-Disclaimer- I don't own TVD or any of its characters. All rights belong to the owners and I'm not part of them. AN: Basically this story follows the earlier seasons of TVD, but with some changes. In this fic Kol isn't dead (I like him too much for dying), but Jeremy is. He was killed by Katherine and the Originals don't know of this as they left MF (Mystic Falls) before he died, obviously. I don't know if other characters such as Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, etc. will appear, but we'll see.- Anyway, hope you'll like this rather short, first chapter and please review to let me know what you thought.

As I looked at the burning house in front of me, I couldn't help but wonder what had gone so wrong in my life. So much had changed in the past years, so much bad things happened, so much suffering. But now I was free of it, I felt absolutely nothing as I continued to observe the blazing fire.

Fire had always been a fascination to me. Fire could be your best friend as well as your worst enemy. You couldn't live with it and you couldn't live without it. It was truly amazing how even a little flame, could hold so much power.

A power that we humans, well most, thought we could control how we wanted it to. But the truth was that no one had complete power over it. No one could really predict it, as much as we try to believe that we can.

As little children we learn to stay away of the fire as it is too dangerous, but at one point we all play with fire. Not always in the literal way, but we do it way more than we like to admit.

And that's what happened to me, I played too long, too much with it and got burned, badly. Although I felt nothing right now, no bone crushing pain, no nothing, I couldn't help but contemplate on my past actions, the ones that let to this day. But reflecting on everything I did in the past left me as cold and emotionless as everything else.

Watching my home burn I felt nothing, absolutely nothing. I felt some interest in the blazing flame, but that was it. The flames were now easily reaching the second floor, destroying everything in their passage and leaving nothing but blackness.

When I got out of the house with the Salvatore brother's behind me, I had only wanted to leave this place. I wanted to get as far as possible, leave all the suffering behind and start with my new 'no-emotions' life. I accompanied them quite a way, but then I excused myself to come back.

At first they thought I was completely nuts, but after some quite effective words and threats, I was able to get them off of my back. I then sped to the scene and half hid in the trees behind the house. I stayed there and watched, probably as a punishment, because I deserved to watch this scene.

Would I have had still my emotions on, I would've screamed at this sight and would've tried to run into the house. I would've wanted to 'safe' my brother or to get some personal stuff out of it.

But that was before and now it simply left me cold. I watched this house I once called home, burn without flinching, without batting an eyelash. I watched until I heard the sirens come nearer and only then did I leave the scene. This time I wouldn't look back and I wouldn't come back, never again.

*Some weeks later*

"Miss, Miss? Can I get you something else?" The waiter asked after I had lost myself in my thoughts again. 'Oh, yes… But I doubt it's on the menu…' I thought and gave him a seductive smile. Instantly I could see the facial changes and the slight shift in his smell.

'Humans are really too easy…' I thought slightly annoyed and ordered my second cup of coffee. "Coming right up." He said giving me his best smile and walked to the bar to get my order. While I waited for my coffee to come, I leaned back in my chair and let the sun shine on my face.

I was currently in a town; it wasn't the biggest and not necessarily the smallest. I had absolutely no idea how this town was called, I simply was driving through it and I just stopped. It wasn't such a small town, that every new person would seem suspect, but it wasn't known enough so that I would fear being recognized.

I had now been two days here and during these two days, the sun had never stopped shining, there was never a cloud. Some would say it is luck, simply good weather and other would read out of this, that there was no bad in here. Personally I didn't care at all, I just liked the warm, sunny weather and that was it. People really tended to get overly dramatic about this kind of stuff.

"Here you go, miss. Oh by the way… It's on the house." He said trying to sound charmingly and I had to admit he did it rather well, but of course it left me completely cold. 'Seriously… Does he think I'm going to be all over him just because he gave me a coffee for free?'

Sometimes, when I was really too bored I could play along, but I wasn't out for a nice flirt and more, well not today, I only wanted to get a good meal and this guy simply smelled amazing to my heightened senses.

"Really? Well... Thank you." I said trying to sound deeply touched. "How can I thank you for that?" I asked with my most seductive voice and started playing with some strands of my hair. 'This game really starts to get boring… What wouldn't I do for a good meal…' I thought, just before the guy answered.

"Well… I could certainly think of some things." "Oh and what… things?" I asked playing the innocent girl. "I've got my break in about ten minutes… Meet you in the small alley behind the bar?" He whispered leaning more forward and I could hear his heart beating in his chest. Making this delicious; life depending liquid flow through the body of this young man and it will be my pleasure to steal some of this precious fluid.

"Sure thing" I whispered back and gave him another smile, before I turned to my coffee and sipped on it. The coffee wasn't that good, but it was drinkable. That was something that I had especially remarked since my turning. Stuff that used to be delicious was now often only mediocre or even worse.

