I really have no excuse. I went to LeakyCon a couple weeks ago, and I've been stressing about college auditions, but that's about it. I suppose I had a bit of a mental roadblock. I'm thinking only about one or two more chapters, so thanks for sticking around! I know I'm a pain to deal with because I update so sporadically. I hope you enjoy this chapter! And let me know if you want me to do that sequel about my theory with Sam and the trials!

Dean woke up and stretched. That was the best night's sleep he'd had in a long time. He heard the clashing of pots and pans coming from the kitchen and figured Sammy was trying to make breakfast. He ambled out of his room.

"Come on, Sammy! We all know that I'm the cook around here."

He turned the corner and ran into the frowning face of Charlie.

"Now what's got your panties in a twist, kiddo?"

"Why aren't you still in the pantry, Dean?"

"Because, despite what it seems, it is not the most comfortable place to sleep." Charlie pouted. "Kid, Cas is an angel. He flew us outta there so we could actually get some sleep."

"Did you talk?"

"Not quite..."


"What do you expect, Charlie? He's an angel, and I'm me! Did you expect us to talk?"

"I guess I'll just have to put warding on the door next time..."

"Whoa whoa whoa, next time? No, Charlie. You will not be locking me in a pantry again, capisce?"

She sighed dramatically. "You're a real pain, you know that?"

"Hey, look who's talking." She chuckled. "Now sit down. I'll cook us all some breakfast." He raised his voice. "Sammy, I'm expecting you to step away from that stove."

Dean waltzed into the kitchen as Sam backed away, hands in the air, from a frying pan. "What exactly were you try to make, anyway?"

"Eggs," he answered warily as Dean approached the stove.

Dean quickly dumped the mess in the frying pan into the food disposal and went to work making omelettes. While Dean played master chef, Sam leaned against the counter and crossed his arms.

"I'm going to guess that you and Cas had a very uneventful night?"

"Yes, actually."

"Charlie must be disappointed." Sam chuckled.

"Dude, she gave me the puppy dog face."

Sam barked out a laugh before becoming serious again. "Did you at least try to talk to him?"

"Well... He tried to talk to me, but I kind of... Changed the subject."


"You know I'm not very good at things like this!"

"Do you care about him in that way?"

"I don't know."

"Well, you better figure it out quickly," Sam retorted, glancing over his brother's shoulder.

Dean turned only to be toe to toe with the angel himself. Crap.

"Good morning, Dean." Dean stood frozen. Charlie groaned.

"I swear, if neither of you do anything, I'm pushing Cas forward."

"Why would you-" Without a pause, Charlie stepped forward and shoved Cas, who fell into Dean.

Dean glared at Charlie over Cas's head. "Not cool."

"Well, I thought it would work," she muttered dejectedly.

Cas stood up and straightened his tie. He took a few steps away from Dean. No one said anything for a few moments, and a heavy silence overtook the room. Dean took the newly made omelette Off the stove and flipped it onto a plate, passing it to Charlie. he then broke three more eggs into the frying pan. the only sound was eggshells cracking and yolks simmering.

Finally, Charlie threw up her hands in frustration. "Do I have to do everything around here? Honestly! I-"

Sam jumped in, trying to save the other two from the young woman's wrath. "Cas, why don't you tell Dean what you told me yesterday?"

"I don't think-"


Cas sighed and, for the first time Dean could remember, looked slightly nervous.

Dean rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, Cas. You don't have to do everything those two tell you."

"Oh, come on! This is exactly what I'm talking about! You two are practically dating already, just without the kissing. Now talk, damn it!" Dean stared at Charlie, in shock from her outburst, then he turned to look at Cas. Charlie groaned at the lack of speaking. "That's it. I'm going to take my breakfast in a different room, and I'm putting warding on the walls this time. So you two can either eat in silence or talk." She stalked out, the three men watching her curiously. Sam was the first person to do anything. He chuckled, muttered something about that being his cue to leave as well, leaving Cas and Dean alone. Again.

As always, please review! It makes my day!