After the test results are examined and Bruce is finally able to give them all a conclusive answer, everyone goes their separate ways with the same thought in their heads. What did this mean for little Toni?

Tony leaves his daughter to her own devices and goes to the bar upstairs. He pours a drink and wanders out on landing pad. Looking out over the city he finally allows himself to just think

What was he going to do?

How was he supposed to handle this all by himself?

He stays outside for a long time and doesn't come up with any answers. He finally heads inside to refill his drink and is greeted instead with the sight of Steve standing behind the bar holding a steaming mug. When he doesn't come any closer, Steve gestures to a second mug sitting on the countertop that Tony hadn't noticed.

Tony finally joins Steve at the bar and studies the mug offered to him. It turns out to be hot chocolate with marshmallows in it. Tony raises a questioning eyebrow in Steve's direction.

Steve shrugs, "You looked cold."

Tony hadn't recognized he was shivering until now. Replacing his empty glass with the mug he graciously takes a sip. Sighing, he stares down at the melting marshmallows and thanks Steve for his kindness.

Steve stares at him for a moment and then sets down his half empty mug. He places both hands on the countertop and sends Tony a pleading look, "Talk to me."

Tony sighs and sits on a bar stool, "I don't know what you want me to say."

Steve moves around till he's sitting beside him, "Whatever you want to say."

Tony rubs a hand across his forehead, "It's just…why couldn't this…why couldn't I have this one thing? Why couldn't this have been easy?"

Steve sips from his drink, "Easy, huh? I don't think any parent has ever had to raise a child and come away saying it was easy."

"I know, I know." Tony agrees and then says in a small voice, "It's just…why does all this stuff happen to us?"

"I don't think anyone can know the answer to that one." Steve scratches the back of his neck, "But I think...I think there is a reason for everything. The two of you are only going to grow stronger from all of this."

"I don't know if I can…If I'm…" Unable to finish his sentence Tony just stares at his hands resting in his lap.

Steve rests a hand on Tony's shoulder. When he gets Tony's attention, Steve says assuredly, "Tony, don't ever think for one second that you are alone in this."

Tony starts to look away but Steve doesn't let him, "I'm serious. You have the team. I can say without a doubt that there isn't a one of us that wouldn't do anything we could to help you or little Toni. All you gotta do is say the word."

Tony doesn't look away from Steve's gaze for an uncomfortably long time but Steve matches the look head on. There's an unspoken 'I'm here for you.' floating in the air between them that neither one of them is willing to touch upon.

Finally Tony nods and looks embarrassedly at his drink. He stumbles when he stands and gathers the mug in his hands, "I'll just…go heat this up."

He turns to leave but pauses long enough to stutter out a "Thank you." before he disappears into the elevator.

Steve takes his own drink back downstairs as well, fighting a rising blush all the way. He thinks the coast is clear in the living area and no one will notice his flustered appearance while he reheats his drink. But when he rounds the corner of the kitchen counter he finds Toni standing on a footstool near the sink.

She waves at him, and nearly chokes herself on a mouthful of orange slices as she tries to great him.

Steve chuckles and pats her on the back as he passes her on the way to the microwave. He's starting to feel more at ease when he notices that she is staring at him.

The staring part isn't really new but the little grin is a bit disconcerting. She looks far to mischievous, he thinks as he takes his cup from the microwave. His heart jumps to his throat when he turns back around to find Toni standing directly behind him. She laughs into her curled fist while Steve grips the counters edge, she looks at him knowingly and in a singsong voice calls out into the thankfully empty room, "Steve has a crush~"