Hello my beautiful readers! Just wanted to address a few questions that have been coming up-

Casamora: In this fic, Bad Wolf is more like a universal title that Rose has, rather like the Oncoming Storm is for the Doctor(and *spoilers* will be for John ;]). As for regeneration, I have given it thought, and I have a few ideas, but it's so early in the story and I just love 10xRose (and in this case JohnxRose) so much without having to give her an entirely new personality- so, IF it's gonna happen, it's not gonna happen for a little bit. And I strongly recommend Classic Doctor Who, especially the third and fourth doctors.

Zarelyn: Here you go X)

Alright everybody, here's a long chappy to make up for the last one.

Rose was running.

This was hardly an unusual occurrence, but in this case, she was running towards an unknown adversary, rather than away from it. Though this way seemed more honest, since wasn't the danger the reason she travelled?

"Where do you reckon they're keeping them," she asked him.

"The cellar," he panted.

"Right," she nodded at him "Lead the way."

They made their way through the halls and down stairs, through the servant's quarters, until they made their way to the cellar door. Rose kicked down the door just as the sound of the chain holding all of the prisoners captive being yanked off resonated throughout the room. "About time you showed up!" shouted the doctor.

She raised her eyebrows at him, smirking. "Or 'hello', as they used to say." Turning her head forty-five degrees to the left, she gasped in delight. "Oh look at you, you gorgeous beastie," she crooned. The doctor looked at her as though she lost her mind as she grinned at the fantastic-looking, albeit enormous, wolf.

The beast became a little less beautiful as it bent back the bars of its cage, and began to force its way out. Behind her, Sir Robert yelled to his wife. Rose turned to the group of prisoners. "Alright then, everybody out!" She held open the door for them. The doctor was the last one in line, and she winked at him before walking through herself. ("Cheeky woman," she thought she heard him mutter, but she couldn't be sure.) After locking the door to the cellar with her sonic screwdriver and hurrying to meet the others down the corridor, she took the doctor's handcuffed hands and started to work on getting him loose.

This was a harder task than it should be, since he pulled them away to get her attention. His eyes were open wide, and his teeth were bared in an expression of fierceness and intensity. "What was that?"

"Let me get at your handcuffs, doctor. Your wrists must be worn raw- we should sue." She grinned, and got him out after a few seconds of fiddling. "It's alien, that's for sure. Nothin' on Earth like that. Should know that, me, I end up here more often than not. Did it say what it wanted?"

The doctor took a step back and pressed his lips together. "Something about migrating to the holy monarch, which I reckon must mean Queen Vicky. Not positive, though. Was a bit busy at the time." He looked a bit pointedly at her.

"Doesn't matter, don't usually figure it out this early, anyway."

A thumping sound from the way they just came interrupted her. She held up a finger to the doctor as a signal to wait before running down to investigate. "Oh no you don't. Not again." He followed her.

The wolf had managed to fight its way through the cellar, and was now just standing there, staring her right in the eye. Well, knew that wasn't going to last long anyways. She grimaced at it. To her surprise, it began to whimper a little. So she walked closer, holding her hand out in front of her, and it backed away. "Why're you scared of me?" she murmured. All of a sudden, its eyes picked up on something behind her and growled, treading forward.

Rose turned around to see the doctor standing there, face pale and brow furrowed. "What are you doing here?" she snapped, and grabbed his hand. "Run!"

"Thought I told you to wait," she said as she ran.

"Yeah, cause that worked out so well last time, me being separated from you," he quipped. She let out a little groan of frustration.

There was a line of armed men waiting for them when they returned, which they reached just as they a line of shots were fired at the wolf. The doctor winced. "You alright?" Rose asked softly, squeezing his hand. She'd forgotten he hadn't done this before.

"I don't much like guns," he said through gritted teeth. The taste of smoke sat in their mouths and stung their eyes.

The firing squad ceased, and the wolf was nowhere in sight. She stood up to take charge. "All right, men, we should retreat upstairs, this way!" However, they didn't look too likely to follow her instructions.

"I'll not retreat. The battle's done. There's no creature on God's Earth that could survive such an assault." said the steward. Exactly.

"Please," she begged. "Come upstairs."

"With all due respect, mum, I will sleep well tonight with that thing's hide upon my wall." He strode down the corridor to where the standoff between Rose and the wolf had recently occurred. She watched him at a distance, uneasy. How come no one ever listens to me? Have I just got one of those faces this time 'round, or is it my gender? Sexist seventeenth century humans, she thought, snorting out loud.

The steward walked back a little too cocky. "Must've crawled away to die-" were his last words before he was lifted through the ceiling and devoured. The doctor sprung into action.

