A/N: Do not own anything. =D

Wow...this is the last time I'll ever be updating this story...that is extremely sad...For all of my readers, thank you so much for supporting this story and giving me ideas when I needed them...everything. Just thank you so much for being awesome! I honestly cried when I typed the last sentence to this story. I really did. I'm going to miss this story...On a happier note, it'll give me more time and energy to continue with my other stories that I so desperately need to continue.

Chapter 13

One year later…

Dean's hands were shaking slightly as he paced the living room in his mom's house. Jo rolled her eyes. "Would you stop pacing? Everything's going to be fine. Cas, Gabe, and Sam will be here soon. Bobby's out back with the rest of them. Everything's good to go."

Dean stopped pacing and looked at her. "I don't know if I can do this."

She got to her feet and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Dean, do you love him? With all of your heart?"

"Well, yeah, but…"

She shook her head, "No buts! You love him and he loves you. That's all there is to it. You guys have been together for a year now."

Dean nodded, "Yeah. A year today."

Jo smiled, "Exactly. Remember? That's why we're all here. It's your one year anniversary. Everything is going to be just fine. You just have to take some deep breaths and calm down. We're all here for you."

Dean nodded again, "You're right. I don't know why I'm being so paranoid. He loves me. Of course he loves me."

Jo's smile widened. "There we go! That's my Dean. Okay, do you want to go through it again one last time before they get here or just get your mind off of everything now and go grab a beer?"

"Beer. Definitely beer."

She snorted and took a step back. "Okay, let's go grab ourselves a cold one before the party really begins."

They walked out of the living room and found Mary in the kitchen pulling dishes out of the oven. Mary looked up at her oldest son and smiled. "Hey, Dean, would you mind giving me a quick hand with these? There's one dish that needs to go in, one dish that needs to be finished, and one that needs to come out."

He nodded and moved over to the stove, grabbed an oven mitt, and pulled out the dish that was done. He set it carefully on the counter before grabbing the dish to go in and placing it on the rack. He shut the oven door, turned, and got started on finished up the last dish.

Jo walked over to the fridge and grabbed two beers. She popped the tops off of both of them, slid one over to Dean and took a swig of her own. She smiled at the taste before pulling out her phone and sending a quick text to Sam, asking how long until they got there.

Mary smiled at Dean. She loved seeing the happiness in him that had done nothing but grown over the last year since his father had…passed away. She remembered that day very clearly. She'd come home from work and found Sam and Gabe standing in her kitchen.

Sam had introduced them before diving into the story of how they found out about Adam and then about John's passing. She hadn't been shocked about Adam, not in the slightest. She'd suspected that someone was going on, but with everyone she'd already had to go through with her husband, she couldn't find it within herself to care what he did.

And when she'd learned of his death, she wasn't sad. That part had scared her for a moment until she realized just how much pain he'd conflicted on their family. Then she was happy he was gone and could no longer hurt any of them again. Sam had told her that Dean had gone back home with Cas, needing some time with his boyfriend after the day he'd had. She had understood completely.

Once she had finally met Cas, she had become attached to him. Mary saw the way her son and Cas looked at each other, how close they stood, the happiness that radiated off of them. Whatever made Dean happy, made her happy. He deserved all the happiness he could get after the life he'd had to live.

She smiled as her memories of Cas popped into her mind. She remembered hearing Gabe tell him he looked like a holy tax accountant in his tan trench coat and the suit he wears for school. She remembered seeing him and Dean have an eating contest and go through two bags of burgers before he couldn't eat anymore. There were so many fond memories she'd built of that man since she had met him.

After John had died, Mary decided it was time to sell the house and she moved closer to her boys. She wanted to be as close to them as possible without smothering them. They were her only family now. Besides Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Cas, Gabe, and Adam. She considered Adam an adopted son as her and Kate had connected and gotten closer over the course of a couple of months.

