A/N: Just something that popped into my mind one day and with my friend's help developed into this...hopefully more chapters to come...hope you enjoy...disclaimer...I OWN NOTHING!

"Hello, Hecate. How is that head ache remedy coming along?" Poseidon grumbled as he breathed down the goddess of magic's back. Hecate turned her head and glared at the king of the sea.

"Poseidon, I already told you and Hades that the potion will be ready when it is ready!" She snapped, returning to brew the black cauldron. Poseidon whined.

"Zeus is getting overly annoying by the minute don't you think that you can accelerate the procedure of the potion? I mean, how long does a simple head ache remedy take to brew?" He huffed. Hecate pinched the bridge of her nose and ran a hand through her mud brown hair. Standing up from her spot in the floor in the middle of the throne room she rounded up on Poseidon.

"Look," She snapped. "This potion will not be taking as long as it is now if it were being made by for mere mortal but considering it is being specifically brewed for the 'oh mighty king of the gods' then it has to be prepared carefully and 100 times more potent than the original. Now if you all keep distracting me with you questions as to how long it will take to brew this than the consequences can be catastrophic. Now if Zeus is getting on your nerves than I suggest you invest in earplugs!" And with that Hecate knelled on the floor again and continued to stir. Poseidon humphed and went to take his seat next to his whining younger brother who was holding his head and howling in pain. The rest of the gods were present and had been glaring at their king for the past two hours.

"Well I am out of here," Apollo sighed.

"Sit!" Hades growled from his throne to the other side of Zeus'. "Now,"

"Why do we all have to be present?" Ares grumbled.

"It's the summer solstice for crying out loud, Ares! Are you really that dense?" Athena snapped. Ares began to turn various shades of red by the second. Apollo took his seat again and made a bowl of popcorn appear to enjoy the show. The rest of the Olympians sat forward in their thrones to see the outcome of the little outburst.

Ares and Athena began arguing and soon it turned into an all blow out battle. Ares was attacking the goddess of wisdom with his electric spear while Athena was attacking with various daggers. Zeus kept howling in pain in his throne while Hera seriously contemplated stapling her husband's mouth shut. Soon the fight got boring and the gods began to have quarrels of their own. Poseidon and Hades began arguing who was 'mother's favorite', Hera soon joined saying that obviously it was her. Apollo and Hermes began bothering Artemis because her chiton was above her knees and she has never worn anything that short. Artemis tried ignoring the idiot duo but they soon got overly annoying. Hephaestus was trying to talk to is wife while the lovely Aphrodite ignored him and began checking her makeup on her mirror. Demeter and Persephone were arguing once again about Persephone's choice in husband. Hestia was glaring at Dyonisus as he kept asking her to refill his wine cup, the god was a bit too happy if you know what I mean. Chiron was trying to break the dueling Athena and Ares to no avail. While Hecate tried to work around all the fighting, assuring nothing happened to the potion.

But Hecate's precautions didn't work at all. Ares pushed Athena backwards. The falling goddess tried steadying herself on the closest thing she could find, which so happened to be the boiling cauldron with the potion. The cauldron tipped over, its contents spilling on top of everyone in the room. The room stood in a pregnant silence until the king of the gods slowly stood from his throne and grinned at his family.

"Hecate! You have done it again! My headache is gone!" The now perky Zeus thundered.

"Lord Zeus...the potion is made to be swallowed for it to take effect...I don't know how..." she trailed off looking at Zeus, confusion etched on her face.

"What I don't get is why Hecate does the remedies around here when I am the god of medicine," Apollo grumbled.

"Apollo! That is not important right now!" Athena snapped. "If it is a drinking potion what happens if you get covered with it?" Hecate shrugged as the goddess of wisdom began wiping potion off her face with a towel.

"I have never made a head ache remedy this potent. I have no clue as to what will happen if it makes contact with skin. Plus, it was not even finished." The gods in the room snapped their heads at to stare at her.

"What do you mean not done?" Hades asked.

