AN: Hey guys, bad news, I have no inspiration for this story anymore, and frankly, re reading it... my god its horrible, I write so much better now. Anyway, I'm going to discontinue it, but not before giving you guys the ending. In real life I am currently working on a novel and I am going to slow down or stop doing fanfictions. Next year I'm going to college to be a criminal profiler and I have to start working on my writing career as well, but I decided to tell you guys the ending besides giving you all huge and pointless fillers. Thanks for sticking by me through the journey. Thanks for your support! 3

Years have past and that little boy, Elijah had grown up. His mother and father has grown older, though it is not visible. And sadly, Star's fate had come to its conclusion. Though I was not around to watch it unfold, but I was able to see a glimpse of the ending. Though I was a little boy then, I still remember it perfectly. My father, though, likes to push it away, pretend it never happened, preten Star never happened, but it did. My father and I never even speak anymore, we drifted apart, but we are still family. And before I go, before I leave you, my dearest friend, I have to finish my story. No, not my story, Star's story.

Star finally saw the world as it was, cruel and evil. She had finally be corrupted. Now she wanted to make the world pure again, to eliminate all demons, but also all humans, she wanted to play God. Star wanted to recreate the world, make it new, restart it, but one person stood in her way; the man she loved, Dante.

Star stood on the top of a fallen and crumbled building. The corrupted black feathers of her demon form swayed in the wind, as her silky, blood stained garment danced in the breeze. Her black hair, stuck to her face from all the dirt and blood she had just split, tried to run away with the breeze. Her red stained hair had gotten thinner as she lost her humanity, slowly falling out as her skin soon began to rot. She was not the beautiful Star that Dante loved to dear anymore. She was a demon, nothing more.

And Dante's job was to exterminate all demons that pose a threat to humanity. No expectations.

Star shut her bloodshot eyes to feel the cold breeze tickle her skin, but that moment was soon interrupted by a stone falling off the ruined pile she stood on. She turned her head to meet the gaze of a man she knew so well, Dante.

His eyes were bloodshot as well. He had been crying, that much was clear. He had known this woman for some years, traveled with her, fought beside her, even loved her, but it was time that this epic love story came to its end.

Star was no longer the Star Dante had fallen in love with. Instead she was different. She was evil incarnate.


No, thats a too strong of a word to describe what Star has become. She has just been kept away from mankind her whole life. She never understood that humans aren't perfect, they make mistakes, they grow and learn off of those mistakes. She never understood human nature. She did not know why humans fought for the things they fought for. Fighting over a false god? Insane! But a god was not what Star ever believed in. Fighting over land? Abusing and controlling other humans in such horrible ways. Humans were no better than demons! Only difference was their food source, where they lived, and that they just looked a little different. Humans and demons both deserve to die. So Star had to exterminate them all off the face of the Earth, and in the end, she would join them too, she would kill herself to finish the 'New World' she had started. To Star, that was innocent, it was not evil, but good.

But people always misunderstand right from wrong now a days.

And nobody knew that better than Dante.

But sometimes you can reason with them. Perhaps talk them down from whatever horrible thing they are about to do. But Star was too far gone, there was no reasoning with her, not anymore. And Dante knew that. Perhaps thats why he kept chatting to a minimum.

"I see you've come to join me, my love," Star said. Her voice was low and had a slight growl to it.

Dante's eyes soon lit up from a depressed, glossy look to a bright happy one. A smirk slowly formed on his face. He was always good at bottling up his emotions to a degree. "Babe, you know I'd love to join you. But you also know that's not the way I roll, baby."

Star began to frown at his choice of words, "is that what you wish?"

"Bah! Wishes are for kids!" Dante said, waving his hand in the air at Star.

Star, now dumbfounded and disappointed said, "I..." she moved her eyes to the side in thought, "see... Well," she sighed, "it is a shame it had to come to this, my dear."

Even from a young age Dante never had let feelings get in the way of what was the right thing to do. Even when he defeated his brother and left him in the underworld, he did not let his love for his brother interfere with saving mankind. "Yeah, it is."

An awkward silence filled the room for a brief moment. A moment that felt like an eternity. "Goodbye, my sweet." She raised her weapon to attack him, but before she could she heard Dante mumble something.

"Don't say goodbye, never say goodbye, always say hello." It was something Star used to say once in a while to Elijah whenever one of them, or even both of them, had to leave for a mission.

"What?" she said in a hushed tone. She wasn't quite sure if she heard that correctly.

Another smirk again formed on Dante's face. "I said, 'come on, bring it baby!'"

"Challenge accepted," a large smile grew wide as she spoke.

Now the time for words was over. It was time for action.

