Hello, all. Sorry it's been a while since I last posted a chapter. Work was busy for some time then I got into Rooster Teeth, so I spent a lot of time on YouTube... Anyway, I believe there was a significant break between writing, so if this feels off, that's most likely why. I'll try to do better with the next chapter.

Chapter Three

It was early December when Stiles' dad came over for dinner. Stiles was a little surprised to see his dad. He saw his dad everyday, so that wasn't the surprising bit. Usually when his dad came for dinner he brought steak or fried chicken or some kind of ridiculously bad for you dessert. This time, the Sheriff brought a salad. Suspicious.

Derek helped Stiles prepare dinner in the kitchen. Stiles' dad sat at the table and did some baby talk at the dogs. This wasn't unusual. What was unusual, however, were the looks the Sheriff and Derek kept sharing.

Stiles knew something was up. Especially since Derek was not at all shocked by their dinner companion.

They sat down to eat once the food was ready. Derek and the Sheriff kept smiling at each other while they ate. Then they would shoot those smiles at Stiles. No one was even speaking. Only those weird smiles were used as communication.

Stiles threw his fork down. "You guys are really creeping me out. What's going on?"

Derek appeared thrilled. "Your dad and I have an idea. A great idea. An idea to help us afford a surrogate sooner."

Stiles turned to his dad. "And what is this brilliant idea?"

The Sheriff straightened in his seat. "You remember my Uncle Lewis?"

"The douche bag?" Stiles wanted to confirm.

"Yup. Anyway, he died a few months ago."

"Huh," Stiles said. "I didn't know he died."

"Me either. I didn't find out until after his lawyer gave me a call. He didn't have any children, and apparently left all his money to me. And trust me, it's a lot of money."

"You could retire!" Stiles suggested. His dad had been Sheriff too long. The man could use a break.

The Sheriff rolled his eyes. "Please. I'm not ready to retire." He waved a dismissive hand. "Anyway. I didn't know what to do with all the money. I really didn't like Lewis. He hated my dad, was rude to my wife, and didn't approve of how I was raising you. But then I started thinking. It'll take you and Derek way too long to afford a surrogate, and you need to be financially stable to have a kid. A lot of money goes to child related things. I can actually put this money to good use by giving it to you and Derek."

"Uncle Lewis hated gay people," Stiles reminded his dad.

"And the perfect fuck you to the man is by helping two guys get a child."

"I don't want to take your money, Dad."

"Think of it as a Christmas gift."


"Plan B it is," Derek muttered.

Sheriff Stilinski nodded. "I'll give you the money as a loan then. One month after the baby is born, you two can start paying me back. In small amounts, mind you. Only as much as you can afford each month. We'll have Derek's father, the lawyer, draw up a contract and everything. You'll be legally obligated to pay me back."

Stiles considered. He didn't want handouts. The two men closest to him clearly knew that, hence this Plan B. Stiles figured that maybe this was the best course of action. He and Derek wouldn't have to wait years for a child. And while the money might not come from them, they'd still ne taking responsibility by paying his dad back. Plus, getting a loan from his dad was better than getting one elsewhere. His dad would trust them and not hassle them about money.

"Okay," Stiles agreed. "That sounds like a good plan."

After his dad left, Stiles crossed his arms at Derek. "You're a sneaky bastard."

Derek put his hands on Stiles' shoulders. "I went to your dad because I hated seeing you so sad. And I want a baby too. It hurt so much waiting, you know?"

"I know," Stiles whispered.

Derek gave Stiles a kiss. "I'm ready to start a family with you. We've waited long enough."

A week before Christmas, Derek's dad drew up the contract. Once that was taken care of, Derek and Stiles agreed to wait until after the holidays to start interviewing surrogates.

That same day, Danny and Isaac asked everyone over to their house.

Stiles was taken aback when he saw two children he didn't know. "Um. Isaac?"

"We got some last minute foster children," Danny said while eyeing Isaac.

"They needed a home," Isaac quietly hissed to Danny. Obviously Isaac hadn't consulted Danny about the kids.