"It had not been completely brewed so I do not know what will happen now."

"But it is not like...ruin our face face or anything will it?" Aphrodite asked, panic in her voice as she furiously wiped the gray potion off herself. Artemis rolled her eyes.

"Like I said I do not know!" Hecate grumbled tired of all the useless questions.

"Well I feel as good as new and that is all that matters isn't it?" Zeus beamed as he took his seat again. The gods grumbled incoherent thoughts and took their seats too. "Now we can start the solstice."

"Alright! I think we can happily conclude this meeting. I would have the nymphs come and clean all of this up." Zeus thundered as the gods began to leave the room. "Before you all go I have invited Camp to come to dinner." The Olympians stopped and looked back at Zeus who was now engrossed talking to Chiron.

"Is that why he was here?" Ares asked his father, pointing at Chiron.

"Yes well Chiron has told me that the kids feel rejected by their parents once again so I have invited them to come to dinner. I hope you are all present and talk to your children." The gods nodded, confused at Zeus' sudden change of character. Shrugging they retreated to their various activities and began to get ready for dinner.

"Come on everyone! This way!" Percy yelled as he lead them to Olympus' castle. "Try not to stray too far, we don't want to loose anyone! Leo do not touch that!" The son of Poseidon snapped as Leo made an attempt to stick his hand in one of Hestia's various hearths. Shaking his head in disbelief, Percy tried to keep all the young campers out of harms way as he tried to wrestle the Hermes kids out of various stores and kept the Athena kids from starting at the architecture for too long.

After dragging the Stolls out of an ambrosia candy store by their hair, stopping Leo from getting lost in a blacksmith's store, hitting Annabeth upside the head to stop drooling at a statue of the war she had helped construct they finally made it to the castle. Percy fell exhausted on the marble stairs, thinking when in Hades did he turn into the responsible one. It sucked being the leader sometimes. He stood up and faced the faces of the lost campers.

"Alright everyone listen up!" He yelled so all the multitude could hear him. "We're about to go in and have dinner with our parents. I want you all in your best behavior alright?" He asked, staring at the Stolls, who rolled their eyes in return.

"You shouldn't be talking about behavior, Perce," Nico snickered, smirking at his cousin. Running a hand through his messy black hair Percy laughed.

"Okay, okay, you're right. But seriously, try keeping the killing to a minimum." And with those wise words the Demigods entered Olympus.

"Welcome, Demigods!" Zeus thundered, making some of the first year campers flinch and moving closer to their leader, making him chuckle. Percy advanced and bowed to the gods, the other following his example.

"Lord Zeus, thank you for your invitation," Percy said respectfully making his friends snicker at his tone of voice. He glared back at them and their mouths sealed shut under his heated glare.

"A pleasure Perseus, please take a sit, everyone." The campers rushed to get a chair resulting in a couple of curses, pushing, and people falling. Annabeth sighed, there goes a good impression.

"May I sit here?" A voice asked from behind her. Annabeth turned and was met by her mother's kind face.

"Mom! Uhmm...sure," Annabeth said, giving Percy an apologetic smile. Percy replied with a shrug and scooted to his left to make room for his mother-in-law. Nico pushed Percy off him as they tried to all fit comfortably on their side of the table.

"Percy! My boy how are you?" Poseidon boomed enveloping his son in a bear hug. Percy gasped for air and then hugged his father back.

"I'm great dad and you?"

"Same as always son." Poseidon set his son down and conjured up a chair. "Owl head, move over would you," Poseidon shoved his all time enemy over and sat next to Percy, squishing his son closer to a frowning son of Hades.

"Last time I sit close to you two," Nico grumbled as he pushed Percy off his lap once again. Someone cleared their throat and turning Nico was met by the sight of his father holding a chair. Face palming himself, the Prince of the Underworld pushed his cousin and made a pouting face at Thalia who was smirking at him from across the table.

