Whelp. Here's the third part in the BFB series. The last one was weddings, this one is babies. I hope you all enjoy.

Chapter One

When Stiles' twenty-seventh birthday rolled around, Derek threw him a birthday party. All of his friends gave him cards as gifts. Cards full of money. All the cards mentioned something about the money being "for a baby."

Stiles' dad and Derek's parents just handed him checks.

The exact same thing happened at Derek's birthday party.

The people in their lives were not masters in the art of subtlety.

With the oh-so-subtle push from friends and family, Stiles started to research the cost of surrogacy after work one day.

Derek came home to find Stiles' head facedown on his keyboard. He looked at Becky—Isaac and Danny's foster daughter—who was on the couch with the dogs, Wrinkle their Shar Pei and Fuzz the Chow chow. "What's wrong with Stiles?"

Becky turned to Derek. "He's sulking."


"He found out how much a surrogate will cost. Must be a lot since he made a weird squeak noise before plopping his head on the keyboard. He's been like that for twenty minutes or so."

"Shit." Derek walked over to Stiles and ran a hand up and down his back. "Stiles?"

"The only way we could afford a baby is if we sold all our belongings and lived on the street," Stiles moped.

Derek kissed the back of Stiles' neck. "We'll figure this out."

Stiles sat up and looked at Derek, the indentations of computer keys on his forehead. "I need to get another job."


"Just until we have a baby. To get extra cash. I can work during summers too. The Beacon Hills Tutoring Center is always looking for help. They prefer teachers."

"But you teach kindergarten," Becky reminded.

"They don't care about that," Stiles said. "I can teach kids wonderful studying techniques. What do you think, Derek?"

Derek knew that Stiles love having summers off. He could bug his dad, hang out with Becky, and spend time with the dogs. And Derek felt that Stiles needed the break. It gave him time to recharge. "I don't know."

Stiles scowled. "Fuck you. I'm doing it."

"Don't start a fight," Derek said, trying to not take the bait. "I just think that, as a couple, we should discuss this before making any decisions."

"Me bringing it up was the start of the discussion," Stiles argued.

"Stiles, you love having the weekends and summers off. You deal with kids who are five and six for most of the year. You're exhausted by the time summer break hits. Are you sure you want to spend your summer tutoring kids and teens who don't want to be learning?"

"What I want is to have a baby," Stiles snapped. "And as two dudes, it costs a shit ton of money to have one. Don't you want a baby? A family?"

"Of course I do," Derek said softly. He wanted it more than anything. He wanted to see a little kid running around with both Hale and Stilinski features. He wanted the unconditional love a child could give. He wanted to see Stiles in the role of father, something he was born for.

"Even if I bitch and hate it," Stiles said, "it'll only be until we can afford the surrogate. Once the baby's close to coming, I'll quit."

Derek saw the desperation in Stiles' eyes. He knew Stiles already made his mind up. "You were going to apply tomorrow whether I agreed with it or not, right?"

"Yeah." Stiles didn't even bother to look guilty.

Derek gave Stiles a kiss. "You are a pain in my ass. Just don't bitch at me when you aren't particularly fond of your second job."

The same day Stiles applied for his second job, he and Derek went to the bank and set up a second account where they would put in some money from each paycheck to go towards a surrogate.

For Christmas, Stiles and Derek got more money from their friends and family.

"They pity us, don't they?" Stiles questioned Derek.

"No," Derek insisted. "They love us and want to help us out."

"They feel bad for us," Stiles was sure. "Poor Stiles and Derek can't have a baby of their own. It must suck for Stiles and Derek, not being able to afford a surrogate. Let us pray for the sad, unlucky couple."

Derek took the glass of eggnog away from Stiles. "It's not healthy to be bitter on Christmas. And no one feels bad for us. Stop being paranoid."

Stiles frowned. "Can we just go home?"


Lydia and Jackson threw a small New Year's Eve party for their little group of friends. Isla was there too as well as Becky and her friends.

"Can we have champagne at midnight, Isaac?" Becky asked with a sweet tone.

"You're all fourteen," Isaac said to Becky and her friends—two boys named Harry and Jimmy, and a girl named Ryan. "I am not giving you alcohol. Harry's, Jimmy's, and Ryan's parents all trusted Danny and me to keep them safe tonight. They were thrilled that you kids weren't going to some drunken high school party."

