Hello Hello Hello Dear Readers! So I've got some exciting news for you all. Welcome to the last chapter of Love Never Dies. I decided to end it right here and begin working on my sequel because alot of awesome, crazy shit is about to take place; and it just makes more sense for it to be in Part 2 of the storyline! I thank you all for sticking by me all this time and just being amazing and leaving me such positive feedback! If you'd like to see my story (still coming up with a title at the moment), please click on my account name or continue to browse the DaveJade fanfic section in the rated M category. It is guaranteed that John will be making an appearance in the sequel/ be a main character in the story and let's just say that the sequel will be a lot more heartbreaking. If my motivation and ideas keep bursting through my head, I'm thinking about making more parts to this story. Tell me your ideas and leave feedback! I love reading what you all think and please don't forget to follow/favorite this story, just so you can have reference to my account or you can reread the story all over again before my sequel comes out! I'm hoping to update before Thanksgiving but if I don't, I sincerely apologize. Thank you everyone and I hope you enjoy the last chapter of my first fanfic. Please continue to support/follow my wild story! I love you all!

Dave sat on the couch, with his feet propped up on the coffee table, as he still thought about Aradia's haunting words as he did his Calculus homework, "Shit...I think I need an apple juice and a box of pizza." Getting up quickly, he heads to Jade's room, opening the door slowly. Max and Beq immediately walk out of the room, causing Dave to almost get knocked over by Beq's large frame.

"Damn dog.."

"Who are you calling dumb, human?"

Dave's eyes grow wide as his head slowly turns back to Beq, who is now licking his paw. "I think...you should just stick to being a fucking silent dog and not some 'Scooby Doo, I can talk so screw you.'"

"Watch your language human."

"The name is Dave."

"I hope that when you buy the pizza, you request extra sausages, pepperoni and ham."

"Oh no...I am not ordering a pizza just because some damn dog ordered me to."

Beq growls and flashes his teeth as he moves close to Dave, "You WILL do as I say. Are you forgetting that I can take Jade back to the island in a blink of an eye?"

Dave glares, "You wouldn't…"

"Try me."

Dave flashsteps to the phone and dials Pizza Hut quickly, "So you said extra meat on the pizza?"

"Yes and my companion would like…" Beq turns his head towards Max and communicates in normal dog language with him. By the end of the conversation, Max is drooling with excitment as he runs all over the penthouse, happy as can be.

"He requests extra cheese and sauce as well. That will be all." That being said, Beq follows Max to the balcony and takes his place under the table, ready for a relaxing nap in the sun.

Dave mumbles as he takes note of the order, "Damn dogs..Hello? Yes I'd like to order a large pizza with extra meat, cheese, and sauce. Yeah, that'll be delivery. Strider household. Sup? Not much. Yeah, i'll be at the club tonight. Thanks man. See ya."

It was no surprise that almost all the the pizza places in Houston knew the Striders well; not only because pizza was their main source of food, but also because of their mad DJ skills at all the hottest clubs in town.

"Oh god...sometimes being famous can have its negatives. God...Bro was right, I can be a drama queen sometimes." Shrugging, he heads back to Jade's room and climbs into bed with her, "Harley...I don't feel so good."

Jade's eyes slowly open as she stretches herself out and turns her face to Dave, "Hmm? What's wrong?"

"I don't know...I think I may have a fever…"

Jade's eyes shoot open as she sits on top of Dave's body and places her hand on his forehead, "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"Harley...come closer."

Jade moves her head closer to Dave as she worriedly checks her temperature then his, over and over again, "Dave, do you need to take some sort of special medication?!"

Dave's shaded eyes are now focused on Jade's prominent chest; her boobs jiggling every so often as she tries to put Dave in a comfortable position.

"I'm gonna go run and see if Dirk has any-"

Dave grabs her wrist and pulls her close to his face so that now that now their lips are touching.

"Dave, I need to get you some-"

"Harley..shut up. I think the only medication I need right now is some time with you."

Jade turns bright red as she feels Dave's hands travel up towards her back and slowly unclasp her bra.

"Dave wait I need to tell you something."

"Tell me later...right now you should be using your mouth for something else."

"Dave Elizabeth Strider! This is important!"

"...Jesus. What is it?" Dave sits up and ruffles his own hair as he grabs his shirt and slips it back on.

"Well...I missed my period."

"Isn't that supposed to be a blessing in disguise?"

"I...I don't know. I guess...but you see...I've been feeling pretty sick lately and well...I looked up the symptoms earlier and…"


Jade now has tears in her eyes as he looks up at Dave, "I think I'm dying!"

Dave facepalms himself, "Jade you're not gonna die."

"How do you know that?! What if my body is slowly shutting down!"

"Jade, you look perfectly healthy for me. Maybe the reason why you didn't get your period is because of the new environment and the reason for your sickness is probably the same thing too. You haven't gotten used to eating junk food everyday."

Jade sniffles and wipes the tears away from her eyes as she wraps her arms around Dave's neck, "R..Really?"

"Hell yes."

Jade laughs and hugs Dave tightly, "I'm sorry…I guess I do tend to overreact huh?"

Dave brings her head to lips and kisses it gently, "It's fine. I love that about you. You're very amusing."

Jade smiles widely and kisses Dave's neck, "Why don't we go out and eat somewhere?"

"Sure. Where did you wanna go?"

Jade puts her finger on her lip as she thinks, "Well this is kinda what I'm craving for...I want a hot dog but with anchovies, mustard, mayonnaise, a dash of onions, cotton candy whip cream, and to top it all off, sausages and shredded bacon on top."


Jade hops of the bed and gives Dave a puzzled look, "What?"

