Hello, This is my first 39 clues fic, hope you like it. First im a huge Natan supporter. Even if they will never be together, they should have a chance to be at least friends and hopefully more but well that wont happen. so this might be the fic, that would express my love for them


Dan Cahill sat lazily on his couch, his eyes partially closed. He was bored, thats what he was.

Amy had gone out with Jake and Ian. 'Good luck with that', he thought. Hammer had gone with Jonah on his world tour especially so they could do some physical action. Even Atticus had to go somewhere else, he had went to Harvard to volunteer as a member for their newest project.

Dan flipped through the channels, nothing came up to his liking. with all the shows about action, people getting killed, wild chases. Living a bit most of your life with that was quite boring when it came to TV.

He started reading a book but it never mattered to him, he would just scroll through it and still he would have it memorized in one snap. That was his problem.

He could hear his phone ringing, hopeful that some one called.


"Hey, Dan. I'm going to Paris for a while, Sinead, the boys and I are going to try her experiment there and hopefully finish it."

"So how long are you going to be gone?"

"A week."

"What, you kidding me right? you should and be probably kidding me now."

"Sorry, Dan but I think you could handle this on your own."

"But, Amy. Nellie and Fiske aren't here, you can't leave me alone, alone."

"Stop whining like a kid.. I thought about that and I asked someone to stay over with you."

"Whoop-dee do. Who is it, a maid, no is it a smart due or worse is it a clown."

"No, Natalie Kabra."

"The fudge, Amy. You know I hate that girl. If she even is a girl."

"Well she's alone too. So be nice, love you and take care."

"Yeah sure, what ever." He muttered ending the call.

Then he heard a loud honk that came from outside his door.

"DANIELLLL! You open this door right now."

Dan groaned at the sound of his full name and hopped off the couch. When he opened the door, he found his irritated cousin.

She had sunglasses on, a designer looking top with matching skirt and pumps.

"Daniel, seriously. You can't keep a lady waiting."

Dan almost burst out laughing, "Seriously, Lady. You're more like a mass murderer princess than a lady."

"Well Daniel, unlike you in not a insufferable prick. Now let me in or else, you'll have to deal with my dart gun."

Natalie shoved her way through and dragged almost 5 suitcases not including her purse, to her room. It was 2nd room to the left, she knew it by heart.

She quietly put her suitcases at the side and started unpacking. Pinks went with pinks, blues with blues, purples with purples. She neatly hung them in the closet also putting the boxes of designer shoes on the top shelves.

After finishing that, she took a bath. A long one at that, there was nothing else she could do in this hot America heat.

'The bath was wonderful' she thought and changed into more, casual outfits. It was a pair of deigned jeans, red doll shoes and a cold shirt. What followed was she went down to see her cousin, bored out of his mind.

"So, is this what peasant people call 'boredom'"

Dan looked at her, "Yeah, it is. "

For once, the Kabra anted to be a good person.

"Let's go for a bike ride."

Dan was shocked, his cousin. The evil wretch, the Kabra spawn. The daughter of the ruthless Isabel Kabra was asking him for a bike ride.

"Um sure, let's go then."

Dan and Natalie followed each other to the Cahill mansion garage and looked inside. Of course a lot of transports were there, from skate boards to segaways, from scotters to bikes from huge cars to small cars, name one they had it..

Dan sat on a blue bike, it was his style a bit rouge but smote, which Natalie chose a gold one encrusted with diamonds. Worthy to be called her absolute favorite.

"Race you too it?" Dan asked.

"You're one peasant." Natalie replied as they both sped off.


Please review, it would be could help to me if you would. If their OC i'd like to know if anything else is bad, i'd like to know. R&R