Okay, I hope everybody is ready for another story! I for some reason can't just write a simple love story without children playing a major part it doesn't matter how hard I try! I hope you all like this new baby of mine! There will be at least 1 EPOV and 1 BPOV in each chapter.

Chapter 1

"For the strength of the pack is the wolf,

the strength of the wolf is the pack!"

Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book


April 9, 2012 Monday

I groaned as I slammed my hand on my alarm clock as it bleeped out announcing it was 4 o'clock in the morning. And a Monday of all days. I knew I had to get up and get to the center but I still couldn't get over my inability to function in the early mornings.

When the alarm went off for the second time, I turned it off and flipped the lamp on beside my bed. I sat up and looked around at my surroundings and groaned yet again. I had lived in my little studio apartment for almost two years now and I was still living out of boxes. Well, they weren't really boxes but they were plastic tubs. I had a minimal amount of furniture. I had a bed, nightstand, dresser, couch, and a bar stool. I had no pictures, photos, decorations or anything set out.

I had it this way for a reason. It was the same reason I no longer talked to my mother. The reason why I no longer lived in Florida. The reason I don't date. I pulled myself from my bed and made my way to the industrial size coffee maker sitting on my granite countertop, my one indulgence, and poured me a big cup of coffee as I sat on the lone barstool tucked up underneath my granite countertops and thought about the day that loomed in front of me.

I hoped it ended up being a beautiful day outside today so that I could take my kids outside to play. My phone dinged from the counter top and I snatched it up and saw my sister's picture and name splayed across the screen. I groaned and answered it.

"Good morning, Rosie." I told my sister and super model, Rosalie Hale.

"Ugh, I'm about to crash for the day. I was just calling to see how you were doing and to make sure you were up."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Rosie, I'm up. I'm an adult and a business owner now; I know how to get myself up in the mornings." I told her, avoiding the question about how I was doing.

"Uh huh. You avoided my question sissy, how are you doing today?"

I groaned aloud and slammed my head down on the counter in front of me. "I just woke up about ten minutes ago, sissy; I haven't really had time to process what this day is to me yet." I told her quietly.

"Uh huh, you call me if you need me, Bella. Don't deal with this all on your own because you are not alone anymore." She told me firmly.

"Fine, Rosie, I will call you later. Love you, sissy." I told her softly.

"Love you too, Bella."

I laid the now silent phone on the counter and really thought about what this day meant to me. This day had represented several bad occurrences in my lifetime. It marked seven years since I dumped my psycho boyfriend and tried to move on, even though he wouldn't let me. It had also been six years today since my father had been gunned down my ex-boyfriend as he was caught robbing the local liquor store in our hometown home town of Forks, Washington. It also marked three years since my mother allowed that same monster into her home and back into my life even when she knew I was hiding from him.

I dragged myself from my barstool and to my shower before dressing in my classic black yoga pants and black long sleeved shirt and headed out the door.


I groaned as the alarm clock sounded announcing that it was time to get up and get my week started. I pulled myself up in the bed and turned the alarm clock off. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and flipped my bedside lamp on, casting a soft glow over my bedroom.

I had lived in this penthouse apartment for ten years now, since I had turned eighteen and was accepted into Cambridge University on a full ride scholarship. I had lived here with my two cousins, Jasper Whitlock and Emmett McCarty as we all attended Cambridge University. This penthouse apartment was a present from my parents upon my acceptance in Cambridge and I still held it dear to my heart. It held a lot of memories for me, both good and bad.

I tossed the covers aside and stretched as I slipped my legs off the bed and onto the cool wood floor that was in every floor of the huge four bedroom penthouse. I eased up and quietly made my way to the bathroom and then to the kitchen where the coffee waited for me.

I quietly took down a coffee cup and poured me a cup, adding two sugars, and sat down at the bar, scrolling through my agenda for the day when my phone dinged with an incoming message.

I opened it and groaned when I saw it was from my sister, Alice Cullen.

Good morning, brother dearest. Everything you need for the day is hanging in the laundry room.

Thank God for little miracles that came in the form of my pixie of a twin sister.

Thanks, Ali. You are a godsend. What would I do without you? How did the fashion show go last night?

Alice was a fashion designer that had gotten a lot of notice in the last year or so and was now a big time sought after fashion designer and held shows all over town making sure her designs were well known.

It went great, just left the after party with my models. Now I'm going to bed. Love you brother.

I smiled and tapped back that I loved her too before I heard stirring coming from the other bedrooms.

I laid my phone down and made my way back to the other bedrooms in the apartment quickly.

Please let me know what you guys think of the introductions to the new story! I'm sorry but the chapters aren't very long but I will post 2x a week on Wednesday and Sunday permitting my internet working!

Review and let me know what you think! PLEASE! I am aiming for at least 150 reviews before the story is finished but we will see!