Slayer 1/2

Disclaimer: I don't own nothing.

Author's Note: This is a story that I actually started back in high school and then found again later. I decided to edit it and maybe finish the story. I hope everyone likes this and let me know what you think. If anyone sees anything I missed in editing please let me know.

Also as a side note for those that don't know, the Slayerettes is a name Willow once used for their little group, before they started going by the Scoobies. I wrote this before the Scooby name stuck.

For the Buffy story line I take over right after the episode "Enemies." Where they find out which side Faith is really on.

Part 1: One Dies the Next is Called.

All lights besides one were out in the Sunnydale City Hall building. Two figures moved stealthily from shadow to shadow in the darkened park across the street. Each moved with a predatory grace that normal humans could never hope to obtain. Both figures detached themselves from the darkness for an instant only to melt into the shadow of a big oak tree. There they waited, both knowing that their prey that had entered the building a short while ago would have to pass by their hiding place when she left.

Each figure wrestled with what they were about to do. They both knew that it couldn't be helped, and that it must be done but neither liked the idea very much. Buffy Summers couldn't believe what she was about to do. Less than two years ago she wouldn't have even thought of seriously hurting another human being let alone killing one. But Faith had left them with no other options. Over the last month since she had revealed that she had switched sides she had made their lives a living hell. She had broken Giles ribs; nearly killed both Xander and Oz by locking them in a burning tool shed out behind Sunnydale High; tied Angel to a cross, the burn marks still haven't healed all the way; and finely the last straw Buffy could take she had thrown Willow out a four story window. Luckily a newly restored Amy had been mixed up in that mess and the two witches acted quickly casting a spell that slowed Willow's fall.

Willow still suffered a broken arm from the fall and Faith put Amy in the hospital before Angel and Buffy could chase her off. Amy still hadn't woken up, the doctors weren't sure she would. Buffy wasn't going to let it happen to someone else.

Buffy's thoughts were interrupted as a car pulled up to City Hall. When Buffy recognized the driver she had to fight to control the urge to let the dagger in her hand fly at the back of his head. The only thing that stopped her was that it wouldn't have done any good. Mayor Wilkins couldn't be killed that way, or hurt at all so far as they knew. No matter what Buffy planned to find a way to kill him, for what he is, for what he does, and what he has driven her to do.

Wilkins walked into the building whistling the tune from the Brady Bunch. His mock family values just added to Buffy's hatred for the creature.

Buffy noticed the worried look Angel was giving her from where he hid. She gave him a reassuring smile that she was sure he wouldn't buy. Everybody knew that what they were about to do bothered her. None of the Slayerettes liked this plan, except Xander who seemed to be out for blood, but all knew that at this point they had no choice. There was no way Faith could stand up to both Buffy and Angel, and if it looked like she might actually be able to, Angel had brought a colt 45 that he claimed was a gift from Wild Bill Hitchcock himself. The gun was neatly hid under his jacket.

Buffy felt weird about using it on a fellow Slayer, so she and Angel decided to give Faith a fighting chance. Buffy had almost laughed out loud when the thought came to her; she figured that maybe being the Slayer had finely driven her over the deep end. But then she figured that if she was over the deep end Faith was at the bottom of the pit.

Suddenly the night was filled with a deafening explosion of sound and blinding light that left tracers in both Buffy and Angel's vision. Almost instantaneously a second roar of sound and fury slammed into them sending them flying to land hard on their backs. Buffy pushed the pain aside and dragged herself back to her feet. Her eyes flew wide with surprise. Where the Sunnydale City Hall building had stood only seconds before was now nothing more than ash and fire. The whole five story building had been reduced to nothing in a split second. Flaming debris fell slowly to the ground adding an even more surrealness to the whole seen.

Angel heard sirens in the distance. Time for him and Buffy to make their exit. He grabbed Buffy's hand shaking her out of her surprised state. "Guess someone else had the same idea. Only on a bigger scale," he said as he helped Buffy escape into the night.


