Percy is Number 5

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or the Lorien Legacies, all rights to their reserved owners. The idea for this story came from Bookdancer -link will be on profile.


You see, there are these kids that are diagnosed with ADD, ADHD and dyslexia. You may think these children are troubled, that they need help, but they aren't your average kids, these are demigods. Children of a Greek god and a mortal, always on their feet ready for battle, they understand Greek better than English.

The big three, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, when they have children have a powerful scent, that's why monsters are always chasing after me. I am the son of Poseidon, or at least I thought I was. I thought these were ordinary monsters, that it was another day in the life of a demigod, that the monsters were attacking me because I was the son of Poseidon.

I used to think I was Percy Jackson, son of Sally Jackson and the Greek god, Poseidon. But I was wrong. Now, I don't know who- I don't know what I am.


Nico stayed for a while during the party before drifting off into the shadows, but thankfully he at least stepped into the hall before doing so, as not to freak out Paul again. The moment he left I realized that he had forgotten to tell me what it was that he had come to talk about. I put it in the back of my mind to Iris-message him later to ask. I helped my mom clean up the kitchen and then Paul went home and Tyson set up a bed in the corner as he was leaving early in the morning to go down to our father's realm.

I went into my room finally at one in the morning, but I still wasn't tired, something was nagging at the edge of my mind, like something wasn't right. I thought over the last couple days. I had gotten everything from camp I needed, Mrs. O'Leary was being fed while I was gone for a while and Annabeth was probably off to San Francisco by now. So why did something feel so wrong? I stared at the moonlace for a while as it shimmered in the moonlight and couldn't help but wonder if the gods would be kind enough to let me see Calypso again.

I was shocked out of my thoughts by cursing coming from my mom's room across the hall. I looked at my clock, two am! What was she still doing up? I swung my feet out of bed at the same moment she rushed into my room, a glowing orange light pulsing in her hand. She was still in her pajamas and her hair was frazzled but her eyes were filled with fear and determination.

"Get your clothes on and get out of here, they're coming and there's nothing you can do to stop them." She looked around as if something were hiding in the shadows. Then she looked back at me, I was still sitting there dumbly. "Hurry!" she nearly shouted. I threw on a pair of jeans and the closest t-shirt I could find, a grey short sleeve with some weird logo for milk on it. I felt Riptide appear in my pocket which gave me some reassurance to my mother's madness. I opened my mouth to speak, but I was immediately shushed by her.

"Be quiet, I already sent Tyson out the fire escape and down to your father. Listen, there's something you need to know." She spoke quietly and hesitantly. I pull Riptide out of my pocket and uncap it so she can see.

"I can handle myself, I've taken on all types of monsters, I can protect you." Pride blazed in her eyes and she hugged me tightly.

"I know you can, but these aren't the monsters that you're used to, they're much worse." She walked quietly over to my closet and got a chest down from the top shelf in the back. "I wanted to wait until you were ready, so you wouldn't have to deal with all this, at least not until this prophecy business was done, but now..." She trailed off. The floor began to rumble and she thrust the chest into my hands along with the pulsing rock that burned my hand on touch. I immediately shoved that into my pocket.

"If I am to die, do not let anyone get these, trust no one." A thud came at the door and she grabbed a dagger that glowed blue from the back of her pants. She slipped into the living room and stood ready behind the couch that had been pushed in front of the short hallway from the front door.

I stood in the doorway ready to come out after shoving the chest into one of my old backpacks. She looked over and shook her head. "Get out the fire escape. I'll be fine." I hesitated and she glared at me. "Get out now." I went over to the window but didn't go out yet. The door pounded louder and the wood burst. Creatures flooded into the room. Creatures I had never seen before; they were wearing cloaks and when one parried the dagger from my mother he glanced my way, his hood falling off.

With one glimpse at his face I was frozen at the spot. His eyes were pure black, his skin ashy white. He bared his small, sharp, yellow teeth at me and seemed to breathe in my scent through these odd gill-like things on his face. He lunged for me and my mother jumped towards him and stabbed him in the back. He blew into dust, but not the golden dust I had come to enjoy seeing when I vanquished a usual monster, an ashy grey that blew away in a second.

Another creature raced from behind her and sliced her arm. Blood flowed onto the ground and rage overcame me. I dashed out into the fight and sliced through the creature that had hit my mom and it burst into dust along with a few others. Suddenly a weird sensation came over me and I felt as if my body were being encased in something, something both burning hot and ice cold at the same time. My heart began to race faster and I looked down at my body. I wasn't moving at all, but my legs seemed far away and my arms were going numb.

My mom looked at me and cursed. "Not now, anytime but now." She sliced through three creatures before shoving back towards my room with all her force. I stumbled into a wall, not being about to move my legs on my own accord. Riptide fell from my grasp and onto the floor. "Percy, get the chest and get out. You've got to clear your head."

I tried to think clearly, but my head got only more muddled as I saw her getting attacked from three sides trying to defend me. "Mom!" I cry. With the feeling in my body coming back slowly, I pick up Riptide from the ground and get ready to charge again. She slowly backed up to me while still fighting.

"Percy, you need to get out. I can hold them off long enough for you to get out, but you won't have enough time if you keep on fighting with me." She shouted before jumping back to fight the creatures that kept on coming from the door. I hesitated for a moment more, not wanting to leave her, but then flew to the window getting the backpack from the floor on the way there. I paused with one foot out. She glanced over at me for a moment to see if I was gone and our eyes met.

My eyes shifted to behind her, a creature had snuck up on her, and I screamed. "Look out!" A blade came through her stomach and out her back. Her last words died in her mouth and without hesitation I leapt out the fire escape, my legs moving faster than I thought they ever could. I didn't want to see her burst into the golden dust again, or worse, that terrible grey ash those creatures were turning into.

Once I was halfway down the escape, I saw a couple more of these creatures on the ground, tattoos gleaming in the street lights and with the burning rock in my pocket; I decided to travel by rooftop.

I threw the backpack ahead of me and then jumped onto the rooftop next to the building. My shoulder hit wrong and I staggered for a moment before regaining my balance and running across the rooftops. I ran for I don't know how long, putting as much distance between them and me as I possibly could. I stopped at the bus station, barely out of breath, and the burning from the rock in my pocket had subsided.

After getting some strange glances from the adults walking at this time of night, being in a t-shirt and jeans in the middle of the cool night carrying a large backpack, I realized that I had to get out the public eye before someone recognized me from any of the multiple times I had gotten myself into trouble and gotten on TV. No matter what Chiron said about the Mist, I was sure that some people could still make the connection.

I sat on a park bench near the bus station, I had about 20 minutes to survive before the next bus came that would take me to near Camp Half-Blood, it was the only place I could think to go. I unzipped my bag and stared at the chest. What was so special about it that my mom wanted protected? I pulled the chest out only a little bit as to hide it from any walkers and looked at the lock.

How was I supposed to open this thing?


(A/N: This took me forever to write because I somehow completely forgot what happened in the books so I had to reread them. The original idea came from Bookdancer(I hoped you liked it :) )

If you find any errors that aren't correct with the book please feel free to correct me. I appreciate all reviews and suggestions that you may have. I hope you enjoyed!)

A/N: Edited 5-26-15