Dinner was uneventful. Athena and Poseidon only tried to kill each other a handful of times. Random fires had to be put out in various of the tables where some demigods got a little too carried away in their conversations. All in all, it was a very lovely dinner. And then desert time came.

Zeus stood up to say some words, but the king of the gods clutched his head and fell on the floor. The other gods were about to rush to his side when they felt sharp pains in their head.

"Dad! Dad!" Percy yelled supporting his father's weight. Looking around he found the other gods in the same state as Poseidon while demigods tried to sit them down. "Apollo cabin! Check them!" Will came rushing next to Percy and checked the god while his siblings did the same. 'What's the verdict?" Will ran a nervous hand through his hair and locked eyes with Percy. "What is it, Will? Spit it out!"

"I don't know!" Will sighed, frustrated. "I can't detect anything wrong with them."

"What do you mean by that? There is obviously something wrong with them! Look they are shivering and having spasms!" Annabeth yelled, in the brick of panic.

"Look, I checked them, thoroughly. If there was something wrong with them then there would have been some type of light emitting from their bodies when I ran my hand over them but there is none." Will sighed.

"Percy, what should we do?" Thalia asked glancing up at her cousin from her spot on the floor next to her father. Percy began pacing, motioning with his hand for all to give him a second. The demigods began fidgeting in their seats and where they were standing as they witnessed their leader having an interior conflict with himself. Stopping abruptly, Percy huffed and nodded.

"Alright! All head counselors front and center! The rest please go back to camp with Chiron. Chiron can you-" Percy turned looking for his teacher as the head counselors approached him. "Chiron?" There was no response from the centaur.

The demigods all began looking but soon found no tracks of the horse.

"I swear he was here a couple of minutes ago," Leo said in disbelief. There was suddenly a wail from under the tables, snapping the demigods off their trance. Percy slowly approached the table and peeked inside.

"What in the name of Hades!" He yelled as a tiny body mass ambushed him. Percy fell backwards from the impact and hit his head on the white marble floor. Opening his eyes slowly he was met by a pair the same shade of green as his own.

"Hi!" The little boy smiled at him.

"Uhhh...Percy?" Travis questioned nearing his friend. "What is that?"

"It's a baby you dolt!" Piper snapped looking nervous.

"Why is it naked thought? And how did it get here?" As soon as those words were out of poor Jason's mouth there was a scream and 17 toddlers ran/crawled out from under the tables, all naked, in random directions.

"I think it was the salmon," Connor commented earning affirmative nods from the other head counselors.

"Guys, no time to start being funny, catch 'em!" Annabeth yelled running after one of the girls with curly brown chestnut hair.

"Why would we do that? They are babies which means they drool and poop so no thanks," Drew sneered in disgust.

"Fine then I guess you don't mind your mother drowning in that water fountain then?" Annabeth snapped getting a hold of the girl she was chasing.

"Let me go you crazy lady!" The girl ,who looked around 4 years old, screamed, pulling at Annabeth's hair.

"Mom, please stay still!" The blond one yelled as she tried to wrestle the brunette down.

"Mom?" Drew and Piper asked as they neared the girl playing in the fountain. The black haired girl looked up and waved at the two daughters of Aphrodite. Piper gasped and got the now pouting girl out of the fountain.

"It is her! Everyone quick! Grab the others," Piper yelled as she carried her mother to a chair and grabbed some of the discarded clothes to wrap around her.

"How can it be them?" Thalia asked.

"Only mom has eyes like these, believe me. Plus she was looking at her reflection in the water, no one is that shallow. As to how the gods turned into babies I have no idea." Piper sighed drying her mother's hair.

In the background you could hear the Stolls trying to bribe their father not to jump off a statue. Leo and Nyssa had cornered Hephaestus but he had managed to learn how to use a spear to defend himself. Jason and Thalia were trying to pry baby Zeus off his throne. Percy was running away from his father who was chasing him with Ares' electric spear. Pollux was running around under Dionysus, as the god of wine climbed one of the many pillars in the room. Artemis' hunters were trying to coax her out from under a throne.