Derek looked at the kids and took them in. Becky was holding the baby boy, and a slightly older boy was sitting on the floor frowning. They both had bandages on them. Derek had heard talk at the hospital. And there had been a news story. "Are they…?"

Isaac nodded. "Steve is six and Drew is one. It was their house that caught fire a few days ago. Their parents didn't make it; they were trapped. Their mom had Steve carry Drew out.

"No other foster parents were willing to take them in during the holidays. I couldn't let them spend Christmas in a children's home." Isaac looked at Danny. "They'll only be with us until we find family that will take them."

"You can't take all of your cases home with you," Danny argued in a quiet voice.

Danny and Isaac continued to fight until all of their friends arrived—Becky's friends too.

Isaac gathered everyone in the living room to introduce Steve and Drew.

"They lost all of their belongings in the fire," Isaac announced. "We need help putting together bedrooms and getting clothes and toys. Maybe get them some Christmas gifts?"

Everyone was divided into groups. Erica and Allison stayed with the boys plus Marcus and Isla. Isla managed to get Steve and Drew to play with her. Lydia, Jackson, Boyd, and Danny went out to pick out furniture they could take home that day. Stiles, Derek, Scott, and Isaac got clothes, shoes, diapers, and toys. Becky and her friends worked on clearing out two bedrooms.

They all spent the whole day working, and managed to get the essentials.

Stiles felt bad for the little boys. He knew the pain of losing a parent, and couldn't imagine losing both. He said as much to Derek.

"Yeah," Derek agreed. "And they lost their parents so quickly. You and I at least had some time to cope before out moms died. We knew it was coming. These boys didn't."

"We need to buy them awesome Christmas gifts," Stiles suggested. "Even if they're only with Isaac and Danny for a short time, they deserve a nice Christmas."

Stiles' Christmas with Derek, his dad, and all the Hales was great. What had happened with Isaac and Danny's new foster kids reminded him how lucky he was, and to be grateful for everything he had.

He and Derek went over to Danny and Isaac's house the evening of Christmas Day. They had gifts for Becky, Steve, and Drew.

Drew definitely seemed happier than Steve. It was clear Steve really felt the loss of his parents.

"We found some of their relatives," Isaac told Stiles that night. "But no one is willing to take them."

"Why won't anyone take them?" Stiles wondered, appalled. "They're two little boys who lost their parents."

Isaac winced a little. "It seems like none of their dad's family approved of their mom. Their mom was born in Puerto Rico, and their dad's family seemed like racist snobs."

"Well, what about their mom's family?"

"She was an only child. Her dad died when she was young, and her mom died a few years ago. It doesn't look like she had anyone else."

Stiles watched as Derek played with Drew, and Steve frowning at them. "Are you and Danny gonna keep them if you can't find anyone?"

"We're considering it now that Danny isn't mad at me anymore. But we're going to give it at least a year in case anyone changes their mind," Isaac said. "If that happens, we'll just give them a good and happy home until someone takes them."

After the New Year, school started up again. Danny and Isaac registered Steve into Beacon Hills Elementary, and the boy ended up in Stiles' class. So Stiles was now in charge of driving both Becky and Steve home.

During the drive after the first day back, Stiles realized that Becky seemed upset.

"What's bothering you, Becky?" Stiles asked eventually.

Becky looked at Steve in the backseat then appeared to choose her words carefully. "I was, um, doing things with Lindsay at a New Year's Eve party. When it was getting pretty hot and heavy Lindsay went to, uh, touch me. I kinda freaked out a little because I got a flashback to my dad and what he did. Lindsay got all mad that I was upset and didn't feel comfortable telling her why. So apparently, Lindsay has gone and told everyone she knows that I'm afraid of s-e-x. And now a lot of the school is making fun of me."

Stiles kind of wanted to punch this Lindsay bitch. And the rest of the high school. "How are your friends acting about all of this?" He needed to know if he should add three more names to his hit list.

"They're still on my side," Becky informed Stiles. "I mean, I think they realize there's something more going on with me. They're just not asking. And I'm not sure I even want to tell them what happened to me."

"Maybe you should tell them," Stiles suggested. "I know it'll probably be hard, but you trust them, right?"


