"Crazy," I muttered to myself, "Just crazy, I had talked to her last night and she seemed perfectly fine." I said as I tossed my backpack onto my bed. There was some time there that I didn't realize that she was hurting worse than she had let on. I had gotten the call this morning from my mother that there was a package on the doorstep addressed to me. I had just told her to put it on my desk in my room.

While I was at school I had then received that message over the P.A. system that there was a student who had committed suicide this morning. I had been looking for her all morning and I had just figured that she had gotten sick. Then I had put it all together; Piper was the student who had committed suicide.

I walked across my room to the desk where the box sat; it was wrapped in a bright orange paper, there was a letter connected to the box in the same color envelope. There was no way this could be happening. There was no way Piper could be dead. It killed me to think that my best friend was dead and that there was no reasoning with it.

Piper wasn't just on some vacation, she wasn't coming back. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that my best friend had just given up on life. There was a horrible pain in my chest that caused me to cry and realize that there were feelings I had for Piper that I couldn't explain.

I grabbed the envelope and carefully opened it, it was addressed to me in Piper's handwriting, her neat handwriting that was the envy of many girls in our grade.

"Dear Leo,

I can understand that you think that I'm possibly the stupidest person in the whole entire world at the moment. This was something that probably would have happened no matter what. I know it's hard to grasp that I am actually gone and that's the only reason you happen to be reading this note.

I have sent eight other people boxes and letters also, find them and make sure that they heard the story and read the letters. Please don't hate me; I want you to know that I apologize for any for of pain I may have caused you Leo. In the box there are a various assortment of things that were significant to your relationship to me. I want you, as you go along with the tapes, to scatter the objects all over town. Leo I also want you to know that you are the only one that has a copy of all the tapes. Out of anyone you deserve to know the whole truth.


I looked at the note in my hand and sighed trying to keep myself from crying. There was a soft knock on my door and my mother poked her head in, "Mijo are you ok?"

"I'm perfectly fine ma, can I borrow the Mustang for the night?" I asked her.

"Sure, just as long as you promise me that there's nothing wrong and you would tell me if there was." She pleaded.

"There's nothing wrong with me ma, I just need the cassette player in the car." I explained.

"Why mijo?" my mom asked me.

"Because my teacher assigned me these stupid tapes that I need to listen to for extra credit." I felt bad lying to my mom but that was the only way I could get around the whole Piper's Suicide Story thing.

My mom looked at me and gave a me a half smile, "Ok but if you need anything promise that you'll tell me."

"I promise ma, just relax I'm not thinking about killing myself." I tried to joke with her.

She kissed the top of my head and left the room. I noticed the keys to the Mustang were sitting by me on the bed. I grabbed the box and the keys and went out to the car. This would be the start of a long night that I couldn't possibly take back.