"So what are the cops calling this one," Oz said in his laid back way, "Another Gang on PCP."

"A gas explosion," Giles said as he removed his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. It had been two days since City Hall blew up and the Slayerettes decided that now was the safest time to investigate.

"If this was a gas explosion I can kick Buffy's ass," Xander replied sarcastically.

"Well it wasn't magic," Willow said as she extended her mystic senses. Her abilities had grown in leaps and bounds over the last month. She figured it was because of the considerable amount of danger she was in on a daily basis since Faith turned. The cast on her right arm was reminder of that. "Magic strong enough to cause this I would be able to feel from my house across town."

"Then what could have caused this?" Giles asked. "And more importantly what became of the Mayor and Faith?" Giles had a feeling that he wouldn't like the answer. He noticed that Xander had wondered away from where the group was examining the destruction of City Hall. The young man was pulling something out of a nearby tree. "Xander what is it?"

"I've found the cause of the explosion," he said as he finished fishing a small medal object out of the tree. "It was plastic explosive."

"How do you know?"

"Because G-man," Xander said with a cocky smile, "I've found a piece of the trigger mechanism." Xander said holding up the object one of his cockiest smiles on his lips.

"Are you positive?" Giles asked as him and the rest of the group walked up to examine the small burnt object Xander held.

"Yep," Xander said holding the object up so everyone could see. "This little baby is part of a remote trigger that the Sunnydale Armory has in stock designed for plastic explosives." Xander said very pleased with himself.

"By what is left, or should I say isn't left of City Hall. It have to be something as strong as C-4." Giles actually found he was glad for the chaos spell that Ethan had cast on Halloween. If it wasn't for it Xander wouldn't have gained his extensive military knowledge. This was the second time Giles could remember that it had helped solved part of the problem. But the big question still hadn't been answered. Who had blown up City hall, and did Faith and the Mayor survive?

The Watcher's thoughts were interrupted as Joyce Summers's suburban pulled up to the group. Joyce and Buffy stepped out and Giles could tell that something was bothering both of them. Buffy had a confused look on her face and Joyce's eyes were troubled.

"The Council called my house," Buffy announced solemnly as she came up to the group. "They tried to reach you at your house and the library first then tried my house last." Giles could fill the mix of emotions in the Slayer.

"The next Slayer has been called."

The Librarian slash occult specialist could feel the strange mix of emotions that this statement caused. Faith, the trouble and dangerous girl who had at one point been both friend and then deadly enemy, was gone. Now like it had done for a millennium the next girl in line to defend the world from the forces of darkness was receiving the dreams of the past Slayers. He sent a silent prayer to whoever would listen that this girl turned out to be stronger than the tragic girl she was replacing. She was going to need it.

: :from here on anything in * is English things in are Chinese

Willow, Oz, and Xander set under a tree eating their lunch and could feel every eye on them. They were all use to people gossiping about them. The weirdness that surrounded them during their activities as Slayerettes caused that a lot, but seeing how they were all born and raised in Sunnydale they had never before now been the new kids in school.

That was not the case now. Today was their first day at Furinkan High. Add to the fact that they were also the only Americans in the school made a perfect recipe for nervousness.

*So where's Buffy?* Xander asked in English.

"Xander speak Japanese remember," Willow said in flawless Japanese. "We still need practice." Xander smiled. Willow had done such a good job teaching all of them Japanese that the only one of the group that needed practice was him, but Willow didn't hold it over him. She was a good teacher.

"Ok where is Buffy?" Xander asked again in accented Japanese.

The red head smiled one of her bright smiles, and Xander felt the passion that had seized both of them awhile back rush through him like grease lightning. He didn't let it show on his face. "She had gym," Willow said smile still in place. "She probably still changing."