After finishing may cup I put the money on the table and before I left the bar I turned to the server and smirked in his direction. "Oh yes… Hunt's getting way too easy." I muttered to myself annoyed and quickly went to the place where we would meet.

Minutes late the guy came through the back door and walked with a big, rather satisfied smile towards me. I nearly wanted to roll my eyes at his behavior. 'Really pathetic…' I thought after he walked away and while I waited for him to come nearer. Once he came nearer he leaned forward, trying to kiss me, but I quickly held his face in place so that I could get started.

I was getting bored of waiting and usually it ended not so well for my meals. "You will not make any sound. You will not try to escape and once this is all finished, you'll forget about this and you'll go back to work." I compelled him and once it was over I took a deep bite.

As soon as his blood got into my mouth, I felt this delicious pull. The one that urges you to drink some more, the one that urges you to bite deeper and the one that wishes the meal would never stop. I was about to bite the guy a little more, when I heard a voice I hadn't heard in a while.

"Well look at that! I see you're having fun, Katherine. Mind if we share?" Rebekah asked sarcastically and moved closer. A very bad move, especially when I'm feeding, because I do NOT share, with anyone! "Rebekah, can't say it's a pleasure to meet you again." I said annoyed and pushed the guy away, signalizing I had enough and that he could leave.

"Oh, did you have already enough? I hope I didn't make you lose your appetite, Kat" She said with mockery and leaned against the brick wall of the bar. "For you it's still Katherine, but you may call me Elena." I told her annoyed and gave a cold, devilish smile at her slight shock.

"Elena… I see… What are you doing here? Never thought I'd see you without your little toys." Rebekah spat clearly trying to hurt me in some way. 'Oh, poor thing… She going to be sooo disappointed when she'll find out…' I though, while I pretended to kick away some dirt.

"Nah, they got too boring." I answered very well aware that I had only answered one of her questions. I then brushed away the small amount of blood in the corner of my mouth and slowly walked up to Rebekah. "What are you doing here?" I asked not really interested and got out my phone to play some game. "Visiting the country… Gotta stay tuned on what's happening on the country." She said with a smirk just as I put my phone in my pocket again.

"Well, good… for you.. I'd love to continue chatting with you, but I got to move. Ciao." I said in an overly dramatic voice and walked to the sidewalk and the main street. "Leaving so soon? Oh… See you soon, Elena!" She said and I turned back around but she had already vanished and the alley was empty.

'Well that was an unnecessary visit… I wonder what she really wanted…' I walked at normal human pace back to the hotel where I was staying. The sun was setting down, casting everything in an orange, red, purple light. My shadow got casted on the sidewalk and for a second I thought about going to the park for my dinner. I quickly decided against it and continued walking to my hotel, I knew it wasn't far and that I could reach it in less than a minute if I went at Vampire speed, but there were still too many humans around. Not that I cared, no I don't, but I wasn't exactly keen on showing my true nature, I wasn't suicidal after all!

However since leaving I had this less then pleasant intuition that someone or something was following me. I turned into an alley just to see if someone was following and true enough a black van drove to the side. I was out of sight for them for now, but I knew it wouldn't take long for them to come here.

And true to my estimations some seconds' later two guys appeared in the alley, all dressed in black and with some shot guns. They couldn't see me as I had hid myself behind some trash that was lying around. "Where did she go?" Guy number one whispered and looked all around him. For a millisecond his eyes had stopped at my hiding place and I was sure that he had seen me, but he then turned back to look at his friend or coworker without saying anything. 'Who do they belong to?... Surely that's not some stupid move from Rebekah… She's better than that.' I mused, while I continued observing the two humans.

After some seconds they turned their back to me, discussing where to look for me. 'Stupid, stupid humans… That was a foolish move…' I thought and jumped forward, breaking the first guy's neck. The other was shocked for a second and hesitated with his gun still in his hands. "You should really shoot when you have a gun, idiot." I told him and snapped his neck too. 'Way too easy…' And as soon as I thought these words, four Vampires appeared at the entrance of the alley.

I had never seen them before, but it didn't take a genius to know that they were way older than me. "Well, fuck!" I muttered and turned my back to them, speeding in the other direction, but as soon as I was at the other end four other Vampires appeared, all smiling at their accomplishment. "Great, just great!" I spat before the first wooden bullet made its way into my upper arm, staining my new green shirt.

I was about run forward, when I had just time to bend down as a stake came flying in my direction. "Seriously?! That's all you got?" I shouted and laughed at their miserable attempt. "No, we got much more…" One of the Vampires said back, just as I got hit by several items in my back. Unfortunately they were loaded with Vervain. "Ok, you win." I was able to utter before I collapsed onto the ground and lost consciousness.

Thanks a lot for reading this first chapter, hope you liked it and please review to let me know what you though! :D