A/N: I saw how there were alot of different kinds of Cupids in the ROFG FanFics. And I thought if those 2 kinds of Cupids could be enemies, then this story was born!

Rose and Belle belong to me and the others belong to DreamWorks :)

It was a new year, but a new day for someone in the desert. Belle, the Spirit of Lust has been waiting for this year. This was the year when her 500 years in captivity were over. Being alone in the desert will be over in a few days. She couldn't wait to leave the desert prison. She has tried to leave, but the Man in the Moon made a wall that she could not get through. All of that was about to change.


In Burgess, the people of the town were celebrating the New Year. Jamie and Sophie went to bed when their mother told them to. When Jamie looked at the window, he saw a snowflake hit the glass. With a big smile on his face, he opened the window and saw a fast glance of The Guardian of Fun. Even though there were fireworks in the sky, he only looked at his winter flying friend giving them the first snow the year.

"Jamie! Close the window! You're letting the hot air get out!" The little boy heard his mom yell at him. Jamie closed the window and went to bed.

Jack saw his friend close the window. He remembered when kids couldn't see him, now for a year of being seen, he still is trying to get used to kids seeing him. His thoughts were stopped when he saw the Northern Lights going across the sky.

"Wind! Take me to the North Pole!" he yelled and the wind picked him up and took him to the pole.


Back at the Pole, North was talking to Rose, (AKA Cupid). "I'm sorry to bother you, North. It's just that I'm worried." She said flying around the room. "No worries, Rose. The Guardians will understand." North said watching Rose flying nervously around the globe. Rose a Hispanic teenage girl with short curly black hair, pink eyes, she had a short pink dress and red tights that stopped to her knees. She had small white feathered wings and arrows strapped on her back.

Then there was a sound the fast wings in the room, Tooth had arrived with Bunny coming out the floor.

"Ah, Tooth! Bunny! Glad for you to be here."

"What's going on North? You know I have a hard time to stop working." Tooth said as she flew by.

"Clam yourself Tooth, Rose has a problem." North said, then gold sand was in the room with a cold breeze. "Ah, Sandy! Jack! You finally made it! Now time for business." North said walking next to Rose.

"Guardians, you know Rose, no? She is worried that Belle will come for revenge."

"Wait? What? Can someone help me out here? Who's Belle, and why does she want revenge?" Jack asked seeing that the other guardians knew what was going on.

"Belle was the first Cupid. She became lost in her power and forgot the reason why she became Cupid." Rose started flying next to Jack. "She was meant to bring love into the world, but she brought what we call lust. The Man in the Moon became angry at her and made me the new Cupid. She was banished to the desert for 500 years and lost her way of flight, and a wall was put up that only she can't go through."

"Now the 500 years are up. We only have ten days, and she'll be free." North finished and then patted his belly.

"Well, what is she going to do?" Bunny asked rubbing his cold arm.

"That's the problem, I don't know." Rose said with a worry look on her face. "She as hated me since I became Cupid. She has ruined marriages, relationships, and friendships that I have put together."

"Listen Rose, we will help you, no matter what." Tooth said and put a friendly hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks Tooth, you have always been a true friend to me." Rose said and gave Tooth a friendly hug.

"Okay, even though this friendly reunion is grand and all, but we need a plan." Jack said seeing the two friends giving him a look that said "Shut up".

"Jack is right. We need a plan. Rose, do you know what Bell can come up with?" North said.

"Well, Bell always makes people lust after each other, but I don't think she'll use that as revenge."

"We have to figure it out. Why would Bell go after you Rose?" Bunny asked.

"Well, like I said before, she was Cupid first, so she's probably going to try to get rid of me to become Cupid again." Rose said looking at the guardians.

"If that the case, we will have to protect you." Jack said look Rose with a sincere look.

"Jack's right, we'll protect you with everything we got." Tooth said with reassurance in her voice.

"Well, it's settled then. We will meet back here every day and Rose, keep your guard up." North said and let the guardians go their separate ways.


Back at The Tooth Place, Tooth has been worried about Rose. They have been friends for years and Rose was an easy person to talk to. They met while flying in France and started to talk to each other when she was collecting teeth, and Rose was being the matchmaker in the town. They've been best frineds ever since.

A cold breeze stopped Tooth's thoughts and saw Jack landing behind her. "Hey, you okay?" Jack asked walking up to her.

"I'm fine, Jack." She lied to him.

"You're lying, I can tell, Tooth. What's wrong?" Jack got closer to Tooth. Tooth could swear he could see her heart through her chest. If he got any closer, her heart might pop out.

"I'm worried about Rose. We have been friends for hundreds of years. She's a great girl, I would hate for something bad to happen to her." She said with her amethyst eyes being filled with tears.

"Hey, don't get so worked up. I know that you and Rose are close. Don't let this Belle person get in your head, Tooth." Jack said putting a hand on her shoulder. Tooth looked at him and nodded.

"You're right; I can't let Belle ruin my train of thought." Tooth said wiping the tears away from her eyes. "You're a great friend Jack; I don't know what I do without you." Tooth said and gave Jack a hug.

Jack was surprised at first, but sighed and returned a one arm hug. "Well I better get going. See ya later." Jack said and let go of her.

When Jack left, Tooth felt her face getting hot remembering how he held her. She knew that she'd been crushing on him even before they met. She first loved how he had perfect white teeth, now she thought that he was perfect.

A/N: I know, sucky ending, and BTW I didn't call Cupid Rose because of Titanic. I called her Rose because of Valentines. I also call my other charater Belle beacuse of it meaning Beauty, and that is what lust is about.