Xander was about to make a snide remark about the school uniforms when a very familiar famine voice was heard shouting in very angry English. *Come back here you little pervert!* Buffy roared. She sounded pissed. The three Slayerettes were on their feet in an instant, bodies tensed for danger. They expected to see a monster or a demon of some kind.

What they saw was mob of angry Japanese schoolgirls all in their gym clothes chasing a three foot tall old man with a bag bigger than he was tied to his back and a cloth tied around his face like a mask. Buffy was in the lead and gaining on the speedy little man. *Guys stop him,* Buffy shouted.

Oz and Xander rushed forward making a tackling dive at the little man neither heisting to follow Buffy's order. Doing so had saved their lives more than a few occasions. At the last moment the little man seemed to launch himself into the air out of reach of the two boys. "Nice try punks," he taunted as he dropped a softball size ball between the two Slayerettes.

Oz's eyes went wide and a hissing sound came to Xander's ears. *Xander move!* Oz shouted at the same time that Xander noticed the reason why. The ball wasn't a ball at all. It had a fuse and it was burning down. Both Slayerettes made flying leaps in opposite directions just as the firecracker like bomb went off knocking them hard on their faces. Now even calm collected Oz was seriously pissed off. Too bad the little man had made another one of those crazy leaps over the fence and escaped.

"What was that all about?" Xander said as Buffy and the rest of her gym class came running up.

"That little freak stole our underwear again!" One of Buffy's classmates exclaimed angry.

"Again?" the three Americans exclaimed in unison.

"Yeah, he makes a try at least once a day, and he steals them off of clothes lines all around town." Another of the girls said.

Xander could feel a headache coming on. Great they just moved to somewhere weirder than the Hellmouth. Welcome to Nerima he thought bitterly.


After a quick change Buffy and the rest of the Slayerettes found themselves under the same tree as before as they finished their lunch. Now Buffy could feel the eyes. Luckily she was still too pissed at the moment to really care.

"Interesting first day huh?" Oz said as he finished signing his name in Japanese next to where he had signed it in English on Willow's cast. Xander already noticed that some of the Japanese students had already signed it.

"Better than my first day at Sunnydale high," Buffy said as she struggled with the chopsticks trying to eat her meal. It was embarrassing with her coordination she could catch a thrown dagger out of midair between her two fingers but simple chopsticks were proving too difficult for her. "At least this time we haven't met any horrible monsters like I did."

"Cordelia?" Willow asked.

"Yep," Buffy said with a smile. "So what time are we supposed to go meet the next Slayer's new Watcher?" Buffy asked as she dropped a piece of food back down in her plate.

" Just after the sun sets we're to have dinner with her at her restaurant." Willow answered admiring Oz's name on her cast.

"I for one am worried about what they serve there?" said Xander.

"What do you mean?" Buffy asked noticing the Slayerette's mischievous smile.

"Giles said the name of the place is the Cat Cafe."

"Ewe." Buffy and Willow both exclaimed. Oz just made a meowing sound.


Angel mentally kicked himself for staying at the park so long. He was already twenty minutes late for the meeting with the next Slayer's Watcher, but while crossing this park he had noticed the pink roses someone had planted. They were the same kind his mother use to plant when he was a boy, and he found himself setting there remembering. He and his mother would tend the garden. It was their special time, and now one of the few happy thoughts he allowed himself. If the Watcher hadn't insisted that he be there he would have stayed there all night.

Angel was in about the middle of the park when he noticed the trio heading for a shadowed area. The man was large, muscular, and very drunk. He reeked of cheap sake and even cheaper whisky. But he wasn't what had caught Angel's attrition. It was the two girls half walking half dragging him.

They appeared to be about Buffy's age. They both wore black and white schoolgirl uniforms that where made too short to show off more skin than was intended. But that wasn't what had made Angel notice them. The fact that they drew no breath and their hearts didn't beat is what he had noticed. The fact that they were his kind.