Star was the first to make a move. She went to strike Dante, but he had quickly pulled out Rebellion just in time to block it. They stared at each other for a moment, struggling for dominance in the fight. Their eyes locked as their lips grew closer and Dante soon slowly lost grip of his sword for a moment. "Sorry, babe, but I'm going to win this," Star had whispered to him as he stared at her lips. At that precise moment of weakness she was able to throw him back with one forceful shove. But he did not fall down, staggered a little perhaps, but did not fall down.

At the distance he was at, Dante pulled out one of his guns and shot at Star. But she was able to deflect them with her sword, making them fall to the ground. They then proceeded to attack with their swords again, slashing at each other, only hitting each other's weapons. This lasted for a while until Dante grew the strength to throw Star into a nearby wall, causing the rest of the bricks to collapse on top of her. This of course dazed Star, enough for Dante to deal another blow at her, stabbing her deep in the gut.

Perhaps I failed to mention this? Perhaps I did not. I do not remember all I had mentioned, but Star cannot die just by anyone. She can only be killed by, well now, Dante. Or someone who is blood related to him thats still alive. Elijah could have done it, but he was only a little boy at that time.

That stab was painful, worse than anything she had ever felt. Since she had changed, she lost most of her powers and her body was still getting used to this new form she took on. If Dante had waited a few more days, perhaps Star would have regained her powers, but as of now she had one form and no powers. He was smart to attack now.

Her body ached as the cold blade pulled out of her. She let out a scream as Dante hesitated to plunge the blade back in. But again, before Star could react, he plunged it in. She was not fast enough to grab her blade and attack, she failed. It was a short fight, but now seemed to be the end.

He removed the sword and watched as Star helped herself up, staggering back to the top of the brick pile. She tripped with almost every step as her guts bled a bright red path up the pile. Dante slowly followed her to the top, where she collapsed to the ground.

It was time to finish her.

He kneeled down to her top stare at her face.

"Dante..." she mumbled, coughing up blood onto herself afterwards.

That was when he drove his blade into her chest cavity. She let out a loud groaning sound from the pain. "Shhh..." he whispered to her, caressing her cheek to try and calm her.

"I'm sorry," she admitted.

"Its okay. Everybody makes mistakes," he smiled at her, now driving his blade slightly deeper, only to be stopped by her speaking again.

"I...Love you..." she whispered.

A peacful smile danced on his features. "Goodbye, my Shooting Star."

She smirked, "don't say goodbye," she took a deep breath, "never say goodbye..." She then smiled with content tranquility and looked up at the night sky, eyeing the Stars above as Dante drove his blade through her heart. With her final breath she said, "always say... hello."

And that was it. He closed her eyes and said, "hello, Star. My name is Dante. Its nice to meet you." That might have been what he said, but what he meant was different. Goodbye, my love, I'll never forget you.

And it was then that he cried for her. He cried cause he lost her. He cried because his son would grow up without a mother. He cried for many reasons. But no matter what, he would never get her back. At least she died happy.

But neither of them knew that a little boy was watching from the background, far away, hidden behind broken buildings and ruined bricks. A boy named Elijah. And this boy saw it all.

My father tried explaining to me what happened, tried to sugar coat it like the horrible father he always was. Well, he wasn't horrible, but he made mistakes. Clearly he did not know what he was doing most of the time, but he tried to raise me and keep me safe, and I turned out fine, so I guess he did a good job.

But he did try to sugar coat what happened to my mother, Star, but I know the real story. I know that my father, Dante, killed my mother... No. He did not kill her, he released her from her torment. I do not look down on my father for what I saw him do. He had to, he had no choice, and he did the right thing.

But I wanted the world to know the true story of my mother. Even if I had not finished the whole thing, even if I didn't tell you every single detail, I told you what I know as a fact. And why would I give you fillers to bore you? Sure at first it could make you want more and all that jazz, but slowly you would get bored of it, kind of like a lot of people had gotten bored of the anime series, Bleach. Sure some of you would enjoy it all, others would stop listening to my tale.

But either way, my tale is over. And in case you have not picked up on it yet, I am Elijah. I was the boy who watched it all in the end. I am the child of Star and Dante, their only child.

And I am in peace.

AN: Again I'm sorry I couldn't continue it! I noticed I began getting more favorites and followers, so I'm sorry to the new fans. Like I said I am now writing my own things. I'm going to set up my own website for all of my stuff eventually so you can read it all! I might write more DantexStar eventually, but not now. If you see anything that is spelled wrong, or wrong grammar or whatever, just tell me and I'll fix it. Thanks for reading! Sorry the ending was so sad. But you know me, I love making sad stories.
