Chapter 19.0

I was not one step from my room when I was dodging family members. Mulan's mother spoke a warm greeting in passing, carrying a basket of some sort. I replied as I was pushed out of the way by the elder of the family. Her frantic movements made me grin.

"Watch out!" cried Grandma, "I've got it! This herb will work for sure! Soft toes, here I come!"

Fa Zhou passed down the hall as I turned, my smile dropping as I bowed. He paused in his walk as I had hoped. "Honorable Fa Zhou, I have a question that I must ask. And I must ask it now for fear that we will be interrupted for a third time." With a swallow, I got down on my knees as if to pray. I looked into his face. "My heart follows after your daughter and wishes to wed her. Will you grant your servant this request and find it in your heart to give me your blessing?"

Mulan's father raised his chin, peered down at me, and I can honestly say that I had never been more scared in my entire life.

"Those are fine words, Li Shang. I do not see you as my servant, however… If you are willing to say this to me, there would be no doubt in my heart that you would treat Mulan well. As for my blessing, if she will have you, then you will have it."

Relief washed over me as I stood.

"Baba, Mama wanted me to remind you about your tea," said Mulan, coming down the hall. All three remained silent for some time and Mulan rushed to ask. "Have I intruded?"

Her father began to walk away saying, "Not at all. I am going to go…" He was almost around the corner before his reason came out. "Pray." He was smiling with his tone alone.

I looked to Mulan. I couldn't believe it- I could ask her! I could ask her right now! My mouth opened as I studied her. "What is the basket for?"

She smiled as she held up what she carried, her eyebrows rising. "These are some treats. I wanted to show you the gardens and what lies beyond. You wouldn't believe the trees that are out there. They are perfect for climbing."

Following her, I knew that it was going to be a good morning. "I take it that you are speaking from experience?"

"Don't tell me you assumed I could reach that arrow by washing pots all day? Let me tell you, climbing those trees is some of the hardest work you will ever try. If you find it too easy, just wait and try it in winter." She said, pausing in the courtyard.

I turned to Mulan. "Listen, about my sleepwalking..." If I had to own up to the fact that I did not see something and allow my pride to be stepped on, so be it. I did not want, and will not, be the crazy man to her family. But she shook her head and smiled. I love her eyes… I mentally shook myself to focus.

She said, "I kind of find it... endearing that you sleepwalk. Don't try to change things about yourself that are out of your control. Nobody expects that, especially me."

I wonder if it is possible for her to have faults besides her stubbornness...

"Mulan, for the last day I have been meaning to ask your father a very important question concerning you, but I couldn't because every time I tried, you would be there, interrupting us. You already ruined my honorable death and—"

"I ruined your honorable death?"

"More than once," I nodded. It made no difference how serious the matter was. I could not keep a straight face. My lips twitched and betrayed me. "But that's not important now. Aren't you more curious about what I was going to ask your father?"

"Now that you mention it…" She tilted sideways, bringing her pointer finger to her lips in consideration.

A yell in the distance caused her to lose her playful stance. I looked over my shoulder hearing someone calling my name over and over. I took to the front gate of the household- Mulan not far behind. Pushing on the gate and stepping out with confidence, I could see the crowd that was starting to gather around a lone rider.

Taking a deep breath, I allowed my voice to carry. "I am Li Shang."

The man, wearing a tan shirt, dismounted while muttering his thanks multiple times. He rushed at me with no hostility. He retrieved something from his side bag and held it out to me. "I have special orders to deliver this with all due haste. Take it, take it!"

Parchment touched my palms and I opened it. My blood froze after the third sentence.

Reading the message over twice, the messenger received my attention. "Go on ahead of me and tell them that I am right behind you." I turned away after that, forcing myself to get behind the wooden entrance, which Mulan closed. I could not control my breathing any longer.

I squeezed the note just before my legs gave out. I closed my eyes, forcing breath into my lungs. A hand touched my shoulder and I saw the lady before me. This was not how I had wanted this visit to go at all. Her eyes spoke her worry. Unclenching my fist, my hand held out the note.

"Your mother," she summarized, glancing over the message.

"I'm sorry, but I…" I looked away, not wanting my eyes to betray my bitterness. What could be said?