Angel fell into step behind them becoming one with the shadows undetectable even to the other vampires supernatural senses. The two females lead the drunk to a clearing where there stood two more vampires both male.

Both males appeared to be in their late teens, in truth one was maybe twenty-two or twenty-three years of age as were the two girls. The tallest one was the oldest and Angel figured for the leader. He was maybe a hundred years older than Angel if Angel guessed right.

"So you've brought dinner," the leader said with a smile as the other male walked up to the drunk and knocked him flat on his back with a savage back hand. The drunk let a soft moan escape his lips before falling into unconscious.

"I hate when they wine for their lives," he replied at his leader's raised eyebrow and amused grin. His grin vanished a second later as a hard kick to the middle of his back slammed him down.

"Hello there," a calm voice spoke from the shadows. The four vampires looked up to see a gaijin vampire in a dark jacket. He was hansom by either human or vampire standards, but there was something in the sadness in his eyes that unnerved even Hensu the leader of their little band and a five hundred year old vampire that claimed nothing could scare him. "I'm new in town," the gaijin said as he pulled out a wooden stake from under his jacket. "Name's Angel."

All four vampires were visibly shaken now. They had heard of him. Angel the Traitor he was called by some. It was said he fought side by side with the Slayer, and that he had spent a hundred years in hell itself. No matter what the stories about him differed all agreed on one thing. He was dangerous on a level few vampires even three times his age could match. "Kill him," Hensu shouted as he flipped to his feet his vampire features melting into place. The three young ones rushed the lone figure.


Ryoga was feeling even more angry, depressed, and confused than he could ever remember feeling before. Like most times in his life he felt it was due to Ranma, but unlike most times it couldn't bring himself to take his frustrations out on Saotome's hide. Ryoga's mind roamed back to earlier in the evening at the event that had brought him to his current state of mind.

He had been in his cursed form lying down in Akane's arms as she took an afternoon nap. She had been working on some homework when she had fallen asleep cuddling her loving pet. Ryoga had noticed that she was tossing and turning even more than usual and muttering something. Ryoga could feel the fear coming off her unconscious form. He thought of waking her up. He knew from experience when she was having nightmares, which she had been having a great deal of lately, and this one seemed to be one the worst.

Suddenly Akane set straight up an incoherent shriek escaping her lips. She bolted out the door fear written all over her face. P-Chan was in hot pursuit worried oinks following both of them down the hall.

Ranma was in the dojo running though a kata when Akane burst in tears flowing from her eyes. Ranma was even more started when Akane crashed into him wrapping him into a fierce hug. Ranma was about to say something when he saw Akane's eyes. They were filled with more terror than Ranma had ever seen on anyone's face in his entire life. He had seen her scared before, but nothing like this. He was so surprised that he just stood there awkwardly while she clung to him. "Ranma, something bad is coming," her words were a whisper. Ranma had never heard this uncute tomboy sound so small and scared.

The two were so caught up in their awkward moment that neither of them noticed a little black piglet heading for the bathrooms. After Ryoga had changed back to himself he had tried to find a way back to the dojo sure that all this was Ranma's fault somehow, but of course he as usual got lost. Now he found himself in the middle of some woods (actually a city park about two blocks from the Tendo Dojo) brooding.

His life sucked he decide, a second latter a woman's shriek of rage and despair filled the night. Ryoga was on his feet in an instant running in the direction he thought it came from (for once he was right). Ryoga knew that whatever was occurring was probably none of his business, but he needed to release some of his pent up anger and he figured who ever had made the girl scream would make as good a punching bag as anyone, except Ranma.


Angel lifted the last vampire, one of the female fledglings, off the ground by her throat. The fight had been surprisingly easy. The one he thought would give him some trouble was the leader. Him being the oldest among this small group, but he had been the first one dusted. One of the females, maybe the one he held in his hand he wasn't sure, had let out a shriek of grief and outrage. Angel figured she and the leader most have been an item. At that time the drunk had come around and saw three vampires locked in combat. Angel could smell him piss himself before he fled into the night.