"No time, we need to get out of here." He pushed Rose out of the room.

She looked at him while they ran and grinned. "I think you're finally starting to get the hang of this."

Rose was running again- perhaps a little less honestly.

John hurried into a room, his hand still clasped in Rose's. This appeared to be becoming a pattern for the two of them. Not that he minded. That is, she knew what she was doing, and after the incident with the cravat and all the knocking out and being chained up in a cellar, he didn't want to stray too far anyway. Plus, he had to admit to himself that her fingers fit well in the spaces between his.

His thoughts dispersed as she pulled away from him to lock the door with that glowy tube-thing... what was it? Oh yes, sonic screwdriver.

Though that didn't seem to help them very much before, with the cellar door.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty!" Sir Robert cried, as Queen Victoria came bustling down the stairs.

"Sir Robert, what's happening?" John saw that Rose had dashed off again and frowned. The girl had a penchant for wandering off. "I heard such terrible noises." He smirked.

"Your Majesty - we've got to get out. But what of Father Angelo? Is he still here?"

"Captain Reynolds disposed of him." John's eyebrows rose. Of course, it was the monks that had set all of this up. To his relief, Rose appeared again.

"It looks like they don't want us to leave the house. The doors are all boarded up, and the monkey boys aren't too keen with us gettin' out through the window, unless they figure we like a good bullet hole."

The queen's eyes widened. "Do they know who I am?" she cried indignantly.

"Yes, see that's the problem your majesty," said John, reaching a hand behind his head and rubbing at the back of his neck. "They've arranged an appointment with you and that slightly solid mythical wolf you mentioned earlier."

"Now, stop this talk," she said, her tone stern and a bit frightened. "There can't be an actual wolf."

As if to purposefully contradict her, a howl ran through the house, and they all shivered. Then something was pounding the other side of the door. "What do we do?" He asked.

Rose pursed her lips in thought. "We... run!"

"Again?" He whined.

"Do you have any bright ideas, Stripes?" He flinched at his nickname that he knew he would never live down.

"Well, no..."

"Then we run. Come on your Majesty, just a bit of jogging, 's good for the health." Rose grabbed the queen's hand, and pulled her along up the staircase. There was a loud crack as the wolf broke down the door and they all ran even faster.

John could literally feel its wet breath on his back (he really needed to get used to this running bit; Rose was way ahead of him) when Captain Reynold came out of nowhere and fired at it, and then followed John behind the corridor. He was all out of breath- John that is, not the captain.

"I'll take this position and hold it. You keep moving, for God's sake!" He turned to the queen in remorse. "Your Majesty - I went to look for the property, it was taken. The chest was empty." John's ears pricked up. He'd heard them talking about the box earlier, but when he'd inquired all he'd gotten was a cold reply and shifty eyes. Now, his interest was piqued even more greatly. What's inside that makes it so precious that the queen herself would travel with it. And what would the monkey boys want with it?

"I have it. It's safe."

"Then remove yourself, Ma'am. Lady Rose, since you seem so confident, for reasons that have nothing to do with my own affairs, you will stand her Majesty's protector. And you, Sir Robert - you're a traitor to the crown." He cocked his gun, not at Sir Robert, but in the direction of the wolf.

Rose protested. "It's no use. Bullets can't stop it."

"They'll buy you time." John saw it in his eyes- the man had made a decision, and he wasn't going to let anything anyone say get in his way. He lived to protect the queen. John had to respect that, and saluted to the man before following Sir Robert and the queen down the hall. He looked to see Rose straggling. She bit at her lip in dismay, but he knew she wasn't stupid. There was no convincing the captain.

They ran into the library, and sagged in relief, knowing that they had a few moments of peace. That was, until John realized what, or rather who, was missing.

Rose was still outside in the hallway, stricken with horror. "There's nothing we can do," she gasped. "Nothing." The wolf was attacking the captain, and she couldn't take her eyes away from it.

"Rose!" he cried, and pulled her out of the corridor by her waist, slamming the door shut with his shoulder.

She turned around to look at him. "You saved my life," she said in wonder. At this point, he realized, a bit awkwardly, that he was still had his arms draped around her. John had almost lost his way home, their salvation from the wolf(because he doubted that they were getting out of this without her), and, he realized and gulped, the woman had almost died. At this point, he realized that Rose was a little too jeopardy friendly.

He also realized that there was more running in his future, because Rose ran, and for one reason or another, he couldn't let her go.

To be Continued.

Well there goes my first attempt at writing fluff, among other things. Let me know what you think!