Chapter One


I sat on my bed, in the 6th years Gryffindor girls dormitory. I was alone so I let the unwanted but extremely persistent thoughts run through my head. I knew what these thoughts resulted in but I thought them anyway.

I remembered how just that day I had tried to talk to my best friend, Scorpius, but he had ignored me and went to talk to someone else. And how when I tried to talk to Hugo he just went right on talking to one of his friends. I remembered talking to my only girl friend and having her talk right over me about her problems. This was just today. And today was a good day.

Then I think back and remember all those times over the years where, even as a little girl, people dismissed me. No one cared about me. No one wanted to know what I think. No one ever thought, hey maybe Rose would have a cool opinion on this. No one cared enough to see the hurt in my eyes when my parents ignored me. Or the tears that welled up when my nana didn't listen. No one cared about the silent tears that raced down my cheeks once I was alone. I was unloved, uncared for, abhorred, superfluous, neglected.

The words flash through my head over and over. No. One. Cares.

Remembering these things I began to shrink, growing smaller and smaller until I felt so insignificant and unloved that I began to cry. The silent tears ran down my face. I reached for the knife on my bedside table. I put the knife to the scarred skin on my arm. And I cut. The pain shot up my arm, but no blood was drawn. The knife was dull from how many times I've done this. So I did it again. In the same spot. Until the scarlet red drops began to pool over the cut. Then I moved on. I did this until the area below my elbow was red either from the blood of the irritation from the cuts.

I remember the first time I did this. It was after my boyfriend ignored me for 2 straight weeks. Then only talked to me to tell me that we were over, that he had started seeing another girl and liked her better than me. He told me I was whiny and ugly and yelled at me until I cried. It was the first time I've ever cried in front of someone. I hated it.

When I went to talk to Scorp about it he dismissed me saying he had bigger issues to worry about. No one else would listen either. Albus or Hugo or Tina. Nobody. So I cut. I could only bear to do it a few times because i wasn't used to the hurt, but after doing it for 3 years now I can cut up my whole arm and it still won't be enough. I've been alive for 16 years and people still don't listen to me. Maybe I'll just give up soon. I can just disappear no one will miss me. No one will notice. Maybe I'll even disappear for good. It would be easier.

After a while of this you'd think it would get easier for me. But it didn't. I never got used to it. It never helped that the boy I loved also ignored me. But what made that worse is that he's also my best friend.

As all of these thoughts slipped through my mind, I drifted off to sleep. Into yet another nightmare.

I'm laying on the floor of the dungeons. I get up and look around. Then I hear screaming from a class room a little ways ahead. I see Scorp tied down to a table. A man stands over him with a knife. Sorp already has cuts down both of his arms. Long and jagged and deep trailing from his shoulder to his hand. Blood pours over his arms. The man takes the knife, cutting lines over his face and chest. Scorp cries out in pain. I hate the sound. It slices through my brain like an icicle. I panic and run to him. The man with the knife puts the blade against his throat.

"One step closer and off comes his head" he says.

I run from the scene up to the great hall where everyone is eating dinner and I scream and scream for someone to help but no one hears me. I can hear my voice echoing but no one so much as looks at me. I go up the the professors table and plead them to help but they don't listen either. Defeated I make my way down to the classroom in which i saw Scorp. And there he still lays. But the man is gone. Because he is dead. I go over the the table. His wonderful and gorgeous body is covered in blood. the cuts are deep but not deep so deep that i can see his insides. His body is still warm. I look down at him. He looked vulnerable. I touched his cheek, and started to cry. But my tears were blood. It poured down in torrents. My bloody tears were adding to the blood on his chest. But when they touched him the wounds got bigger and continued to bleed.

I woke up, drenched in a cold sweat. My sheets were tangled around me. The blood from my earlier cuts had stained them. My mind flashed back to my dream, and start to cry.

A/N-Please review tell me what you think. I know this is really short but I'd like to get some feed back. Where do you think the story should go? Should I continue with it? I have a general idea where I want the story to go but hearing your thoughts would be great. Thanks.