Angel raised his free arm aiming the stake for the killing stroke. A movement of something yellow and black drawn Angel's attention a second before it cut deep into his arm that held the female vampire as it shot pass him. With a shout of pain Angel dropped her. "Release the girl, NOW!" an angry voice roared.

Angel looked expecting another vampire, one of this little group that for some reason had decide to hunt alone tonight. The person he saw had fangs but he wasn't a vampire he was human, and a young one at that. He was very muscular, and was dressed like he was on some kind of camping trip. The very large backpack he was removing from his back also added to that idea. His fighting stance screamed martial artist, and if Angel was any judge, and with a few centuries of experience he was, the boy was good. His choice of weapons was a little strange, a old fashion umbrella he held in a sword fighters stance. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into boy," Angel said adding as much menace to his voice as possible.

"You don't scare me monster," the boy said defiantly, Angel had forgotten that his vampire face was in place and the female's wasn't. The boy thought him to be the bad guy. Angel looked closely at the boy's eyes. He had lied, he was scared, but he was holding it in very well. Angel didn't want to hurt this boy, after all he was doing what was right, maybe he could scare him off.

"Don't make me hurt you," Angel said letting a bestial growl escape his lips. Angel saw that the female was slowly starting to inch away from him. Angel wondered if he could stake her before the boy could close the distance between them. The boy most have figured out Angel's plan because an unbelievably heavy red umbrella was slammed into Angel's face knocking him off his feet. The boy had thrown it like a javelin, with expert aim.

"Run," the boy shouted to the girl as he made an powerful leap in the air closing the distance between him and Angel bringing himself into hand to hand combat range. The kick caught Angel in the jaw as he had flipped back to his feet. The kick almost knocked him back to the ground. The boy didn't give him time to recover as he started to rain kicks and punches down on him in a savage and skillful attack. Angel blocked most of the blows but a few got threw and the strength of them surprised vampire. This guy was at least as strong as he was. A blow connected solidly to his stomach making him stumble back from the force. He may be stronger actually, he added mentally.

Angel saw the smiling face of the last vampire as she escaped into the night. Angel snarled as he slammed a powerful punch to the boy's gut holding nothing back. The boy doubled over and landed hard on his face. "Do you have any idea what you just did?" Angel growled now very angry. The boy's response was to punch his index finger down into the ground somehow causing the ground where he struck to explode upward. Bits of ground and rock rammed into Angel knocking him hard on his back. The burns that Faith had given him when she tied him to a cross shot pain though nearly every fiber of his body.

Angel pulled himself to his feet just as the dust cleared. The boy had gotten back to his feet as well and had retrieved his umbrella off the ground. "Don't you dare underestimate me beast," the words were filled with rage as the boy bared his own set of fangs. Angel saw the fear that was in his eyes be chased away by pride and a deep hatred.

Angel wondered if maybe the boy had lost someone to vampires before. "My name is Ryoga Hibiki and I'm going to send you back to hell Dark Blood."

Dark Blood, the souled vampire thought. Why does that sound familiar.

Ryoga attacked swinging his umbrella at Angel's head in an attempt to crack open his skull. Angel ducked the attack and landed a solid uppercut to his jaw. Ryoga rolled with the punch delivered a spinning back fist to Angel's jaw. Angel danced out of a jab of Ryoga's umbrella. Soon Angel found himself on the defensive trying to avoid Ryoga's club heavy umbrella as Ryoga attacked him with a berserker look in his eyes.

Angel needed to relieve him of his umbrella. Ryoga made a stabbing move aimed at Angel's middle and Angel saw his opportunity. He grabbed onto the umbrella and put all his enhanced strength into a powerful pull as he yanked the weapon out of Ryoga's hands. Ryoga was off balance and Angel wasn't about to give this dangerous young man a chance to regain his balance. Using the umbrella like a baseball bat he swung it into Ryoga's side lifting the boy off his feet to land a few yards away from Angel.