"Dad! You get off that statue this instant!" Travis yelled, putting his hands on his hips. "Do not make me go up there!"

"You can't get me! You can't get me!" Little Hemes taunted. Travis pushed his hoodie sleeves up and began to climb the statue of the Big Three. Half way up, little Hermes realized he was in big trouble if the scary man caught him so he did the only thing left to do. He jumped. "Connor!" Travis yelled.

"I got him!" Came his younger brother's reply. Connor retreated a couple of steps, calculating where his father was to land. Travis looked down just in time to see Connor catch him and fall backwards from the impact.

"Yes! Touchdown!" Travis yelled raising his hands, letting go of Hades' statue's head and falling down. "Ouch," he groaned as he hit the floor.

"Dad? Easy there, buddy," Leo cooed, trying to make his father release his death grip on the spear. Nyssa carefully sneaked behind him just in time and grabbed him around the waist.

"No! No! Let go!" Hephaestus yelled. Leo sighed and approached his now crying father. Hephaestus, not ready to surrender, aimed a kick at his son and hit him hard in the stomach. Leo rolled over in pain, clutching his stomach, as Hephaestus and Nyssa laughed at his pain. "That is what you get you big meany!" The god of blacksmiths yelled, sticking his tongue out at the moaning boy.

"Dad! Come on! I though I was your favorite son!" Percy yelled as he tried to outrun his 5 year old father.

"You scream like a girl!" Poseidon laughed as he continued to run after his son. His laughter stopped abruptly when he laid eyes on a pouting girl who was glaring at his son's glaring girlfriend.

"Look! Why can't I go play! They are all playing! You are a mean mommy!" The brunette whined. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"For the tenth time I am not your mother! And you cannot go play because all those 'kids' are going to be sitting just like you in a few moments." Poseidon approached the pair, dropping his electric spear in the process. Blushing, he approached the little girl and gave her a sweet smile.

"Hi, you are pretty," Little Poseidon said laughing. Percy and Annabeth's jaws hit the ground as they witnessed this exchange. Athena blushed but glared at the boy.

"Leave me alone, you look stupid," She snapped. Poseidon's lower lip began to tremble. Percy rushed over and knelled next to him.

"Hey there dad, it's fine. Don't cry," he cooed. Poseidon sniffed, rubbed his nose with the back of his left palm and glared up at him.

"I'm not crying! Why would I cry for a LITTLE girl like her. And she is an ugly one at that." The five year old growled.

"Ohhhhh! Burn!" Apollo yelled as he was being covered in a pink chiton that was most likely Aphrodite's. Poseidon smirked at the comment and turned to see Athena fuming with anger.

"I rather be ugly than stupid!" She shot back.

"That is what ugly people say," Poseidon retorted. Athena began turning purple in the face as she debated whether or not to pounce on the obnoxious little boy. Percy, seeing the opening, grabbed his father and picked him up by the waist. "Hey! What are you doing? Let go!" Poseidon yelled hitting Percy in the chest. Percy grabbed one of the discarded robes from the floors and dumped it on his father as he sat him on a chair next to an angered Athena.

Turning to inspect the damage, Percy rubbed his temples. The other campers had managed to captured their respective parents and were trying to cover them as best as they could with the too big clothing. Jason left Zeus and Artemis under Thalia's care and approached the panting son of Poseidon.

"What now, Jackson?" Jason whispered, getting as near as possible to Percy's ear as to not scare the other campers.

"I personally don't know," Percy sighed. "All I know is that we need to get all the campers back home so we can talk about this openly." Jason nodded.

"I agree. The problem now is that we are missing a certain horse friend of yours." Jason snapped. Percy glared at his Roman counter part.

"Just because Lupa did not want to have the responsibility of recruiting Roman demigods anymore does not mean you have to take it out on Chiron who has gracefully accepted all of you and has been training you as best as he can." He snapped back.

