After a long period of absence, I am back. I bring my version of Azula's stay. I feel like Ozai is the reason why she is like that. This is Azula's story on why she is like this.

I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender. All rights go to Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. Remember guys, you can follow me on Tumblr and send me prompts.

"Why are you here? YOU LEFT ME AND I HAD ONLY HIM!"

Somewhere, deep within the Fire Nation's prison for the criminally insane is a 17-year-old girl screaming at a wall. From the outside, she seems like normal teenager, but there lies a dark past in her. The girl who once brought fear in the hearts of millions is now in a straightjacket. Her room is empty; there is only a bed and dirt. There used to be large mirror, but after she threw herself in the mirror, the nurses took it away. She spends her days and nights yelling at a wall. There is nobody there, but to her it is. Everyone she ever knew is there.

"Stop it. GO AWAY! Are you mad that I didn't turn out like your precious Zuko? YOU WERE ALWAYS THERE FOR HIM. WHERE WERE YOU? WHERE WERE YOU WHEN HE…" she turned away from the wall then. Whatever was there, she didn't want to stare at it anymore. She remained faced away, never looking at the wall.

What happened to this beautiful girl? The Firebending prodigy with her blue flames brought cities to their knees. She took over Ba Sing Se, the city that once thought impenetrable. She took it down and burned it to the ground. So, why is this powerful young woman in a straightjacket? Why is she in here?

"Where were you when he…when he forced me to fight?" she whispered back to the wall. "Those long, horrible hours…I never wanted to fight. I wanted to play with you and Zuko. I wanted to play with the Turtleducks. I JUST WANTED TO PLAY!"

Her father always forced her to train. After witnessing her Firebending demonstration, he was determined to turn her into a weapon. He knew Zuko was too soft, but Azula was not. He knew with the right training and words, he could manipulate his own daughter into a ruthless killer. On the first day of her training, Ozai pulled Azula away from Zuko and began feeding her lies. He told her that Ursa hated her. He lied when he told Azula that Zuko saw nothing in her and that she was the true heir to the throne. He lied when he said her friends, Mai and Ty Lee hated her. She cried so much that day.

"I never wanted to do that. I hate myself. I hate who I am. All I wanted was to play, but you never saved me. You ignored me for him. I'M YOUR DAUGHTER TOO! Did you hate me? All I wanted was your love," she cried out.

She fell to the ground as her salted tears poured down her face. She stayed in that position until the guards brought her dinner. They ignored her sobs and threw her food on the floor. Not even the nurse tried to comfort her. In silence, she ate her dinner as her guards watched her. She could escape, but what's the point? Will her friends welcome her? Will her own brother welcome her?