Angel's face melted back into human form as worry shot through him. He hadn't meant to hit this Ryoga guy that hard. Ryoga had landed some solid blows to some of the burns on his back and arms with his umbrella and his whole body was practically tingling with pain every time he moved. And it had caused him to overreact.

When the boy painfully pulled himself back up to his feet, a little weak on his feet but otherwise unharmed, He let out a sigh of relief. A habit he still had from when he lived.

Angel hopped that maybe the fight had been knocked out of him. He knew demons that wouldn't have any fight in them after a blow like that. He wasn't even sure he would after taking that hard a hit. The hope was shattered as the boy brought his hands up in front him in what Angel guessed was a martial arts stance of some kind. Despite all that he had been though, and what he was, it still surprised him when a sphere of blue light began to form in the space between the boy's hands. Was this kid some kind of magic user?

"DIE DARK BLOOD SHISHI HOKOUDAN!" Ryoga roared out as he thrust his hands out towards Angel. The ki blast slammed into Angel knocking him against a nearby tree indenting him in it about two inches. The blast subsided and Angel landed flat on his face unconscious. Ryoga stood for a second a fanged grin on his face before the hard fight and release of that much ki took its toll and he collapsed face first to the ground also unconscious.


*Shampoo never thought she meet real Slayer,* the blue haired amazon said in broken English. Buffy smiled nervously. Someone she didn't know knowing her secret kind of bothered her. *Slayer is legend to Amazons," Shampoo said as she put a bowl of hot Raman noodles in front of Buffy and each of the Slayerettes.

*The whole tribe knows about Slayers?* Willow asked surprised. She didn't think the Council would stand for something like that.

*Yes,* Cologne answered as she bounced in on her large staff. Buffy wondered for probably the tenth time in about as many minutes how she could keep her balance like that. *Ming Ping, my first Slayer, was of royal blood. The secret couldn't be kept from the rest of the village. But keeping the secret from the outside world is one of the Amazon's most sacred laws. Since Ming was called any Slayer is a Amazon by our laws. She is considered a member of the royal house.*

Buffy nearly choked on her Ramman. *W-what?* she stammered.

Cologne laugh was filled with a kind of childish mischief. *Don't worry you want be called to rule,* she replied with a winkled smile. *But it does give you leave to call upon the warriors of Jusenkyo for aid when needed.*

*Cool Buff you're like a princess or something,* Xander said as he scarfed down some more ramen that the very attractive amazon girl had handed him. With Willow, Buffy, and now this very beautiful blue haired girl in the same room Xander was having trouble following the conversation.

Joyce Summers finished showing Giles how to use the chopsticks properly and then noticed the time on the clock on the wall. *Shouldn't Angel have been here by now?* she asked. She had gotten to know the vampire with a soul a lot more over the last few months and found that he cared for her daughter almost as much as she did. She knew he would die for her, and protect her, and from a fight she saw him get in with what Giles had told her was a chaos demon she knew he could do it better than anyone in the room. So Joyce had made it a habit of keeping tabs on him. She liked to have the vampire near to help if her daughter needed him.

*Maybe he had trouble getting his "supplies" though customs,* Oz offered. Angel had gone to get the blood the Council had arranged to be sent to him until he could find a source here in Nermia.

*It will be interesting to see Angelus again. This time not as a enemy,* Cologne said as she calmly eat her noodles. The room fell silent.

"Aiyeah great-grandmother you know vampire with soul?" Shampoo said unconsciously switching to Japanese, prof that she was growing use to life in Japan.

