Welcome to the new story I've started for the people of and the Pokemon fans out there! The story of first love and that of a woman that seems to not ever love someone else till now. Warning: small sexual content in this beginning chapter so be warned. Fav, and follow this story if you like it and remember to review! Enjoy. : )

Chapter 1

The Rose Buds

Hilda was now the age of 20 in this new peaceful region of Unova, a nice early morning sunshine has awoken her from her sleep as she yawned in a pleasant manner and smiled to the arrival to a brand new day. It's been two years sense the second issue came around with Ghetsis trying to take over the world again and Hilda's appearance has changed some more, she still had the same hair style but it has grown out more to the point where her ponytail hung down to get butt, she got a little taller but not so much and her curves grew in more to her body. She walked over to the bathroom and started to strip out of her pajamas and her underwear, walking into the shower and turning on the water to start a shower. She smiled as she lightly rubbed down her body with soap and washed it off, her face blushing with the slow touch of her own hands down her body made her think of Rosa. Hilda felt a little flustered and her heart started to race, making her tingle down in her nether regions which were already wet but not from the water. She felt her hand slowly go down to her crotch and let herself let out a gentle grown slip from her lips as she started to pleasure herself to the thought of her good friend, and crush Rosa.

To understand this a little bit more we have to go back to when Rosa and Hilda first met after the incident with Ghetsis was solved yet again, Hilda got word of what happened when a good friend of hers told Hilda about Ghetsis causing trouble yet again after his defeat from their last battle. Hilda was getting ready to go take him down again but her friend stopped her and told her that the situation was already under control from a talented new trainer by the name of Rosa. Hilda was astonished by the idea that someone was that powerful to take down a powerful and such as Ghetsis and she had to see her power for herself. She called out for her Braviary and hopped on to this girl's home town of Aspertia City, flying at high speed to see this new trainer. She arrived very shortly even though the City was so far away from her home town, you could even say all the way across the map of Unova to find this girl, getting off her Braviary when it landed and returned it to its poke ball. She was determined, her blood was pumping and boiling with excitement to see this trainer, she fallowed the directions her friend gave Hilda before she left and arrived shortly to the home she was looking for, it belonged to Thorn family from what the mailbox said in the front yard, the house was bright red and a black roof with potted plants in the window sills and flower beds lining the house which had dozens of roses in every spot and corner of the flower beds and window sills. Hilda walled up to the door of the home and rang the doorbell, hearing rushing and stumbling behind the door; the sound and thump of what seemed to be the front door getting ran into scared the crap out of Hilda and slowly the door was opened to show a nice older lady with a ponytail hairdo that stuck upwards.

The older lady seemed bubbly and klutzy even for her age, guess with some people age doesn't change some people, and she was smiling as she rubbed her head gently from a little bump into the door.

"Sorry about that, I ended up tripping and hitting my head on the door." The lady said to Hilda pleasantly as Hilda's blood calmed to a slow halt because she was slightly laughing and apologizing for laughing.

"I'm so sorry I'm laughing at your pain miss, I don't even know you yet and I feel bad for laughing." Replied Hilda, calming her laughter to a slight giggle.

"No young lady its fine, I must ask do you have any business with me or someone in my home?" The older lady asked, seeming to change her demeanor to a very serious one, one that didn't seem right for what Hilda just saw earlier from this woman.

"Oh yes I'm sorry, I was wondering if I could talk to a girl at this address with the name Rosa."

The mothers' eyes opened wide and smiled, "Ah I see you're the friend that Bianca was talking about on the phone earlier, she said you stormed out of the house in a hurry to come here and challenge my daughter. Wait right here, I'll go get her for you." The mother walked back inside and for a couple of minutes Hilda was standing in the doorway waiting for her return. A couple minutes more went by and a nice young lady with milk chocolate brown hair which was done up in buns on each side of her head, which hung down were long strands of flowing hair connected to the buns. Her outfit consisted of a white tee-shirt with short blue sleeves and she wore a yellow shirt, which was actually shorts, and a pair of tights. Her crystal blue eyes stare at Hilda's eyes which had a innocent vibe that calmed Hilda's blood and made her heart pump fast, she had forgotten what she came for and got mesmerized by the girls eyes. Rosa started to feel a little awkward and started to talk to Hilda.

"I-is there a reason you wanted to speak to me…?" Her voice was so soft and sweet that it made Hilda heart jump and wanted to hug the girl, but kept her composure because her girl side was coming out again and started to wonder how such a timid girl ever beat Ghetsis in a battle with her timidness.

"Um yes I wanted to know if I could have a battle with you, if that's okay." Hilda awkwardly asked the still staring Rosa, making her blush slightly.

"I don't see why not, you seem like a strong woman!" Rosa squeaked out in confidence that just came out of nowhere.

Hilda was surprised but went on, "How does a one on one battle sound to you?"

Rosa nodded her head in agreement and they went off to the cities gym for the match, Hilda personally knew the leader which was a good friend of hers named Cheren. They walked into the gym which was also a library, so they walked silently through the library and into the back entrance that had the Pokémon gym beyond the doors. Hilda and Rosa met with Cheren and asked if they could use the field, knowing him he couldn't say no to two beautiful women as he blushed and ran away. Hilda and Rosa shook hands and Rosa spoke up.

"I'd like to know your name stranger, what is it? My name is Rosa"

"Hilda's the name." Hilda told her as Rosa smiled to meet a new friend, making Hilda blush slightly again from her bubbly personality that pops out and catches her off guard. The both went to their separate sides of the field and pulled out their chosen Pokémon, letting them out to show on Hilda's side a Samurott and on Rosa's a Serperior.

"Good luck to you Rosa." Said Hilda with confidence.

"You two Hilda." Rosa responded back to her, looking extremely serious, which made Hilda's knees shake slightly out of what could be nervousness. The referee that was watching the battle called out, three, two, one, GO! The match began and lasted for about an hour.

The events that accrued in that match were to indescribable due to the extreme action that went on, the results were the only thing that could be truly described which was the match being won by Rosa and lost by Hilda. Hilda was on her knees in disbelief by this and was a little crushed to know she wasn't the top trainer anymore, for some reason even though she said it wouldn't bother her to not be the strongest and knows she's not, it still bugged her to face it in life and to someone she doubted. Her head was facing down at the ground, about to lose her strong composure and break out into tears as she saw a hand reach out to her and looked up to see Rosa smiling at her.

"It's okay Hilda, not everyone is going to win every match they battle and this is no different. To tell the truth, this is the most fun and intense match I've ever had with someone, you were really close to knocking out my Pokémon two!"

Rosa's happy mood and encouraging words were right, for someone so young was already so wise and clear minded about what she believed in life and shared it to those like Hilda that need it most. Her loving atmosphere made Hilda's heart rush even more as she took Rosa's hand into hers, Hilda's face was completely red and looking down at the girl that was shorter then her, but already as mature as herself and maybe more. Hilda was slightly confused, why was she feeling like this about another female? He mind was confused but her heart spoke the words for her, she had fallen in love for another woman, that woman was named Rosa.

And that's the story folks as we come back to Hilda two years in the future, where her and Rosa have become very good friends and Hilda was still holding her feelings for her lovely Rosa. The thought of the warm touch of Rosa's hand on hers made Hilda's hand feel like it was Rosa's, making her rub fast till she climaxed, moaning loudly and breathed heavily but the exhaustion. This is how every morning started for Hilda anymore sadly enough; "This had to change" she though as her breathing became stable once more. "It's time I did something, I have to make Rosa mine, I want to make her love of my life."