A/N: I want to thank all who read, reviewed and subscribed so far, especially to WarriorDragonElf54 and Poodle warriors who reviewed each chapter. This will be my last chapter until Saturday whenI have the last of my exams and then I will dedicate to my other fic - Of Jötnar and Asgardians, which I shamefully negaloacted. Enjoy!

12:15 PM

To say that Loki had been helpful would have been an understatement. The god literally cut out her work for her. He saw what she had chosen and instead of laughing at her (well he did laugh when he saw the pajamas and some more wacky t-shirts) he actually offered her an advice, expert advice. You know, the kind of advice Tony's personal stylist and Pepper, these days mostly Pepper, gave. He could just glance at the item of clothing and say whether it would suit her or not.

Naturally, he demanded to see what she had overlooked and made her write down all she was supposed to buy. Then she told him about having photographic memory, something that very few people knew about her. At first he didn't understand what the term was but after she had explained it to him he smiled and said: "Me too." Like she didn't know it. And then he continued with fashion tyranny.

The other thing he insisted on was the color green. She never really wore it much nor she avoided it completely but Loki was quite intent on it. And he was right. Now, she tried on a green and black cocktail dress all she could do was stare at amazement. Green was her color after all. He also told her to tone down on the light blue which was her favorite color and go for the navy and indigo, wear more yellow and white and avoid red and purple. And he was right about everything. Except for red which he didn't like because it was Thor's color.

She took off the dress, went out and paid for her purchases. Next was lingerie store. And she owed someone a little present and an apology. Not just that she lashed out at him, she mentioned his family as well. That was a no-no.

12:26 PM

When Erin entered the store she monopolized the first salesperson available. It was easy enough for her to buy 's' or 'm 'sized panties but as for bras… Being double D was hard. And of course, she had to try on what Loki had chosen for her.

10:25 AM

It was not like he should fee l bad after an argument with her. But he did. And now who will he talk with? Just when he was about to start liking the tiny human, they have an argument. Something more serious than their usual jabs. It's not like he didn't enjoy their banter, which he did, but this was more serious than their jibes. He assumed that he'll talk to her tomorrow and see how it goes. Unlike him, she had to eat more often.

11:01 AM

When was tomorrow? Maybe he should talk to her right now?

13:05 PM

Someone knocked on the door. Maybe it was her? He opened it only to find a tray with food and to hear someone running away from the room. Opening it he found a some kind of semblance of Asgardian food. These mortals tried to make him gravadlax. Unfortunately they overdid it with the dill. And he hated the dill. Putting the tray outside his room he waited for the maid to take it away and make a new one.

14:15 PM

Tray was still outside his room. No maid has come to take it away. If he was Stark he would have fired them already and if on any case they had been on Asgard he would have them flogged. He found a piece of paper and carefully wrote: No dill. Not knowing what else to do with his time he tried making a map of all the rooms in Stark's tower. He started with the room in which he had been which were kitchen and his room a corridor or two… Loki decided that he should do a little exploring on his own.

19:26 PM

Ninety three floors and five hours later Loki was victorious. He was tired bit he had an accurate map of Stark tower. What was best was that he had remained unseen and he had found out where Erin's room was. It was locked so he assumed she wasn't there. Loki decided not to push his luck and check whether it was as messy as she it was as messy as she was. He went back to his room.

The moment he entered he knew that someone was there. And he might have guessed who. It wasn't the tray that was gone nor the perfume that still lingered in the air, no it was the gift that lay on his bed wrapped in green paper and black ribbon. He already knew what was in it. He smiled. When was the last time he got a gift? Even as a joke? He couldn't remember.

Slowly he unwrapped the silk ribbon, savoring the feeling. As he unwrapped the paper a wave of perfume washed over him. It was hers. And in spite of all of her objections she tried the nightgown. He sniffed it. Oh yes. She definitely did, cheeky little thing. He found a pair of lace panties and something that females of this world called bra. Alas, she didn't try them but they were her size.

Loki sprawled non the bed. And once again inhaled the scent of the nightgown. Well, don't mind if I do, he thought, and besides what Erin didn't know, couldn't hurt her.

02:49 AM

What a party! Still she was happy in her own bed. Today was an eventful day. And hopefully, very hopefully Loki forgave her after the present. She was half-tempted to keep it. Of well, she'll buy another pair of underwear in her size tomorrow. She could even do it online since tried them on already. And then it hit her. The saleswoman said something about the gown being last in her size before she wrapped it. Oh dear, she packed Loki the gown which she tried on. He will know, he will detect the smell of her perfume. In the name of Galactus! Loki will be either disgusted or he'll think she wants to have sex with him. Which she doesn't. No way. If Loki doesn't kill her tomorrow, she'll die of shame. Either way, she was screwed.