*Yes I do,* Colognes said. *I met him before his soul was returned to him. Him and his sire, I believe her name was Darla, had made a trip to China shortly after she had brought him across. He was a vicious fighter then. I hope that since he is on our side now he still is.*

*That-that's not possible,* Willow stammered. *Angel's something like two hundred and fifty years old.*

*Well, ah, didn't I mention? Ms. Cologne is around three hundred years old.* Giles stammered not wanting the others to know this information at first because he wanted them to trust Cologne. The kids had a tendency not to trust people that were as old as the Amazon leader.

*How?* Buffy's mother asked fascinated. Angel was the only person she had meet face to face that had lived that long, and he was actually dead, so that may not count.

*Clean living,* Cologne answered with a smile. Before the elder Amazon was bombard with questions the sound of something falling hard in front of the Cat Cafe could be heard. A barely audible moan came next. *What was that?* Cologne asked as the group moved to the sliding door.

Cologne smiled to herself as the foreigners all pulled out a stake, holy water, or a cross of some kind. She quickly sized each up. Buffy of course was the most farmable. What was surprising was that each of the teenage boys also seemed to be fighters. They weren't martial artist of any kind but they carried themselves like brawlers, as did Giles despite his bookish manner. Cologne saw on him a body that long ago got use to violence in its bases nature.

Buffy's mother and Willow both had almost no skill in hand to hand combat, but Cologne noticed that they both held crosses and bottles of holy water. She smiled in approval. It seemed they knew that they weren't fighters but they still found a way to aid in battle. They picked weapons that would cause damage and allow them to stay out of the fight.

Buffy slid her stake under her sleeve where she could easily draw it and if it was just some wino drunk on the sidewalk they wouldn't see her weapon and ask questions. A second after she slid the door open the stake fell to the ground useless as a scream of fear escaped her lips. *Angel!* Laying in a bleeding and burnt heap on the sidewalk in front of the Cat Cafe was Angel. Buffy thought she saw smoke rise off his body. In his right hand he held a piece of black and yellow cloth.

*Bring him in,* Cologne said more for the invitation he would need to enter the Cat Cafe than an order. The Slayerettes were already in motion to do that before she had even spoke. The Cafe was a public place, but she had put wards against vampires a few weeks back just to be safe. Looks like her life was about to get even more interesting she thought as they led Angel to the spare room. Angel mumbled something about umbrellas and asshole fang boys just before he passed out again.


Ukyo looked down at the wounded boy worry filling her face. She had seen him take on Ranchan many times but he never looked so bruised and battered before. What could have done this to that jackass Ryoga she thought?

When she had heard the faint knock at the door to Ucchan's she at first thought it was just the wind. Then it came a second time followed by a nearly whispered, "Ukyo, help," When she opened the door she expected Ranma, she always expected Ranma when she open the front door, but what she saw was Ryoga. He looked like someone had ran him over with an eighteen wheeler filled with boulders, twice.

He breathed one word, "Monsters," then he collapsed into Ukyo's arms. She managed to drag him to one of the booths and set him down as comfortable as she could, and then called Dr. Tofu.

The Doctor had bandaged him up, and used some pressure points to dull his pain as he set Ryoga's broken ribs which seemed to be his most server wound. Dr. Tofu had told Ukyo that Ryoga had used up a great amount of Ki and was way beyond exhausted. That combined with some server wounds obviously from a hard fight had been what caused Ryoga's current condition.

Dr. Tofu asked her if he could stay here to rest, seeing that the clinic was full now. Ukyo hesitated. She and Ryoga had never gotten along all that well, but when she looked at him unconscious and obviously in pain she couldn't bear the thought of dumping him on someone else. He looked like he might die. Besides she couldn't think of anyplace that Ryoga could stay. Akane would let him stay there but Ranma and Ryoga would get into it in no time, and in his current condition Ryoga could whined up doing permanent damage to his fool self.

Now she found herself placing a pillow under Ryoga's head while he tossed and turned. Something bad was definitely happening she thought. Ryoga mumbled something about demons. Ukyo set down in the chair next to her bed and decided against turning the lights out. For some reason she really didn't want to be in the dark right now.