Edward's POV

I have to be the luckiest creature on this earth. I have everything I have ever wanted. I have two fabulous parents, four fantastic siblings and the love of my life. I don't what I would do without any of them now that I have them. I spent so long without someone to complete me but now that I have her I can't and will not give her up.

I was so relieved that Bella fit in with us. I was so scared I was going to have to choose. I of course would have picked her but that would have been hard leaving them. For the longest time I was so upset that the world would let me fall in love with a human. I didn't understand why my mate had to be a human someone who didn't know our secrets and would make it so hard for me. I took a whole week after I met her to think about what to do about this and I'm so happy of the decision I made.

Bella is the best person for me. She completes me and our family. She is the missing piece that make us complete. She has something to offer each one of us. She is so loving and caring. She just brings so much happiness to the house. I just don't know what I would do without her with me.

Earlier was such a good example of the happiness she brings this family. Oh I wish I would have gotten that on tape. It was so funny to see them act like that. Both boys seemed so relaxed and were having so much fun with her. I know Alice is younger then Emmett but she doesn't really need him to protect her the way Bella does. Alice is a very independent person and doesn't let anything get in her way and rose if you mess with her she is ion a mood for quite some time and takes time for her to get over it. Bella on the other hand is like the perfect little sister for them. She is easy to tease but also doesn't stay mad long. She also needs to be protected and loved.

Now with being with the love of my life in our meadow all alone just enjoying being with each other is so comforting. We have been here for over an hour and the sun is just setting. Oh how wonderful it is to watch such a beautiful part of nature with the person you love.

I hear Bella scream shocking me making me jump to my feet ready to attack whatever is after her. I see Emmett and jasper are now on the ground laughing their heads off and Bella is hitting them with what she could find on the ground.

"oh Bellsy you should of say your face and boy Edward you were so much in la-la land you didn't even hear us coming" Emmett continues to laugh

"Ha-ha so funny Em, you almost gave me a heart attack." Bella told him

"I did not you are fine"

"Yeh yeh whatever, why are you here anyways?" Bella asked him

"To get you two duh" Emmett says

"And why would this be. Me and Bella were enjoying some time to ourselves" I informed them

"Yeh but the problem is you have her all the time. We gave you over an hour with her now it's our turn. Anyways the girls want to play some game they found online." Jasper speaks up

"Game? What does this GAME involve?" I asked them

"Can't tell you that, they told us to go get you two and they would explain it when we got back now come on." Emmett says grabbing Bella and going toward the house

"Emmett don't do anything stupid she IS breakable." I yell running after him

"Yeh yeh I'm not stupid…. Don't comment on that" Emmett yells back

"Just give her to me I don't know if I can trust you."

"Oh Edward just let him carry her. He cares about her he won't hurt her." Jasper says from beside me

"Fine whatever but if she even has a scratch he will be…."

"Let me guess you will rip him to shreds. We know Edward. You say this all the time. Man you need to calm down she is human but she is not glass. She is a lot more durable then you act like she is. Just calm down for once." Jasper exclaims

"Ok I get it I will calm down she is just so important to me." I explained

"We care about her too. Sometime I think you forget that. We will do anything for her just like you would. She is important to all of us. We all want to spend so time with her as well. You need to stop taking all of her time all the time. I understand you are her mate but Alice does things with Rose, Esme all of you. We miss you too Edward. Just think about it" jasper tells me running inside leaving me right outside to think about what he had just said.

I do understand that care about her. But I guess I didn't really think about how much time I was spending with Bella. To be honest they have been very patience with me. Now that I do think about it I have spent a lot of time with her. I never really thought that they would want time with her too. I could give them some time with her. I bet Bella would enjoy that too she seems to have formed a bond with everyone and would love some time with them.

I guess I could spend some of this week with the others like I used to before Bella. I will have to take with Bella and her what she thinks about this. She might not like this plan but she also may love the idea. It would be easier to just get the family together for a family meeting and see what everyone thinks that way everyone has the fair chance to say their piece and would make it so much easier and less complete to get it all planned out.

I walked inside and Alice was already on it. The whole family was around the table waiting for me.

"Come on Edward we are waiting for you" Alice says snapping me out of my daze

I sat down and presented my case

"It has been brought to my attention that I have spent a little too much time with Bella"

"A little try a lot" Emmett interjected

"Ok fine a lot. So I think we should come up with some plan so everyone get some time with her." I explained

"Yeh should good to us" they all said

"Well good then everyone can one day with her." I proposed

"Well me and rose want two days with her." Alice says

"Oh no way that is not fair" Emmett protested

"me and rose each are using our day together so we both have two days to shop and do other girl stuff." Alice tells him

"Fine them me and jasper are going to have two days with her too then" Emmett demands

"Well I don't care as long as I get my two day then I'm happy." Alice says

"Umm does this me no time with Edward?" Bella asks

"Well no but we do want some time with you Bella." Jasper explains

"Yeh I would like too but I was thinking. I could spend my two days with the girls then a day with Edward then my two days with you guesses then a day with Edward then finally some time with Carlisle and Esme. How does that sound?" Bella proposes

"Yeh would work. Edward you can go hunting with the boys and spend a day with Bella before you spend some time with Carlisle and Esme doing whatever you choose. When you get back you can spends another day with Bella them you can spend some time with me and rose." Alice says

"Alice that sounds all nice and I don't want to ruin your plans but I wanted a day with Bella alone" rose says

"Really rose?" Bella asks

"Yeh I wanted to help you upgrade that truck of yours. That way you can keep it longer and Edward will get off your back if it no longer is a death trap. We could buy paint if you wanted to and any details for the car." Rose explained

"Yeh I did too" Jasper says

"Ok we will get to have some time with Bella" Carlisle says trying to keep everyone calm

"But will we get time alone with her?" rose asks

"yes this week we will do as planned then we will all get some time with her just us and her ok so everyone calm down" Carlisle says

"Can we have a day all together this week we do have an extra few days" Bella asks

"That's a very good idea Bella" Carlisle says

"Ok so starting tomorrow Alice and rose have Bella for two days." I say

"So what do we do now?" Bella asks

Emmett and jasper look at Bella. She looks at them before slowly getting up and grabbing the nearest person to her. That person happened to be Alice.

"Hey we still have to my game" Alice informs us

"Ok ok fine how do you play?" we ask her

"Ok so you write a 25 names of random things on some cards and flip them so you can't see them. Everyone picks on without looking at it and tapes it to their forehead and everyone else has to act the thing out that is on the other peoples forehead and you have to guess what you card says." Alice explains

Everyone agreed and wrote down 25 terms each. Esme shuffled them all up and we all put on our foreheads. We ended up playing till all the cards were gone. It was so much fun. I figured the game was going to be really dumb but to admit I had lots of fun. It seemed everyone did. We were now watching a movie or more like everyone but Bella was. She was fast asleep

To be honest I am a little jealous of the boys right now. They demanded she sit by them this time and she agreed after they pester her for ten minutes. Now she is resting her head on jasper lap her legs resting on Emmett lap with a blanket covering her. I really want to take her from them but that would be uncalled for and would make Bella upset at me along with the boys. I have to wait three days from this moment to see her this is going to be so hard sharing g her.

Each chapter will be Bella's time with each of them unless otherwise stated. In that case there will be part one and then part two if this happens. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will review the story. I have many followers so I know how many review I should be getting plus I can see who has read the story and doesn't review even if you don't follow the story. Please just review. If I get ten reviews I will put another chapter up next week. If not I will be at least till after break.