On the 15th of August 2010 during the summer vacation I was invited to a party with my friends, nothing big, just a party to celebrate the graduation of the ninth grade so my friend decided to throw a big house party for everyone in the grade.

Even though the invites only went out to the ninth graders, people from other high schools gate-crashed the party, I believe they were from Northridge high, eleventh graders to be exact, they brought alcohol, cigarettes and what I believed to be drugs.

Me and my friends decided to stick to the punch because we were nervous about drinking the alcohol, after what happened I found out someone had spiked the punch and the party got out of control.

One of my friends, Nicole, wanted to go home, it was late and the cops were coming after neighbours had called them for a disturbance.

We got into her car and drove off, I never knew we were both drugged until Nicole's car crashed into another.

She was instantly killed while I ended up blind.

I was told this after I woke up a few days later in hospital, not being able to see, only being able to hear the cries of my parents and my sister Trina.

The doctors told me shards of glass from the car windows pierced my eye's from the shattering of the crash. Nicole's funeral was the day after, my other friend from the party were distraught and crying from what I heard.

I made a full recovery a few months later but my blindness was permanent as far as they know. Mom and dad decided to move me schools, they made the decision to send me to Hollywood arts, a performing arts school.

Hollywood Arts was the only school in the county that handled Teenagers with disabilities, I managed to get in because I could still sing and act despite being blind, but they had a requirement that I learn Braille before I go to school.

I spent the rest of my Summer vacation learning Braille.

Jade's PoV

For summer vacation I spent my time in New York watching broadway shows, buying Skybucks coffee and reading.

I wasn't happy about returning to HA but this is our final year till college so I shouldn't be complaining. I walked into the side door of the school and took a right to get to my locker, it was black and covered with scissors so people know to stay away.

I put in the combination of 16, 39, 26 and heard the familiar click I love hearing, I smiled at the sound, my timetable showed me that I had Sikowitz first with improv class.

"Jadey!" I spun on my heel only to be smushed with hugs by a red-headed girl, "Cat" I simply said to her, Cat was bubbly but ditzy, but she was also really funny.

"I missed you so much, did you have fun in the big apple? I like apples, you're so lucky!" she exclaimed as I just rolled my eyes at her "Yeah it was fun I guess" I shrugged and she just pulled a face but shook her head and smiled

"Where's everyone else at?" I asked her, "Not sure, I only know that Robbie and Rex are in the bathroom" She replied turning around and pointing to the boys bathroom across the hall

Looking confused I glanced at the girl giggling to herself "Erm, how did you know Robbie was in there Cat?" She giggled even more "I followed him in there!" she puts her fingers in her mouth and starts to suck them "I don't even wanna know" I said walking off, she followed close behind.

Tori's PoV

"Tori you're going to fine" my mom hushing me as I'm worrying in the car, "But what if I don't fit in" I whined, mom turned a left down a street, "Trust me okay, I talked to the principle and she'll assign you a a buddy to help you" she smiled, I frowned, "What do you mean?" I questioned her, "Well, She'll assign a student to be-friend you and help you out around the school, you know, opening your locker, helping you around the halls and such"

I nodded, mom slowed down so I was guessing we were here, she got out of the car and opened my door. She took my hand while my other hand was holding a stick to help me walk around better, she led me to the doors,

"What time is it?" I asked curiously, "9:45" mom replied, good, the hallways should be empty

We walked through the halls of the school, I could smell girls perfume as we passed several places, I heard lockers being slammed and people walking past us, one saying sorry as he nearly ran into mom

She opened a door for me and led me to a seat, in the background a keyboard was being typed on and a phone being answered, we were in the school office.

"Hello, you must be Tori" a woman said across the room to my left, "I'm Helen and I'm the school's principle" Helen said to me, "Yeah, nice to meet you" I said, I could tell she smiled a bit, "Don't worry about the school okay, your first lesson is in room 12 with Mr. Sikowitz, I asked one of the pupils from that class to help you" I nodded, I then heard footsteps in-front of me and movement "This is your partner, Jade"

Jade's PoV

Sikowitz wasn't in the classroom when I turned up, it was just me, Beck, Eli and a few other students, shrugged in sat down on the desk next to Beck and he smiled at me, "New york good?" he asked me ruffling his hair up, "Yeah it was great" I smiled back, Robbie and Cat had now entered and sat behind us.

"HO-HO!" I heard a shout making us all jump, Cat dropped her phone on the floor and I think Robbie pee'd himself, Sikowitz had jumped through the window and scared us all

"Student!" he shouted "Your vacation is over, so HAH!" she shouted making us jump again, "Before we begin I would like to say, Jade you are needed in the principles office" He clapped his hand and smiled

I scoffed "Why?!" I exclaimed, "Because the principle wants you" he stated, I moaned, collecting my bag with Cat giggling at me I walked out and through the halls to the principles office, "Jade" I heard someone call me name and turned around to find Helen our principle

I huffed and she smiled at me "I need to ask you something" She said pulling me towards her office and pushing me inside, I reluctantly go in and sit down, "There is a new girl coming to school today" I nodded as she continued "She's blind and needs help going around school" I can tell where she's going with this "I have chosen you to help her around"

I rolled my eyes "Why me?" I questioned her, she simply smiled "Because I think you would be the best choice to help her" she said, I sighed running my hair through my hands "Ugh fine, alright I'll do it" I stated, the door opened and the girl who I'm helping comes in.

A look at her, he skin is a shade of tan with brown hair, she wore a white tank top with jeans, she carried a stick in one had while a woman, I'm guessing to be her mother holding the other as she sat down.

"Hello you must be Tori! she said talking to the girl who's name is now Tori, "Yeah nice you meet you" she said, Helen smiled at her even though she couldn't see, "Don't worry about the school okay, your first lesson is in room 12 with Mr. Sikowitz, I asked one of the pupils from that class to help you" she said, Tori nodded, Helen got up and walked up to her "So this is your partner, Jade"


I'll be able to write another chapter as soon as I can, I'll start writing it while I'm in school but I'm staying behind for revision classes so I'll post the next chapter once it's done tomorrow or Friday

- Elvish Bane