Mary snapped out of her memories as she heard the front door open and close. Dean's head snapped up and he almost dropped the knife he'd been using to cut carrots.

"Careful, Dean! I know how upset you'd be if you cut your finger off and we'd have to rush you to the hospital on your anniversary."

Dean blushed slightly and returned his concentration back on the carrots. He was trying not to slice his finger open accidentally, but he was getting more and more nervous.

Sam walked into the kitchen with a grin plastered to his face. He grabbed three beers and handed two to the men standing behind him out of sight.


Dean looked up as Cas came into sight and he couldn't help the smile that plastered itself to his face. "Hey, baby."

Cas walked over to him and placed a soft kiss to his lips. He pulled back and smiled up at Dean. "I thought we were going out tonight."

Dean's smile widened. "There's been a slight change in plans, hope you don't mind. I think you'll like these plans better though."

Cas raised an eyebrow but didn't question it. He knew that Dean would never tell him what was going on before it was time for him to know. That was the way Dean was.

"Everyone's out back if you want to go say hi."

Cas's brow raised even further. "By everyone you mean…?"

"Adam, Bobby, Ellen, Ash, and Charlie."

Cas blinked at him. "Dean, what is going on? Why is everyone here?"

Dean's smile turned into a smirk. "You'll find out soon enough. Now supper will be done in about half an hour."

Cas nodded as he left Dean to finish with what he was doing. He walked outside, taking Gabriel with him, and started talking to their friends. It was just longer than half an hour when Mary appeared in the doorway and called everyone in for supper.

The table was set and all the food was sitting in the middle of the long dining table Mary had set up to fit everyone.

They all sat down around the table and started piling food onto their plates. Everyone, minus Cas, was aware of why they were all there and so the table was buzzing with excitement. None of them could stop talking as the time came closer and closer. Dean's nerves had started back up again as he finished with his second plate.

He was going over and over again what he was planning on doing. He felt someone kick him under the table and he looked up to see Jo giving him a look telling him to stop freaking out.

He rolled his eyes and took a sip of his beer to try and calm his nerves.

Dean felt a hand slide onto his thigh and squeeze softly. He looked over and saw Cas smiling at him lovingly. He couldn't help but lean over and press a soft, small kiss to his lips before pulling away. He whispered so that no one else could hear them. "I love you so much, Cas. How the hell did I get so lucky?"

Cas's smile widened. "I think it was I who got lucky."

Dean shook his head incredulously. He was one lucky guy.

An hour later, after the dishes were cleaned, the table was wiped down, and everyone wasn't as full, Dean walked away from the group, pulling Cas with him. He didn't want a big crowd, but he knew that when they heard them, they'd probably sneak in.

Dean threw a look over at Jo, letting her know it was show time. She nodded and jumped off the chair she was sitting in and all but bolted for the living room. He chuckled and rolled his eyes. She had more energy than he did.

"Dean, where are we going?"

He smiled down at the man he loved. "We're going into the living room. Jo and I have a surprise for you."

Cas's head tilted to the side, but he let Dean drag him away. They walked into the living room and Dean walked over to the piano that was in the corner of the room, facing away from the way they had just come.

Dean sat down on the bench and patted the spot next to him, gesturing for Cas to sit next to him. When Cas sat down, Jo appeared on the other side of the piano with a guitar in her lap. He was getting really suspicious now, but he didn't say anything.

Dean looked at him with the most loving smile on his face. "Happy anniversary, Cas. I love you with all of my heart."

Cas smiled softly at him, but before he could tell Dean he loved him back, Dean placed his fingers on the keys and began to play. At first it was just him playing. Jo didn't come in at first.

If I had my way,
I'd spend every day right by your side
And if I could stop time,
Believe me I'd try for you and I

Jo started playing harmony to Dean's melody. Cas couldn't help the smile that radiated from his face at hearing Dean sing. He knew it was meant for him and it made him love Dean even more, if that was possible.