"That had to be the weirdest hot dog order I've ever heard...but I'm not judging. Let's go to Wienerschnitzel."

"What's a weinershitzhu?"

Dave hops off the bed and flashsteps to the door, where the Pizza hut delivery man is now waiting, "Sup. Here's a 20, keep the change." He takes the pizza from the man and closes the door quickly. "Alright you little shits, come get your pizza."

Beq and Max wag their tails excitedly as Dave removes every slice of pizza from the box and divides each slice equally between the two of them. "Alright, don't choke while me and Harley go out."

Jade emerges from the room in a simple t-shirt and worn out jeans, "Ready to go cool kid?"


Jade grabs Dave's arm and follows him out the door as they head towards the elevator, "What happened to Dirk?"

Dave shrugs are he kicks the elevator button and the doors open quickly, "Beats me. He usually hides up in the attic or his room making more smuppets or robots. It's the shit, i'm telling you."

Jade laughs as she leans against the elevator and takes a deep breath, "I..Is it just me or is it really tight in here?"

"No...are you claustrophobic?"

"No...it's just…" Jade points to her chest and lets out a deep breath, "h..hard...breathe.."

Dave holds Jade close and lifts her head up, "Jade hang on, we're almost out."

At this point, Jade is panting and slowly falling to the ground as Dave catches her and smacks her face a little, "Harley! Harley stay with me!"

Jade's eyes flutter each second, in an attempt to stay open, but as every minute passes, she finds things getting blurrier and and more distant.


Dave nods quickly as he picks Jade up and lays her head against his shoulder, "Hell yeah I'm taking you to the
hospital." Dave takes out his phone and calls Dirk, "C'mon jackass pick up!"


"Dude! We're in the elevator, almost to the ground floor. I need you to get an ambulance and a room reserved for us at the hospital!"

"On it." The line suddenly goes dead.

As the door finally open, Dave lays Jade on the ground and begins performing CPR on her, just to give her that extra breath she needs."

Did Jade always look this pale? And...did her boobs grow? Jesus, this is no time to be a pervert Strider!

Within 20 minutes, an ambulance is heard entering the parking lot area and a group of paramedics quickly load Jade onto the truck. "Relation to the patient Sir?"


The paramedic gives Dave an uneasy look and continues writing notes down, "Blood type?"

"I don't know."

"Allergic to any medication?"

"Not that I know of…"

"When was the last time she had her period?"

"I don't know!"

"Sir, does she have any relatives that we can contact that may know the answer to these questions?"

"She has none. That's why she's with me."

"Well...we'll do some tests on her as soon as we reach the hospital and we'll try asking her when she wakes up. What happened to her?"

"We were on our way to go eat and while we were on the elevator, she began to have trouble breathing and that's when she just collapsed on me."

"Is she diabetic?"


"Do you know if she's a hemophiliac?"

"English please."

"Does she bleed a lot when she cuts herself?"

"Not that I'm aware of…"

"There could only be one possibility...but we would need to check and see first."

Thirty minutes later, Dave finds himself sitting in the emergency room as Jade is wheeled into a private room. The doctors spend at least an hour and a half conducting checks on her. Her blood seemed normal, she had no sign of a heart attack or stroke, and she appeared to be as healthy as a horse but there was thing that made the doctors conclude on why she had passed out.

Dave clenches his phone tightly as he taps his foot against the floor and tries to focus on what's happening. "God...I know we're not exactly the best of bros...but please let Harley be safe...I don't know what I'd do without her...hell I'd probably turn into the incredible hulk...but I promise that if you save her this one time...I'll do anything. Anything you want me to. Just please save her and make her healthy again." All of a sudden, his phone rings and his pesterchum app opens up. It appears that John is pestering him.

-ectoBiologist [EB] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] at 19:21-

EB: whats up dave
EB: long time no talk
TG: sup egnog
EB: thats a new name
EB: its lame
TG: yeah yeah
EB: so how have you been
EB: hows jade
TG: …
EB: what
TG: she's in the hospital right now
EB: what
EB: did
EB: you
EB: do
TG: nothing
TG: i swear
TG: she just collapsed on me
TG: im scared dude
EB: whoa
EB: dude
EB: you just said you're scared
EB: this must be serious
TG: hell yeah its fucking serious
TG: why would i joke about something like this
EB: i was thinking
EB: maybe i should visit you and jade
EB: sometime soon
TG: seriously
EB: yeah
EB: i mean
EB: you two are my best friends
EB: and i wanna meet you guys in person
EB: after all
EB: she is my sister
TG: sounds cool bro
EB: talk to rose lately
TG: no
TG: ill make time to though
TG: sweet bros here
TG: talk to you later
EB: see ya

-ectoBiologist [EB] ceased pestering turntechGodhead at 19:30-

Dirk walks through the doors and takes a seat next to Dave, "What happened?"

"I don't know Bro. She just passed out on me."

Dirk frowns and gives Dave's shoulder a reassuring grip, "She'll be fine. A girl that can fight tigers and crocodiles can sure as hell survive a fucking small symptom."

Dave nods and lays his face in his hands. It's at that moment that he thinks about what Aradia had told him. Did that mean Jade was going to die? Was the special delivery death? It was absolutely guaranteed that his entire world would crumble into ruins if that happened.

One of the doctors suddenly appear and calls out, "Mr Strider."

Dave quickly stands up and walks over to the doctor, "Please tell Jade's okay."

The doctor checks his clipboard and nods slowly, "Miss Harley is fine. Her blood pressure appeared to be a little low, but other than that all the other tests appeared to be just fine."

Oh thank God. "Does she need to stay the night?"

"It is an option but you are free to take her home if you'd like to. Mr. Strider, may I ask you a question."


"Are you aware Miss Harley is pregnant?"