"And they're good people. They'll be understanding."

Becky frowned while thinking. "I don't want them to look at me differently. You looked at me differently when you found out. You know, with all that pity for the poor abuse victim."

"What you had been through made me sad," Stiles told Becky. "Because no one should have to experience what you did. But I know there's more to you than what happened. And I don't look at you like that anymore, do I?"


"Your friends might look at you a little differently for a bit, but it'll only be because they'll be upset you went through that."

A few days later, Becky informed Stiles that she told her friends.

"They were really understanding," Becky said. "And promised to keep it to themselves."

Stiles smiled. "I'm glad it went well."

Becky nodded in agreement. "Now they've really started defending me against the bullies. Harry and Jimmy got suspended for beating up a dude who was harassing me. And Ryan told this one girl off so badly she made her cry. It was brutal. And people hardly mess with me anymore."

"Did I ever tell you how much I approve of your choice of friends?"

Derek and Stiles began interviewing surrogates in February. It hadn't been going well, and Derek blamed Stiles entirely.

Stiles was being extremely picky and would ask bizarre questions or make weird demands. Derek was pretty sure Stiles scared two or three women away.

They met several women throughout the month, and Stiles decided that every single one of them wasn't good enough.

It was now March and they were cleaning up the house for another meet with a possible surrogate.

"She just needs to be perfect," Stiles said just as he had the last several times. "This woman will be housing our baby. We have to make sure she's not a drug addict or a serial killer or some crazy using us to get a free baby."

Derek shut his eyes and sighed. "Do I need to ban you from TV and the Internet? I know that's where you're getting all your insane ideas."

"Taking TV and the Internet away from me would drive you insane."

"And that's the only logical thing you'll say today," Derek mumbled.

The dogs began to bark before the doorbell rang. Derek managed to beat Stiles to the door. He immediately said to the woman, "I apologize in advance for all the things my husband will say."

"Okay," the woman said, sounding amused as she pet the dogs. As Derek looked at her he was surprised at how young she appeared.

As Stiles corralled them into the living room Derek asked, "How old are you, um…"

"Jill," she told Derek as she sat down at the armchair. "And I'm twenty-four."

Stiles put on the interrogation face he inherited from his father. "You're pretty young. Why be a surrogate?"

"Well, I don't want kids of my own," Jill said. "So I figured I'd put my uterus to good use while it's in top condition."

Stiles nodded. "Right. And you're cool doing this for two guys?"

Jill grinned. "I actually requested a same sex couple."

"Why is that?" Derek asked.

"My brother and his husband had some trouble adopting a few years ago. I just wanted to help another couple get a baby with hopefully less stress."

Derek smiled. So far he was liking Jill.

"You know," Stiles began, and Derek knew the crazy was on its way. "My dad's the Sheriff. If you were to run off with our baby, we would find you. And there would be hell to pay."

Jill scratched Fuzz's head. "Good thing I don't plan on running off with your baby."

Stiles stared her down for about a minute. "Hmm. So. I have some things I want our surrogate to do."

"Alright." Jill sat back, ready for Stiles' demands.

"I want us to be at every appointment you have that's baby related."

"Sounds logical," Jill said.

"I want you to check in with us weekly. I would like you to be on a meal plan. I would also like to have a meet up once or twice a week so the baby can hear our voices. You know what? I'm gonna record our voices, and I want you to play it for the baby as much as possible. When the baby first kicks—call us, film it, whatever."

"And there will be more demands from Stiles throughout the pregnancy," Derek warned Jill.

Jill shrugged. "Whatever it is, I'll do it. It's your baby, I'll take care of it the way you want."

Stiles stood up and started clapping. "Congratulations! We have elected you to carry our baby!"

"I don't remember voting," Derek teased. "But seriously. Thank God Stiles finally picked someone."

They got the contract several weeks later, and scheduled an appointment to have the embryos implanted in Jill.

In April, Allison gave birth to a baby girl named Holly. This time, Stiles and Derek weren't sad. They were excited. Soon it would be their time.

In May, Jill became pregnant.