And each moment you're gone,
Is a moment to long in my life
So stay right here, right now

Jo started to sing along with Dean. He would sing a line and she would sing in the background. Cas had no idea that Jo could sing. It made it even more beautiful than he could have imagined.

'Cause without you I'm a disaster
(the moment you go)
And you're my ever after
(Just thought you should know)
'Cause I need to know your answer
(Just say you'll stay with me)
I want you to say you're gonna stay with me
(Just say you'll stay with me)
I die every day that you're away from me

Cas's eyes began to tear up a little. He was absolutely speechless. He had had no idea that Dean was going to serenade him and he couldn't be more happy. He'd never been as happy as he was in that moment with Dean and Jo singing to him.

If the world ceased to spin,
You could start it again with just one smile
If the seas turn to sand
With the wave of your hand it would rain for miles
But the thought of you gone,
Makes everything wrong in my life
So stay right here, right now

The words struck Cas hard. He was listening to them very carefully. He'd never heard the song before so he guessed that Dean had written it for him. That thought alone was enough to bring tears to his eyes and make his heart swell three sizes.

'Cause without you I'm a disaster
(the moment you go)
And you're my ever after
(Just thought you should know)
'Cause I need to know your answer
(Just say you'll stay with me)
I want you to say you're gonna stay with me
(Just say you'll stay with me)
I die every day that you're away from me

A thought hit Cas hard. One of the lines was about an answer. Was Dean…? Was he asking him the question he thought he was asking him? Could that be true or just Cas's hopefulness getting the best of him?

My heart breaks with every beat,
I can't explain what you do to me
So just say you'll promise me,
Please, take me if you ever leave
But the thought of you gone
Makes everything wrong in my life
So stay right here, right now

Dean looked up from the keys and his eyes locked with Cas's. He wasn't nervous anymore. He'd practiced the song a thousand times and could play it blindfolded if he had to, he knew that. Dean's eyes looked straight down to Cas's soul. The first thing Cas noticed was that he had tears in his eyes as well.

It pushed Cas over the edge and a tear made its way down his cheek, making Dean smile and almost fumble over a word, but he caught himself in time for his voice not to break.

'Cause without you I'm a disaster
(the moment you go)
And you're my ever after
(Just thought you should know)
'Cause I need to know your answer
(Just say you'll stay with me)
I want you to say you're gonna stay with me
(Just say you'll stay with me)
I die every day that you're away from me

A tear escaped and made its way down Dean's cheek and his throat threatened to close up, but he wouldn't allow that to happen. He had to make it through the song. He could feel his heart pounding and swelling at the same time. The look of sheer untainted love that poured out of Cas's eyes was enough to have him on his knees. He didn't know what he would do if he ever lost this man. He would be nothing without him.

So just say you'll promise me,
Please, take me if you ever leave
My heart breaks with every beat,
I die every day that you're away from me

As the song ended and room fell into silence, Dean reached a hand into his pocket and pulled something out that Cas couldn't quite see. They didn't look away from each other, too wrapped up in the song still to really move.

"Cas…you mean the world to me. It's because of you that I'm even alive and breathing. I don't know how many times you've pulled me out of the dark, gave me a reason to fight. You've always been there for me, even when no one else could. I don't know what I would ever do without you. I love you with all of my heart…with all of my soul."

Dean choked on his words as another tear escaped and slid down his cheek. He reached out and grabbed Cas's hand and rubbed light circles into the back of it with his thumb to help him get through it.

"Cas…we've spent the last year of our lives together. We've been through hell and back and lived to laugh about it. We've overcome so much together. I promised you that I will always be there for you no matter what, and I have always kept that promise and I always will. What we have…is real. The way I feel about you I have never felt for someone else and I never will. My heart belongs to you whether you accept it or not."

