A/N: Okay so new story and I got this idea from the story I see dead People well Bella will see more than her Grandmother in this so enjoy!

You know that creepy sane 'I see dead people' people used to joke about well in my case i'm serious. When I was 10 I was in a car crash with my best friend and grandmother they were the most important people in my world since my parents died 3 years before the accident yeah they died but I survived but I survived lucky me right? wrong if I hadn't suggested we had a play date, if I hadn't begged for us to go to the zoo, they would still be alive it was all my fault after that I began to see them but not just them, my parents too, and not even just them I see dead people all of them that still roam the earth protecting people. These were people that were brought back because God knew that they could save lives so he brought them back down to earth they were never seen, never heard, but always there, protecting you. When I mentioned this to my adoptive parents they sent to therapy and such, at that point I realized that I would never mention it again. This is my curse yet a gift.

The spirits always told me stories that were true but were stories that they never would have believed if it weren't of the voice of God himself they talked about vampires normal and vegetarian diets. They told me about werewolves and shape shifters Quilet legends, Anihefta legends (A Tribe I made up but filled with werewolf girls and boys), and Denila legends (another tribe I made up only werewolf girls though). The spirits love me and I love them they lead the correct pathway and the teenage girl spirits well they help me with fashion. I have been able t keep these secrets to myself for years but I was never quite sociable so I have no friends and who wants to be friends with the weird girl who sometimes talks to herself and giggles out of nowhere? Well that's just how my life is so this is your warning this is the life of me Isabella Marie Swan so turn back or enter if you dare.

Welcome To The Life Of Isabella Marie Swan.