Hi! This is a kinda new type of story that I have developed myself. It centers around two (or more, but here are two) viewpoints, describing the plot itself by telling the reader of the character's thoughts and feelings at a certain moment in time. So its kinda a diary-type story. And as people write about a paragraph or two at most in their diaries, this story will be the same - a kind of drabble, if you will. Enjoy!

Part One

On the 14th of December 1991, right in the magical grounds of Hogwarts, there sat a young twelve year old girl. A muggle-born first-year Gryff. She was quiet, almost mute. The only sound that was heard was the moving of pages. She was reading and nothing could disturb her right now. No one dared to, anyway. From her first day at her new school, she was labeled a know-it-all and even the weird people wouldn't hang out with her. She was very lonely.


On the 14th of December 1991, right in the magical library of Hogwarts, there sat a young thirteen year old boy. A half-blood third year Slytherin. He was looking right out the window at the little girl who was reading a book. She looked lonely. Just like him. Maybe he could approach her someday and make her company? Would they be considered friends then?