Dean's hand tightened around Cas's as the moment finally came. He set a little black velvet box on his knee and opened it with one hand, turning it to face Cas. Cas didn't look at it. He knew what was inside so he continued to stare deep into Dean's eyes as he started talking again.

"Castiel, if…if you accept…I want to marry you and start a life with you as your husband."

Another tear rolled down Cas's cheek as a smile broke out onto his face. He didn't even hesitate with his answer. "Of course I accept, Dean. I want nothing more than to marry you."

Cas didn't know if he'd ever seen that big of a smile on Dean's face before, but he loved every inch of it.

Dean's lips crashed on Cas's in a kiss filled with love. Cas felt something cool slip onto his finger and broke away from Dean to look down and see a thin silver band on his left ring finger.

"Happy anniversary, angel."

Cas's face lit up. "Happy anniversary, Dean."

They heard clapping and cheering coming from behind them and they both turned to see everyone standing at the other end of the living room. Every one of them had huge smiles on their faces.

Dean looked back at Cas and grabbed his head. "Come on, let's celebrate."

As they stood, Cas looked over at Jo who also had tears in her eyes. "Thank you, Jo. That was very beautiful."

Her smile widened and Dean looked down with an expression of fake hurt. "Oh, so you thank her! I did most of the work! In fact, I was the one who wrote it!"

Cas couldn't help the laugh that escaped. He felt almost hysterical with happiness. "Thank you, Dean. It truly was magical."

Dean's face softened and he placed a soft kiss on his lips before pulling him towards their crowd. Sam walked up first and hugged Dean. "Congratulations, Dean! Both of you. You deserve this."

They broke away and the two brothers smiled at each other before Sam sent a smile Cas's way and hugged him too. Next in line was Gabe who looked sternly at Dean. "Now, remember what I told you a year ago?"

"If I hurt him, you hurt me?"

A huge grin erupted onto his face. "You got it! Congrats, buddy!"

Dean rolled his eyes, but couldn't keep the smile off his face. Gabe hugged Cas, quite tightly, almost suffocating the poor man.

Bobby pulled Dean in for one of the rare hugs they shared. "Congratulations, son. It's about damn time!"

Dean pulled away and snorted. "You've been saying that for a year. You do realize that, right?"

Bobby smiled at him, "Of course I do! I've been saying that your whole life!"

Dean laughed and was pulled in for another hug by Ellen who had tears in her eyes. "I'm so happy for you, Dean. Cas is the best man you could ever have picked."

"I know, Ellen. He's pretty special."

Ellen smiled as she pulled away and went for a hug from Cas. The hugs and congratulations kept coming. Mary was the last one in line and she placed her hand on Dean's cheek, looking up at him.

"You are so much more of a man than your father ever was. I am so proud of who you are and what you've done with your life. I couldn't ask for anything more. Congratulations, Dean. I know you're going to be so happy with Cas. I love you so much."

Dean wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight. "I love you too, Mom. Thank you for everything."

She shook her head. "Don't thank me. Thank your angel for watching over you."

He pulled away from her and looked at Cas with so much love in his eyes. As Mary stepped away, he whispered so she couldn't hear, "Thanks, Cas."

The returning smile was just as bright. "You are very welcome, Dean."

A loud pop filled the air and they all turned to see Gabe with a bottle in his hands. "Who wants champagne?"

Eight Months Later…

Dean stared at his reflection, his hands shaking as he straightened his tie for the tenth time. Sam chuckled and stepped up next to him. "Dean, relax. Everything's going to be fine."

"What if he gets cold feet and doesn't want to go through with it anymore? What if he found someone else?"

Sam rolled his eyes as he fixed Dean's crooked tie. "Relax. There is no way in hell Cas could find someone else, someone who's not you. And there's no way in hell he wouldn't want to go through with it. He loves you, man. He'll be there."

Dean took a deep breath. He knew he was over reacting, but he couldn't help it. His nerves were practically singing.

