This story was inspired by Skyward Sword Remix by: Mia, and Bloodstained by: Spirit the Dragon. ARIGATO! This chapter has some Ghirahim weirdness in it. So please be warned. There's also some LinkXVaati fluff in this chapter. Fun times! I hope you guys are ready to find out what happens in the Ghirahim vs Link battle. well here it is!

P.S.: OMG! I am SO sorry for not posting it SUCH a long time! I've been really really busy with school that fanfictions kinda took a back seat in my mind. I'm going to try to post another chapter of this later today. Hopefully that will make up for my apsence.

Disclaimer: I do not own Legend of Zelda in any way, shape, or form.

Chapter 4- Hidden Feelings

Narrator's POV

"Did you really just draw your sword?" Ghirahim turned to Link and Vaati . "Foolish boy. By all rights the golden-haired girl should have fallen into our hands already." Ghirahim's face contorted into an expression of deep loathing. "She was nearly ours when that servant of the goddess snatched her away." His fingers began to twitch inside their gloves and he ducked his head."Do you have any idea how that made me feel inside? Furious, outraged, sick with anger!" with every word he made a violent movement with his arms. He snapped vanishing into a shower of diamonds. "This turn of events has left me with a strong appetite for bloodshed." his voice echoed around them. Suddenly he was behind Link with his face an inch from the hero's. "Still. It hardly seems fair to take all of my anger out on you." Link's face turned crimson. "Which is why I promise up front not to murder you...No, I'll just beat you within an inch of your life!" he said looking at Link.

A shiver run up Link's spine. Ghirahim moved back from them and spread his arms wide, his red cape thing dissolving. He gave Link a smirk that held no happy endings. The hero put out a protective arm, pushing Vaati back against the wall.

"You stay back." Link whispered to her. "I'll handle this guy."

Ghirahim laughed.

"How valiant." he laughed. "You'll handle me hm?" The demon lord started advancing. "We'll see about that."

Link straightened his back, and started advancing the demon lord. He jump attacked the demon lord, who caught his sword between two fingers. Vaati was so torn. She didn't know whether to just stay quiet or to help? Taking a deep breath she drew her sword. The white sword pulsed in her grip, as she snuck up behind the demon lord. While Link struggled to get his sword free of Ghirahim's grip, she brought her sword down on Ghirahim's back. The demon lord yelled out in pain. Vaati quickly got behind Link again. Link took this chance to pull his sword away, and repeatedly slashed Ghirahim's chest. The demon stumbled away. He straightened up, licking his lips, he snapped and a long black saber appeared in his hand. He drew back his saber and charged Link. The hero didn't have time to dodge. The black sword slashed open the hero's shoulder. Link gritted his teeth in pain. Ghirahim drew back and licked the blood off of his sword.

"You're blood tastes delicious hero." the demon lord chuckled. "Let's see how much more I can get before you lose consciousness."

Okay...that was a totally uncalled for comment. Another shiver ran up Link's spine. This guy was seriously starting to creep him out. The demon lord snapped. A vertical line of small black daggers appeared in front of him, and with another snap of Ghirahim's fingers they flew at Link.

"Link! Deflect them with your sword!"

The hero only nodded. As the daggers came closer he swung his sword vertically and the daggers flew back at Ghirahim, who swatted them away like flies. He charged the hero again. This time Link was ready. He blocked Ghirahim with his shield, making the demon lord stumble back. Out of nowhere Vaati was behind Ghirahim. She started to repeatedly slash at Ghirahim's back. Said Demon Lord growled, and swung his sword at her. Before she could block or dodge the sword stabbed her in the side. Her blue eyes widened as crimson blood spurted out of her side. She fell to the ground, a pool of her own blood expanded around her. Link growled and started slashing at Ghirahim. The demon lord didn't even have time to react as the hero started hitting him furiously with his blade. Ghirahim stumbled back.

"It seems that I've been toying with you much too long hero." he growled. "The golden haired girl's aura has all but faded from here. But do not get too confident skychild. That sword is the only reason you still live." and with one last look of absolute loathing the demon lord vanished in a flurry of diamonds.

Vaati's POV

Ghirahim snapped and desolved into diamonds. Somehow that last look of loathing shattered my soul. If he hated Link then he hated me right? I mean, I was the heroes guide. He stabbed me. The demon lord who seemed to like me so much, who had called me his pet, stabbed me in the side. Warm crimson blood oozed from my wound as I fell to my knees. Right before I hit the ground Link caught me. He gently leaned me against the wall pressing a bottle to my lips. A soothingly sweet liquid was poured down my throat. The pain melted away, and my wound closed. And yet...something in my heart was still acing. Tears poured down my now pale cheeks. The blond hero put a hand on my shoulder.