Danny grinned and gave Isaac a kiss. "Listen to you, sounding like a dad."

Becky rolled her eyes and turned her eyes away from her foster dads to talk to her friends.

"Erica, why aren't you drinking?" Scott asked.

Stiles had been wondering the same thing, but had feared the answer.

The answer was exactly what Stiles expected, "Well, we think I might be pregnant. We have a doctor's appointment next week."

"That's so exciting," Allison said. "Have you guys been trying, or was it a surprise?"

Erica smiled. "We've been trying. We want another kid before Isla gets too old. So, hopefully, they'll be friends and get along."

"They'll get along as long as Isla doesn't date any of his or her friends," Scott muttered.

Derek gave Scott a kick. "Hey, at least his or her sister and friend will be happy. Stiles and I worked out marvelously."

Stiles gulped some wine. "Hopefully, the new kid won't abandon their own date when catching Isla with their friend."

"That was a traumatic experience for me!" Scott said, referring to the time he caught Derek and Stiles on a date years ago. Stiles and Derek had only just started dating back then. Scott flipped, got in his car, drove off, and left Allison in the parking lot—Derek had to give her a ride.

"Well, I bet the idea of anyone sexing up Stiles grossed him out," Jackson joked. "Derek's clearly the only one who enjoys that body."

"Hey!" Stiles felt the need to defend his sex appeal. "Isaac dug this hot bod."

"What?" Becky cried. "Isaac and Stiles? When?"

Isaac glared at Stiles. "Great. Thanks, Stiles."

Stiles waved a dismissive hand. "It was in high school," he told Becky. "We were sixteen. Isaac wanted to experiment with his sexual orientation, and Derek wouldn't touch me, so Isaac talked me into practicing the art of sexual intercourse with him. The loss of our virginities was a lovely moment."

"I think I'm gonna vomit," Becky said.

Ryan giggled. "Why?"

"I don't need to think about one of my foster dads and my pseudo-uncle bumping uglies."

"Can we please move on?" Danny begged. "Any topic is fine."

The next week, Stiles got a text from Erica, confirming her pregnancy.

Stiles was man enough to admit that he was jealous. He and Derek didn't have any children. Erica and Boyd were about to have their second. And Isla had been a fucking accident.

Not that Stiles didn't adore Isla. He just wanted a baby of his own dammit. It would be the most loved baby in the world. And would have a huge ego from Stiles telling her or him how wonderful and perfect they are. But their kid would be humble about it. Stilinskis were not douches.

Thinking about the lack of baby was making Stiles depressed, so he got to working on his New Year's Resolution. Which was baby-related, naturally.

He was putting himself and Derek on an extreme budget. They would spend no more than they needed each month. And eat a lot less food, and would only buy things that were on sale or could be bought with coupons.

During the summer, Becky spent her days at Stiles and Derek's house, even though Stiles worked at the tutoring center during that time.

She fed Wrinkle and Fuzz, played with them, and took them for walks. Sometimes she babysat Isla there, and she usually had at least one friend over.

Stiles enjoyed coming home to the sound of kids. Sometimes they were cursing while playing video games, and sometimes they were splashing in the pool.

It filled some of the emptiness Stiles felt. Until they all went home, that is.

In July, Stiles and Derek went out to dinner with Scott and Allison.

Before they even got their bread, Scott blurted, "Allison's pregnant!"

Stiles tried to remain chipper during the meal. He smiled and laughed and wished his best friend luck.

But on the inside, he was crushed.

When they got home, Stiles immediately crawled into bed. "It hurts."

"I know." Derek got into bed next to Stiles and pulled him close. "It hurts a lot."

"I was sure we'd have a baby before them."

Derek kissed Stiles' forehead. "So was I."

"We're more ready for a baby than they are."

"Very true," Derek agreed. They've been mentally preparing since before they were married.

Derek knew Scott would be a good dad, though. But he'd feel the same pain he was sure Stiles would feel. There would be an ache in his heart seeing his little brother holding a baby. There would be a longing to hold his own child.

"Stupid Scott and his stupid sperm," Stiles mumbled.

Derek chuckled a little. "Yeah."