Sam looked down at him with a smile. "Your hands are shaking."

He stepped away from Dean, only to be back a few seconds later. He shoved something cold into his hand. Dean looked down and saw a beer in his hand, the top already off.

"Go on, drink it. It'll help with your nerves. One beer won't hurt."

Dean figured it was worth a shot and down the beer in almost one go. Sam rolled his eyes and sat back down on the bed. "I don't think I have ever seen you this nervous."

Dean looked at him and used Sam's classic bitchface. "It's my wedding day, Sam. I'm allowed to be nervous."

Sam nodded, "Yeah, I get that. I do. I just think it's kind of funny."

It was Dean's turn to roll his eyes. "You just wait until your wedding day. We'll see how nervous you are then."

Sam looked panicked for a moment before his face returned to normal. "Yeah, I guess."

Dean looked at him, his brow raising. "What's that all about?"

Sam shook his head, "Nothing. It's nothing."

Dean was about to push when the door opened and Mary walked in. Her face lit up when she saw her boys in their tux's. "You two look so handsome! We're definitely getting pictures of just you two later."

Both of them rolled their eyes, but couldn't help the smiles that appeared on their faces. Mary stepped up to Dean and straightened his jacket. "Nervous?"

"You have no idea."

Mary chuckled, "Oh, I don't know about that. I was married once too, you know."

He nodded, looking back at the mirror and studying his reflection. The doubts were back in his mind, he couldn't make them stop.

"Dean, stop worrying. Everything will be fine. I've already went to see Cas and he's as nervous as you are. You two are definitely meant for each other, believe me."

Dean looked down at her with a soft smile on his face. "Thanks, Mom. For everything."

She looked up and tears gathered in her eyes. "I told myself I wasn't going to cry and here you are making me cry!"

He chuckled and pulled her in for a hug as a tear slipped down her cheek. "My little boy's getting married…I still can't believe it."

His arms tightened around her to reassure her. "I bet you never thought your son would be marrying a dude though, huh?"

She pulled back and looked up at him. "Actually, I've known since you were little. Every night when I was home before I went to bed, I'd walk into your room to check on you, make sure everything was okay. There were a lot of nights where you would mumble a name. And I've known ever since."

Dean's brow furrowed. "You never told me that. What did I say?"

Her face beamed as she looked up at him. "You would say Cas."

Cas raked his hand through his hair again, sighing in frustration. Gabe appeared next to him, munching on a kit kat. "What's up, baby brother? Why are you attacking your hair?"

"What if Dean changes his mind? What if he wants to call it all off?"

Gabe stopped mid-crunch and just looked at his little brother for a moment. "You do realize what you're freaking out about, right? I mean, the guy wrote you a song and sang it to you with his best friend as a proposal. I don't think you get much luckier than that."

Cas sighed. He knew he was being ridiculous, but he was so nervous he couldn't help it. "Gabriel…what if-."

"No. No what if's. Dean loves you more than he loves anyone, even Sammy. He loves you with all of his heart, you know that. There's no way he's backing out. He loves you too much to be that stupid."

Cas rolled his eyes and straightened his tie. "You're right. I'm just nervous."

Gabe nodded and walked away from him for a moment. He returned and slipped something into his hand. "Here. Drink that. It'll help you relax."

Cas looked down and found a beer in his hand, the top already off. "Gabriel, I cannot drink a beer before I get married."

Gabe rolled his eyes. "Sure you can! It's just one beer, little brother! It's not going to get you drunk. It's just going to settle your nerves a little. I can almost guarantee you that Dean will be drinking one too. You know how nervous he gets."

Cas took a breath and then downed the beer. Gabriel was right, it would help his nerves. When he was finished with it, he set it on the table and began fixing his hair.

The door opened behind them and they heard a giggle. "Cas, you have sex hair. I thought I told Dean to stay in his own room before it was time."