"Does it hurt?" He asked softly.

I nodded.

"Then you should stay here, and I'll go to the spring okay?"

I nodded distractedly. My mind was in a different place entirely. Something hurt. But it was not my wound. It was my heart and soul. Link patted my shoulder gently, stood, and walked away into the spring. The golden door appeared once he had walked through it. A dark chuckled echoed around the room. I was much too weak to stand or draw my sword, but that didn't stop me from pressing myself against the wall as Ghirahim reappeared in front of me.

"W-what do you want?" I said giving him a weak glare.

He chuckled.

"Now now my pet. Is that any way to talk to me?" He kneeled in front of me. He put his mouth an inch front my ear again and whispered. "How would you like to come with me my pet?"

My eyes widened. Was he really asking me to come with him? Two choices here. Number 1: Abandon the quest to save the world go with Ghirahim and help him revive the demon king, or... number 2: Say no and continue my quest with Link. I took a deep breath, and gently pushed Ghirahim back.

"Sorry. But I'm sort of trying to save the world from Demise. Not help him ruin it."

Ghirahim's eyes widened considerably.

"How did you-"

"Know that your master's name is Demise?" I cut him off. "Long story that I don't have time for."

Ghirahim regained his composure, smirked, and stood up.

"Pitty. You would have made a wonderful companion." The golden door reopened. "Well. I must be going now my pet. May we meet again." Then he snapped, and vanished.

Link walked through the golden door way with a look of defeat on his face.

"Hey Link." I said giving him a smile as if a certain demon lord had not just payed me a visit. "What's up?"

"Zelda isn't here. She's in a place called Eldin."

"Oh I know that place. We need to put the stone tablet into that pedestal thingy in Skyloft."

The hero nodded. He helped me up, and once again without any warning lifted me up and started carrying me piggyback. Without another word he walked out of the temple.


I woke up in Link's room. For a minute I was confused of how I got here. Then I remembered. Once Link and I got back to Skyloft he had taken me to the knight academy. Apparently he'd taken me to his room, and then went to the statue of the goddess. I must have fallen asleep because when I looked around the room I saw Link sleeping on the ground in a sleeping bag. It must be night time in Skyloft. that means no going outside. Monsters came out at night. As did (shudder) Remlits. I was wide awake so going back to sleep was out of the question. Maybe if I just stayed near the academy I could go outside. Quietly, I stood and made my way to the door. Before I went outside however I decided to go up to Zelda's room to maybe find a change of clothes. I walked into Zelda's Room. Feeling a bit guilty I started looking through Zelda's clothes to find something. Damn...does Zelda wear anything except dresses. Isn't she a student? Where's her uniform? With a sigh I picked out a knee length purple dress, white leggings, and a hot pink belt. I folded my old clothes and placed them neatly on the bed. Just in case though I strapped my sword to my back. Then silently I snuck out of the academy, and climbed up onto the roof. It was so nice up here. The sky was clear, and full of glittering stars.

"Hey. What are you doing out here so late?" a sleepy voice asked behind me.

I turned, and gave a sigh of relief. Link was standing a few feet through me trying to get the sleep out of one of his eyes. He was wearing only his pants, an undershirt, and his boots. I smiled slightly.

"Hey Link. I just wanted a breath of fresh air. Sorry if I woke you up."

Link only smiled, and walked up to me. We both sat down on the edge of the roof.

"Actually I was woken up by a nightmare." he said.

The hero's big blue eyes reflected the stars so perfectly. I blushed slightly at the thought.

"Really? What about?" I asked, trying to distract myself from weird thoughts.

Link's eyes saddened.


I blushed even more.


"I don't really know what it was." Link started. "But this huge black scaly monster did something to both you and Zelda. And I couldn't do anything."

The blush was slowly creeping up my cheeks.

"W-what happened to Zelda and I?" I asked nervously.

"I-I don't know. It was sort of like you two were dead, but still slightly alive."

Somehow I had a sinking feeling I knew what had happened in Link's dream. But I didn't think it would be a good idea to tell him.

"Wow." I said nervously, averting the hero's gaze. "That must have been scary."

Link only nodded. We sat there for awhile in silence gazing at the stars, before Link spoke once more.

"We should go back inside Vaati."

"Oh. Yeah okay."

We both stood and quietly made our way back into the academy. I decided to go back to Zelda's room, so I said goodnight to Link and walked away.

Ooh! How cute! Does Vaati have a crush on Link? Or will Ghira win her over? Find out in the next chapter!