"Hey, ladies! Can you two continue fighting later? We have bigger issues at hand." Nico glared, tired of the two always at each others throats. They snapped their heads to glare at the son of Hades.

"Annabeth," Percy called. She turned from where she was lecturing her mother. "Is Argus still waiting downstairs?" Annabeth only nodded. " Alright. Hmmmm..." He looked around the people trying to find a trustworthy face. "Travis can you-" He stopped. Son of Hermes? Not a good idea.

"Leo lead-" Jason stopped too. Leo was an amazing friend but is was most likely he would finish burning the elevator down.

"Nico, please-" Percy sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Was there not a Demigod that will not cause chaos if left alone?

"Oh! For Zeus' sake! Piper come with me! The rest try to figure out what the Hades happened to our parents!" Thalia ordered taking the campers and Piper with them.

"Be sure to leave a van here for us to go back!" Annabeth yelled after her. Thalia nodded and disappeared out the doors.

"Annabeth, great idea leaving a ban just a tiny, minor detail...WHO WILL DRIVE IT!?" Leo yelled, grabbing the daughter of Athena's shoulders and shaking her.

"Thalia has her license." The now pissed blond said.

"No offense but last time I was in a car being driven by her I almost threw up," Nico commented, Percy and Grover noddied, their faces pale as the reminisced. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Anyways," Jason interrupted. "What do you think happened?"

"My guess is to blame Hecate," Connor sighed.

"And why my mother!?" A fuming Lou Ellen yelled.

"Well she is the goddess of magic. Odds are that she had something to do with it." Before Lou Ellen could attack the son of Hermes Chris grabbed her. Annabeth's eyes turned wide and she stared off into space. 'Well it could be a possibility' she thought.

"Actually...Connor could be up to something." She turned towards Will. "Can you detect magic in the body?" Will shrugged.

"I can try," He approached his father and ran a hand through his body muttering incantations under his breath. After five painful minutes he swore. "No, I can't detect anything."

"Why don't you let me do it? I am the daughter of Hecate present aren't I?" Lou Ellen snapped, crossing her arms.

"Alright then, give it a shot." Jason motioned for her to give it her best shot. Lou Ellen approached the closest god to her, which happened to be Artemis, put a hand on the little girl's head and began whispering in ancient Greek. A faint glow appeared around both girls and it quickly began to intensify to a point that the rest of the demigods in the room had to look away. When the light died down Lou had baby Artemis sound asleep in her arms, the baby sucking her right thumb.

"What happened?" Piper asked. Lou sighed and shifted Artemis to her left arm.

"Potion gone wrong," She replied. The others all leaned closer hoping for an elaboration but nothing came.

"Can you, oh I don't know, be a little more specific?" Leo asked.

"Well I cannot get the whole story okay! Their adult memories are quickly slipping away and I cannot enter the mind that easily for that I need to brew a potion and-"

"Well brew it then!" Connor interrupted. Lou glared.

"Interrupt me again Stoll and you won't get to live to see tomorrow's sunrise," She said in a monotone voice. Connor gulped and nodded. "I could brew the potion but it will take about a month to brew by that time all their memories will be gone."

"Than what can we do?" Nico asked as he tried to feed his father some peas from a random plate.

"If we go back to camp I can try getting into one of their heads and see what memories I can retrieve," Clovis said in between various yawns.

"You can do that?" Percy gushed. Clovis nodded and stretched his arms yawning.

"I did it with Jason didn't I?" Percy looked at his counterpart in confusion but the Roman waved him off.

"Alright...to camp it is!" Leo cheered. Everyone turned to glare at him.

"Yes...to camp...why do I get the feeling something will go horribly wrong?" Piper sighed.

"The most powerful beings in the face of the earth have just been turned into toddlers, what can be worse than that, Pipes?" Jason asked, rhetorically.

"Don't jinx it!" Annabeth snapped. With that the Demigods grabbed their parents and Chiron, who unfortunately also turned into a baby, and ran to the elevator, down the Empire State building, and faced their ultimate doom...the camp's van.