Cas looked at her through the mirror. "He has not been here, Jo. I got frustrated and ran my hands through it."

She giggled again and walked up to him. She fixed it for him as much as was possible. "There. You look very handsome. Cas, your hands are shaking."

He looked down at his hands and they were, in fact, shaking. "I'm just nervous."

She nodded and fixed his coat. "Don't worry. Dean's as nervous as you are. From what I hear, Sam talked him into downing a beer to settle his nerves."

Gabe's face lit up, "See! What'd I tell you?"

Jo cocked an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. "Okay, are you ready? You look ready. Let's get going."

Cas took a deep breath before following her and Gabe out of the room.

Dean took a deep breath. He was twirling his thumbs to stop his hands from shaking. Sam rested a hand on his arm, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Dude, relax. Seriously. If Cas sees you this nervous, he may get the wrong idea."

Dean glanced at his little brother. "There are a lot of people here, Sam. I'm not good with crowds."

Sam looked over at the rows of people. It was a fairly small wedding, but there were enough people to get Dean's nerves going again.

"Just…imagine them in their underwear."

Dean looked at him and used his bitchface again. "Really, Sam? The underwear trick doesn't work."

Sam shrugged his shoulders. "It worked for me in sixth grade when I had to give a report in front of the class."

"That was sixth grade, not your wedding day."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Dean took another deep breath. He could do this. He could do this. Once Cas was there, he'd have his back to the people. He wouldn't have to look at them again for a while. He was marrying Cas. He was marrying the love of his life. There was nothing to be nervous about.

Cas bounced slightly from one foot to the other. It was almost time for them to start walking down the aisle. He knew that Dean was down there waiting because Gabe had spied for him just to make sure.

Gabe pulled Cas in for a hug. "I really am happy for you, little brother. You deserve to be happy and Dean makes you happy. So stop with the nerves, take a deep breath, and let's get this show on the road."

Cas chuckled and nodded. "I am ready."

Gabe beamed. "Good! Because I think I hear music."

Dean watched Gabe walked down the aisle and took another deep breath. He could do this. This was happening. It was finally happening.

He glanced down at his feet, breathing in and out, making sure he didn't pass out from anxiety. He heard the music change and looked up. His lips parted in awe when he caught sight of the love of his life walking towards him. Cas had never looked as handsome as did in that moment.

Dean couldn't take his eyes off of Cas as he was getting closer and closer to him. Cas's eyes had locked with his and his lips were parted as well, but Dean wasn't exactly sure why.

Cas reached him and Dean took his hand, a smile slipping onto his face. Cas returned the smile and Dean saw all the love Cas had for him shining in his eyes.

They turned and looked at the officiant, neither wanting to look away, but they forced themselves to.

The man started his speech about love and marriage. "Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the joining of Castiel Novak and Dean Winchester in marriage. With love and commitment, they have decided to live their lives together.

True marriage is more than joining the bonds of marriage of two persons; it is the union of two hearts. It lives on the love you give each other and never grows old, but thrives on the joy of each new day. Marriage is love. May you always be able to talk things over, to confide in each other, to laugh with each other, to enjoy life together, and to share moments of quiet and peace, when the day is done. May you be blessed with a lifetime of happiness and a home of warmth and understanding.

May you always need one another, not to fill an emptiness, but to help each other know your fullness. May you want one another, but not out of lack. May you embrace one another, but not encircle one another. May you succeed in all important ways with each other, and not fail in the little graces. May you have happiness, and may you find it in making one another happy. May you have love, and may you find it in loving one another.

Castiel and Dean, today you choose each other before your family and friends, to begin your life together. For all the tomorrows that follow, you will choose each other over and again, in the privacy of your hearts. Let your love and friendship guide you, as you learn and grow together. Experience the wonders of the world, even as patience and wisdom calm the restless nature. Through your partnership, triumph over the challenges in your path. Through the comfort of loving arms, may you always find a safe place to call home."