"You must go, of course. I understand." Her sincerity was appropriate, but at the same time, I wholeheartedly resented the sentiment. I didn't want her to tell me to go, to bid me farewell. I did not want to be sent on my way.

I swallowed. "She is the only family that I have left…" Mulan seemed to wish to say differently, but didn't. Instead, she whispered, "Gather your things. I'll saddle your horse."

Nodding, I did as she said.

Once I returned, the whole family was present. How word had reached them, I cannot say. I took the reins that she offered me. Her basket was gone and the lack of it weighed on me.

Before anything could be said, she stepped up and hugged me. Sucking in a breath, I brought my free arm up and embraced her.

When she stepped away, I gipped her hand and I held it up. Closing my eyes, I left a kiss in her palm. I wanted to do so much more than kiss her hand, but it wouldn't be right to propose and run. I already had her father's blessing. And though I wanted to be with her now, I knew that she deserved better. I wanted to give her my best.

Slowly opening my eyes, I tried to convey all that I felt for her. It would be wrong of me to make her promise to wait, no matter how much I wished that she would.

Mulan seemed to understand I could not say what she wanted to hear. So she moved her palm to my cheek. If it had been anyone else, I would have shoved them away without a second thought. She was different.

She had been different all along.

"How long will you be gone?"

The hope in her voice reminded me that she was for our future, as well. My lips tilted at the edges. By wanting a future with us together she was hinting that she wanted me, too. My heart warmed. The last time I felt wanted, needed, was when my old man had promoted me. And though my role in this past war was not as great as the one standing before me, it had mattered. I am not the big, great leader of China that I once thought myself becoming. But if I was a hero and a leader to Mulan, I needed nothing else.

I thought her question over seriously. "A month," I told her not because that was how long it would take, but because that was the longest I believed that I could go without seeing her. My Ping, my soldier, my Mulan is who I planned on spending the rest of my life with.

With a bow to the rest of her family, — and one last glance to the raven haired maiden — I mounted my horse and sped away from the place that was beginning to feel like home.

This was not the end of my story, not by any means.

My life has but begun.

Slowing as I reached the top of the first hill, I looked back on the village. With a sigh, I realized something. I did not need a girl like Ling's goddess, nor one that adores me, as Yao had once said. I did not need Chien-Po's cook because I knew what kind of girl I needed.

A girl with a brain, who always spoke her mind.

A girl who had dressed as a man and defeated the Huns.

A girl who holds a natural beauty as well as my heart.

A girl named Fa Mulan.

She was and forever will be a girl worth fighting for.

And ta-da~!

That is basically the first movie, my friends. Some of you may throw rocks at me for ending it so, but I don't mind as long as they

consist of some sugar and chocolate. But seriously, I know that you guys push me to be better and I am sooo thankful for that. Some

of you have been asking for the second movie, which may or may not be coming your way. I'm not making any promises. That I know of. Yet.


And now, for the last time on this story, 'thank you's are due to fluffybunny39 (for megalophobia and a sugar high), Marsetta (for spoiling me), Melody233 (for sharing the feels), fictionlover94 (for being my commander & chief), hernobleness (for being so darn cute), Smile or else (for always making my day), Mythgirllily (for being awesome), Ern Estine 13624 (for not being able to wait;), Cakedecorator (for encouraging me), almira26 (for jumping on this bandwagon and holding on with me), always. (*fistbump* we think so alike- everyone should just get married), RavensandCrowes (I proclaim a favorite in the family!), Bebe17 (I ...just want to hug you right now), AllisonReader (can you call honor on my cow?), thetrueolympian (for all the happiness that you are tossing my the food), GabbiGrl (for the excitement), RainbowReads (I keep you), terrietont (for your kind words), Brightpath2 (for not giving up), and guests (all you anonymous people that are my second Mushu!). Thank you all for reviewing the past chapter! This has been a story that I could just lay back on and write. This installment is done for now, but I hope for time to write on here in the future. If you wish to leave one last comment, please feel free. But don't cry~ *makes a circular motion with her hands* This is a cry free zone... Mainly because AJ will cry, too. And this isn't goodbye to Shang, but a see-ya-later thingy-that-I-am-just-rambling-about.

If anyone has made a recent Mulan or Shang story, please let me know!

I love you guys and this fandom. Write on!