The fuck? He what? I knew he liked me, but...love? Was I too dense to see it? What am I going to answer now? How will he react? Maybe I should play for time? But that wouldn't be very fair would it? It takes a lot of guts to say this words, so I owe him an answer right? Especially if you love a man, that would be complicated...

As my thoughts raced, the silence around us continued to stretch without me noticing. So when he heaved himself up and stared at my face my thoughts went silent. Head was completely empty.

I was completely enticed with the view.

His dark violet eyes were still wet and glittering from the tears and his lips were a natural rosy pink because of the blood rush that painted his cheeks a wonderful red. I needed to gulp as I was drooling over a man.

Me taking action was clearly more than he had imagined to happen, so my attack took him completely unprepared. I raised my head and kissed him. Not the way he did, first shyly and then driven by passion. I moved in slowly giving him time to back away and gazed into his eyes. I tilted my head slightly to the right side and ran a tongue over my dry lips. His eyes which looked into my eyes before locked onto my lips instead. I lightly brushed my lips against his, teasing him. He let out a huff and moved in my direction, with his gaze still on my lips. I smiled lightly, but didn't respond to his growing tension, delivering only a handful of quick, light kisses.

"Mm,..Signor..Gian.." His plainly unsatisfied tone made me chuckle.

I opened my mouth more widely running my tongue over my upper lip. His mouth copied my action, just that he licked both lips and breathed heavier. As soon as our lips were close enough again, I placed his lower lip between mine and swept it with the tip of my own tongue, creating slight pressure with my teeth. At this point Giulio let out a groan and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation. By now I had sat up completely with Giulio on my lap and in my arms. I ran my hand against his back. Since I still hadn't had enough, I stayed playful. My tongue moved into his mouth, tagged his tongue lightly and retreated back. I repeated the game several times, my touches staying shallow and light, till Giulio couldn't stand it anymore and pressed his lips against mine. I grinned at his impatience and finally responded. This time my tongue went in deeper and became a bit more forceful while keeping in motion. His hands dug into my back creating a pleasant sensation. When I felt him running out of air, I pulled away from him.

Giulio, clearly unsatisfied with this treatment, tried to stop me, but he wasn't very convincing as he was puffing for breath. To calm him down, and a bit myself, I rested my forehead against his and squeezed a quick kiss on his lips again.

"Dummy. If you want to kiss longer, learn to breath through your nose." I teased him.

"O..Ok..ha..I will try." I didn't expect him to actually agree. Seems he's serious about learning.


Oh-oh, here came the question I didn't have an answer to. His eyes found mine and I said the only thing I could.

"I don't know."

It was silent for a while after that. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence as before, more of a thoughtful silence, a pause to catch our breath.

"I'm hard again."

That bomb broke the silence. I stiffened up again. Fully concentrated on our kiss, I had completely ignored our lower regions. He was rock hard. Now that I had been made aware of this it was hard to ignore. Truth to be told I felt hot down there too. My cock was still only half hard, so I could ignore it and let Giulio take care of his own problem himself. Or I could...take matters into my own hands.

And it wasn't hard to guess what Giulio wanted.

"Want me to take care of it?"

I saw him swallow nervously. Seems his throat felt dry too. Not that I would ever tell him that.

"What do you want me to do?"

Giulio looked at me with frightened eyes, even so his lust was stronger.

"I..want..you.." I didn't let him get any further. He looked too endearing.

I kissed him again without prior teasing this time. I felt as if in a rush. Anticipation was a strong drug. My kiss was faster this time and I soon left his mouth to travel down his neck. His skin was very soft and delicate. I couldn't resist and bit into his skin. A hiss, of both pleasure and pain, reached my ears and I began sucking on that area, leaving a bright red mark. I licked over it a last time and traveled up his neck again. My hands tugged at his shirt and pulled it over his head. I separated from him slightly and took in the view. He was muscular, with a pronounced biceps and a muscular shoulder line. Nevertheless his body was slender and no scars disturbed the white skin color. Amid that white his rosy nipples seemed to shine like red traffic lights.