There was a moment's pause and Dean knew it was time for the vows. He was just thankful they had decided not to personalize them and memorize them because he wasn't sure if he could have recited anything by memory with the way his brain was acting.

"Do you Dean choose Castiel to be your partner in life, to support and respect him in his successes and as well his failures, to care for him in sickness and in health, to nurture him, and to grow with him throughout the seasons of your life together?"

"I do."

Dean gulped. This was the part he was most worried about.

"Do you Castiel choose Dean to be your partner in life, to support and respect him in his successes and as well his failures, to care for him in sickness and in health, to nurture him, and to grow with him throughout the seasons of your life together?"

"I do."

Dean couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips. The part he'd been so worried about...he'd had no reason to worry at all. A part of him knew that already.

"Wedding rings are made precious by our wearing them. Your rings say that even in your uniqueness you have chosen to be bound together. Let these rings also be a sign that love has substance as well as soul, a present as well as a past, and that, despite its occasional sorrows, love is a circle of happiness, wonder, and delight. May these rings remind you always of the vows you have taken here today."

Dean reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring and watched as Cas did the same thing. He turned to him, grabbed his left hand gently.

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be a faithful partner to you."

He slid the ring onto Cas's finger slowly since his hands had started to shake again. He really didn't want to drop it. How embarrassing would that be?

He smiled up at Cas who had tears in his eyes. Seeing Cas so close to tears brought them to his own eyes. Cas grabbed his left hand and smiled up at him.

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be a faithful partner to you."

Cas slid the ring onto his finger and smiled lovingly at Dean.

"And now, by the power vested in me by the State of Kansas, I hereby pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss."

Dean smiled and placed his left hand on Cas's cheek. He leaned forward and their lips met. It wasn't deep, but it was full of passion and love. The kiss showed the other how much they really loved each other and how happy they were to be married.

Cheering and applause erupted from the audience and Dean couldn't help the smile that spread on his face as he pulled away slightly, staring into Cas's eyes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends…I present to you Dean and Castiel Winchester."

Dean and Cas turned towards the audience, their faces lit up. Their fingers were entwined and they weren't letting go, not for a little while at least.

They moved away from the altar and walked down the aisle together as a married couple, followed by their brothers and close friends.

They walked out into the reception area and waited. A line formed with them at the end so they could see everyone who came before they would sign the license and then take pictures.

Dean looked down at Cas and smiled. He pressed his lips to Cas's for a moment before pulling away and looking deep into his eyes. "I love you, Cas. I'm so lucky to be married to you."

Cas's smile widened. "I love you too, Dean. I believe I am the one who is lucky to be married to you."

Dean chuckled, feeling a sense of déjà vu. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Thank you so much for marrying me and being with me. I couldn't ask for anything greater than that."

Sam looked over at his brother and his husband. A smile erupted onto his face as he saw how happy they were together. He had never seen Dean as happy as he'd been since their father had died. It was a sad fact, but Dean was finally happy.

He had found that one person who could turn his world upside down and put a smile on his face just by walking into the room. They were meant for each other, it was obvious. They had been created solely for each other and no one else. They were the very definition of soulmates.

Gabe entwined his fingers with Sam's, grabbing his attention. Sam looked down at him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

Gabe smiled, "So, Samsquatch, when are we going to tell them about our engagement?"

Sam's smile widened. "Tomorrow. We'll tell them all tomorrow."

The End.

And...it's over. It's done. Extremely sad...this is the first fanfiction story I have ever COMPLETED. Like...not including one-shots or two shots or stories I kind of ended up giving up on...I mean, a story I stuck to and continued even when I didn't feel like writing. I just can't believe it! I really hope that you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I had a lot of fun connecting dots and adding in all the supernatural elements. Thank you so much for your support on this story! If you haven't already read them, I do have other stories. Again, thank you so much! You've all been amazingly wonderful! ^.^