{Hello again my beautiful people. So this is the last chapter of Trotting Along. I'm so sorry that it took so long to get up, but life just got in the way this week. I want to thank everyone who read the story and those who left reviews. I especially want to thank Annedwen on for letting me use her beautiful picture for the cover photo. Her art is amazing, go look at it. Also, I STILL don't own MLP: FiM, though I really want to.}

Trotting Along: Chapter Three

Derpy and The Doctor had been walking in silence for a while now, neither one of them knowing what to say to the other. Derpy had cleaned the excess make up off her face, and afterwards she felt like she had ruined their day. The Doctor on the other hand was trying his best to come up with something to say that could make his sweet Derpy feel better, but nothing was coming to mind. Surprisingly, it was Derpy who broke the silence.

"Hey Doc, I'm really sorry I ruined our day. It would have been better if you were spending Hearts and Hooves Day with someone else. I'll understand if you don't want to spend the rest of the day with me." Derpy said sadly. The Doctor was flabbergasted. Why in Equestria would she even think that? He stopped in front of her and lifted her chin up with his hoof so that she could look him in the eyes.

"Derpy, you have not ruined our day. And there is no one that I would rather spend Hearts and Hooves Day than with you my dear. So please, please don't think so little of yourself, alright? You are so wonderful, and you are definitely better than most other mares that I know. It would be the biggest honor in Equestria to spend even a minute with you because to me, you are the most wonderful pony in Equestria." After The Doctor was finished, Derpy started to cry again, but this time they were tears of joy. She couldn't contain her happiness anymore and she hugged (tackled) The Doctor to the ground.

"Doc, I don't -sniff- know what to say. That's the nicest thing that anypony has ever –sniff- said to me. You've made me so happy –sniff- you always make me happy. Doc, I think YOU are the best pony in Equestria." Derpy managed to say through her tears. The Doctor was shocked, but happy all the same. It was actually amusing to him that she tackled him to the ground. When Derpy gets happy, she gets really happy. The Doctor wrapped his front legs around Derpy's waist and held her close to him. What neither of them expected was that they would fall asleep right there on the ground just outside of Ponyville.


"Doc, Doc wake up. We fell asleep Doc. We need to wake up."

The Doctor opened his eyes to see Derpy trying to shake him awake. She looked worried about something. He jumped up, his mind still not completely awake, and looked around for any sign of danger. When he found nothing, he turned back to Derpy, who was still looking quite worried about something.

"Derpy what's wrong? Is there something bad out there? Are you hurt? What's the matter?"

"It's dark out Doc. We fell asleep and completely missed the sunset, and now it's dark out. I don't even know what time it is." Derpy replied, sounding a little bit scared. The Doctor sighed in exasperation, but he was also glad that she was alright. He walked back to Derpy and laid down next to her. She in turn nuzzled her head into his neck. The two of them sat there, very content and happy being in each other's company.

The Doctor looked around them, trying to figure out exactly where they were. To his astonishment, he realized that they were right on the edge between The Everfree Forest and Ponyville. He was about to suggest that they head back when he saw something interesting that caught his eye. It was a little light in the forest, it didn't look much bigger than a spark. And then he saw more of them. They seemed to be multiplying more and more by the second until it looked like there were thousands of them. And then they started moving. They flew right out of the forest. The Doctor realized what they were right away. They were fire flies. He felt Derpy move next to him, and then he felt her weight on him as she was laying over his back trying to get a better look at the fire flies, becoming more and more mystified by them.

"They're so beautiful. I've never seen so many fire flies at one time before. There must be hundreds, even thousands of the-" She stopped her sentence when a fire fly landed on her nose. Instinctively Derpy went cross eyed so that she could get a better look at the fire fly. The Doctor, who had been looking up to see her reaction to the fireflies, simply smiled at Derpy. The little bug flew off of Derpy's nose and into the night sky. Derpy shook her head to get her eyes back in place and giggled, "Did you see that? Did you? It was right on my nose. Why in Equestria did it land on my nose?"

"I wouldn't know my dear. But they certainly are beautiful, aren't they?"

"Yeah, they really are."


"Yeah Doc?"

"This really wasn't how I had planned our day. I had had other plans for us. But I guess it was a good thing that things didn't go according to plan, because this has been the best day I have had in a long time. Thank you for sharing it with me."

"Well, thank you for letting me be a part of it…. Hey Doc, there's something I have to tell you."

"What is it Derpy? You know you can tell me anything." Derpy smiled and took a few steps away from The Doctor.

"I'm so glad to hear that. Doctor Whooves, I- I love you. I really do." She closed her eyes, waiting for his reaction. When she didn't hear anything, she opened her eyes to look at The Doctor. He just sat here in complete shock. His blue eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. But then, to Derpy's utter delight, he smiled the biggest smile that she had ever seen him smile. And then ran up and hugged her with all of his strength.

"Derpy Hooves, I love you too. I love everything about you. You are so kind, caring, and just so great to be around. You are so special to me. Derpy, will you be my special somepony?"

"Oh Doc, nothing would or could make me happier than to be your special somepony."

And so they sat together, on the night of Hearts and Hooves Day, in the company of the pony they loved. On this night, they confessed their love for each other, with the only witnesses being the fire flies. And although they couldn't talk, the fire flies were happy for the two ponies.

And so, Derpy and The Doctor lived happily ever after. Having grand adventures and making the most out of their lives together.