"You have very beautiful skin. A creamy white." I ran the fingertips of my right hand up and down his side, while keeping the other in the back of his waist.

"Be..Because..mn..I mainly...work at night." Giulio shivered under my caresses and was clearly embarrassed by my checking him out like that. I put a little pressure on his back with my left by sliding it upward a little. My touch made Giulio unconsciously thrust out his chest and close his eyes, drawing in a breath.

"I see.." Enjoying the view I simply continued to draw lines on the others torso. Now and then my fingers would stroke by a nipple, making Giulio squirm. Interested I brought a hand to a nipple and gave it a squeeze. Giulio jerked up at that and moaned. Clapping his hand over his mouth didn't stop it either. When I decided I made him wait long enough, I lowered by head a bit, slowly licked a circle around his nipple and tweaked the other.


His noises really were the best. Like uncharted territory. I closed in on his nipple, then gave it a suck and bit it gently. Giulio squirmed for real now and moaned continuously. He didn't seem to care anymore either as he had his eyes closed and his face turned upward with slightly parted lips. Shit, I wanted to do some more foreplay but I really can't hold back anymore. My cock was clearly hard now too and Giulio's squirming rubbed against it. I loosened Giulio's belt first and then took off mine. Giulio looked owlishly as I got both our boners out to fresh air. He drew in a sharp breath when I placed a hand around his cock.

"I..I'm gonna start now." My voice sounded unbelievably hoarse. Giulio simply nodded.

I started pumping his shaft up and down and had pre-cum all over my hand in a few seconds. I wasn't too sure about doing this with a man before, but it turns out it feels just as great and I wasn't disturbed by the others cum at all. I added my own shaft in and rubbed them against each other. Our breaths sped up as I increased my rhythm and Giulio laid his arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. His ear in my reach now, I took it between my teeth and nibbled at it.

"Ahmmm..mm, ha.."

Weeel, he clearly liked that one. Unfortunately I couldn't continue because I was reaching my climax and panting just as hard as Giulio on me. To finish us of I gripped our cocks tighter and stroked faster.

"Mm, ngh..nn."

I didn't know who made those noises anymore. We climaxed together.

As the heat was slowly dying down, I felt a bit chilly on my back. So I grabbed a few tissues, cleaned us off and crawled into bed again. Giulio was silently hugging me all throughout.

I thought we would just drift off to sleep once again as I was feeling dead tired and thought Giulio felt the same, but he didn't let me sleep just yet.

"...Signor Gian... already...li..kes Bernardo,... right?" That question popped out of the blue once again.

"No! Of course not! I mean we banter with it from time to time but there are no romantic feelings what so ever!"

I was awake again. Even as I replied without hesitation his face still showed traces of doubt.

"And... what... about...Turner? You said it. That...you...like..d..him... I... remember."

For real? Like for real? That is why he looked that mad after I invited Turner to come along with us and even hired another driver? To keep us apart? Seriously? If not for his serious face I would have probably burst out laughing. He seemed to have noticed that and his face became a bit redder again. But this time surely with anger.

I lifted my hand from his waist to his face and stroked it gently. "I'm sorry if I made you think that but it's not true. I have no reason to lie to you." I caressed his hair and rubbed my nose against his. The tension left him but he still pouted a bit. I can't believe I'm saying this but he looked damn cute too doing it.

I kissed him again. A short kiss without tongue and passion. His eyebrows lowered.

"You're playing with me." I could only nod when a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "But it's not playing. It's teasing. Your reactions are fun to watch. The way you blush or your sexy noises. I'm a bit of a sadist you see. They turn me on."

Giulio's eyes widened. "I turn you on?"

"Afraid so." I grinned at him.

"Oh.." Now Giulio was smiling too. I hated to spoil his good mood but some things had to be cleared up.

"Giulio." I waited till I was sure his attention was on me. "I don't know if I love you. I haven't thought about it till today." I continued in urgency. "But if you don't mind, I can do so from now on. Some time would be great."

Giulio was simply looking. "Yes...yes, please. I would like that very much." And he cuddled up to me again.