.

"Hey you mind if I sit here?" I looked up, my eyes nervously finding a boy with spiky brown hair and big brown eyes, scoffing his face with every flavour beans.

"Go ahead, I'm Castor," I smiled at him happily, maybe it wasn't going to be too bad, he seemed nice.

"Fabian Prewett the second, nice to meet you," he grinned happily back at me offering me a bean to which I gratefully took a cabbage flavoured one to my distaste. The name sounded familiar, Fabian Prewett the first had died in 1981, soon after having his son Fabian Prewett the second, from what I knew Fabian the second lived with his mum, a pureblood, Amelia Flint, a woman who according to my aunt was a lovely soul who taught her son how to behave respectfully and had thrown away the pureblood ideals, similarly to how my aunt had done.

He was one of the last remaining heirs of the Prewett line and therefore I knew he held much standing in the wizarding world.

"So, Castor, which house do you think you'll be in?" He asked me, still inhaling beans into his mouth at such a speed I thought he might choke, his wild brown hair flailing out at odd angles.

"Probably Slytherin, I'm a Black. I don't want to be in Slytherin but hey I'm not too fussed really," I smiled nervously, hoping he wouldn't run screaming at my last name or proclamation of the fact I would most likely be a Slytherin.

"Ah cool, yeah my mum's family was mostly in Slytherin too, she was a Hufflepuff though, Gryffindor for my dad though so I'm really a mix. I'm hoping for Gryffindor but like you I don't mind really," he smiled back not the least bit fazed by my last name.

"Yeah Gryffindor seems cool, isn't Harry Potter in Gryffindor?" I asked, a large grin on my face as I spoke to my new friend.

"Yeah he is! My cousin is best friends with him, Ron Weasly, I'll try and get Ron to introduce you to Harry!" He bubbled with excitement. This idea thrilled me, me meeting the legendary Harry Potter.

"That would be great, my aunty says the Weasly's are usually in Gryffindor so if you're related to them I'm sure you'll be in Gryffindor!" I replied, my new friend looking relieved at my assumption, I guessed he really wanted to be in Gryffindor more than he was letting on. Probably it was as most of his family was in Gryffindor.

"Hey give that back!" It was a boy's voice, he growled.

Fabian and I jumped out of our seats, bursting through the compartment door.

"What you going to do about it Mudblood?" Someone with white blonde hair sneered at the poor boy, a girl with blonde hair was stood behind the boy as he sighed in frustration.

Blondie and two beefy guys were tossing a magazine around, it looked like an edition of the Quibbler.

"It's quite alright Colin, I don't mind," the girl said in a dreamy voice. The boy shook his head. I guessed that the magazine was the girls and the boy was trying to get it back from the three boys.

"Oi Malfoy give it back!" Fabian piped up from next to me, his eyes filled with anger.

"Why should I Prewett? You can't tell me what to do," Blondie snickered.

"Someone obviously should," I replied, backing my friend up.

"And you are?" The Malfoy boy growled, his beefy henchmen backing him up.

"Castor," I made certain to leave out my last name, I knew this guy was a pureblood and from the way I heard him calling the boy a 'mudblood' I was certain he'd have something to say about me.

"Castor what you idiot?" He snarled, stepping closer to me, his wand drawn.

"None of your concern, just go before I get a prefect," the Colin boy replied. I smiled at him, he smiled back.

"Fine, I don't want to spend any more time in the company of mudbloods and blood traitors," he growled, storming away his friends flanking him.

Colin and the girl turned to face us as I picked up the magazine Malfoy had thrown on the floor as he left. It was the Quibbler.

"Thank you," the girl smiled politely, she seemed to be in a dream like trance, "Colin here saw Malfoy and his friends playing a game with me and kindly decided to join us, thank you all three of you, the game was slightly boring but it was quite alright I didn't mind."

Colin smiled sheepishly.

"Still it was no problem, I'm Castor," I smiled back at her, she was beautiful. I turned to Colin shaking his hand.

"Luna Lovegood," the girl laughed.

"I'm Colin Creevey, I'm new to the whole wizard thing," he grinned as Fabian introduced himself to the pair.

Colin had shaggy mousy brown hair that formed some kind of messy fringe, muddy eyes and pale skin.

I had an unusual haircut, my hair was short on the sides, very luscious and curly and much longer on top, thick curls sprang from the top, it was also short on the back, except for one small strip down the middle that came from my scalp that I'd allowed to grow. I had what Uncle Ted had called Ray Ban glasses and bright violet eyes.

So the four of us sat in the carriage and talked and talked until the train finally pulled up into the station. The four of us now the best of friends.

We headed into the great hall, Professor McGonagall had stopped us all, telling us the order of things as I nervously shuffled from foot to foot. Colin and Luna giggling at a joke Fabian made while I merely grinned, too consumed by nerves.

The names were called out, I was near the start. Abigail Allens. Jack Ashworth. Tom Benson. Then it came. Castor Black.

I stepped forward murmurs and whispers echoing around the room as wide eyed I headed towards the sorting hat. The room was in complete silence as the hat was placed on my head, the Slytherin table looking in expectant glee, I spotted the Malfoy boy sneering. No. Please no.

'So, your cunning yes, Slytherin potential, you'd do well there and your family have a history with that house... yes your family... it says you're a Black... you are a Black but your father wasn't a Black, therefore you should be known by your proper last name... Lestrange... Castor Lestrange... that's who you are, you're a Lestrange. You come from dark families but you strive to stay in the light, to prove all the pointing fingers and watching eyes wrong, you're brave, you'd suit Gryffindor. You're different, like Ravenclaw and smart but you lack the true ambition to learn, and your loyal yes but that isn't your biggest trait. You will run into things when you have a surge of emotions, head strong, brave, sworn to prove others wrong... well Castor Lestrange as you should be know... it's got to be,' he stopped, taking an intake of breath, "GRYFFINDOR!"

The Gryffindor house looked shocked for a few moments before erupting into cheers. It felt nice, they were cheering for me. I nervously shuffled to an empty spot around the middle of the table.