A/N: Hey Y'all! So like I mentioned before, here's a new story that me and Carlet are writing! It's a bit different than all my other stories, so we hope you like it.

Rosewood, Pennsylvania present day.

Ezra placed the last box of his stuff onto his new apartment floor. He had recently moved back from New York and it felt so weird to be back. Just thinking about the last time he was in Rosewood brought back painful memories, memories that he'd rather not revisit.

He quickly got settled in and headed out, thinking he'd grab a bite to eat. He drove past a house but stopped when something caught his attention. He stared and watched the happy family eating dinner. He immediately felt a rush of anger blaze through him. He wiped away the tears that were now beginning to fall down his face. He was so jealous, so jealous it sickened him, of the kids who were both so happy with both of their parents. It sickened him that the dad seemed so happy, so content with himself. The bastard was living a life he clearly didn't deserve. How could he live with himself?

Ezra watched as the girl excused herself from the table, pushing back her chair and heading upstairs. He observed her closely, rage and hate burning in his eyes, intermingling with the angry tears. He sighed and wiping away the last few tears, drove off before they looked out their window and spotted him. Ezra would not let himself cry. Especially not in front of them. He could not let them see him like this. Weak. He arrived shortly at the Rosewood Cemetery. Ezra kneeled and place the large bouquet of flowers on the tombstone.

"Hey Dad. I can't believe you've been gone for 10 years." his voice broke. "I miss you so much. I'm sorry I never came back to visit you, I wanted to but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I was afraid it would be too painful. I've tried to be strong, but I can't. I just can't. I really wish you were still here." He didn't care that tears were uncontrollably falling. Nobody was around. It was dinnertime and all the happy families were eating dinner in their perfect fucking houses. And here he was, crying alone by a tombstone. So pathetic he wanted to laugh. What was wrong with him?

"I love you Dad. And that's why I came back. To keep the promise I made to you 10 years ago."

(10 years ago)

Ezra heard the front door open. He heard soft sobs coming from the living room. He rushed out of his bedroom only to find his mom collapsed on the couch, her face buried in her hands.

"Mom, what's wrong?" A worried 14 year old Ezra asked. His mom could only continue to sob in silence.

"Mom please." He begged. She only continued sobbing. Ezra wrapped his arms around her. It was a move that was so unlike him, but in that moment all he wanted to do was comfort his mother. "Mom, you're scaring me."

"D-d-dad." She sobbed. "It was Dad's boss." Ezra eyes widened in shock and dread. He had a vague feeling of what came next. "Honey, daddy's at the hospital."

"He's ok though right?" Ezra said, worry present in his voice. Diane looked down. "Mom. He'll be ok right?"

She didn't respond.

His voice grew desperate. "Mom. Answer me." He shook his mother insistently. "He's gonna be ok. RIGHT?"

"I'm sorry honey." She caressed his face. "I'm so sorry."

"Wh-what happened?" Ezra pulled away in horror.

"He was shot baby." Dianne wiped away her tears. "I'm sorry. Please let me be the one to tell your brother."

Ezra nodded and only continued to cry."Mom. Why? Who did this?"

"I don't know baby." she sobbed. "I don't know."

The next few days were spent preparing for the funeral. Ezra went from being an outgoing and full of life boy to a quiet and sullen teen. It was especially hard on Wesley, who was only a little boy. Wesley cried for days. Didn't eat. Lost weight. He'd been especially close to his father. His mother drowned her sorrows by drinking. Everything turned into a complete mess.

Finally the day of the funeral arrived and everyone in Rosewood showed up. The Hastings, the Fields, the Marins, the Montgomerys, the DiLaurentis, and many more. Byron Montgomery had been his father's business partner. They worked great together although both families never really mingled.

Everyone gave them their condolences and offered their support. Ezra stayed strong and tried to comfort a crying Wesley. His mother had practically aged fifty years overnight, and she looked thin and frail in her simple black outfit. She barely said a word, going through all the motions seemingly on autopilot. It broke Ezra's heart to see his formerly outgoing mother reduced to a quiet, trembly mess. Soon the service was over and everyone left , leaving Ezra, Wesley and Dianne, along with other members of the Fitzgerald family alone in the cemetery. Ezra held tightly to his mother's hand as they stood in front of the tomb one last time. Ezra felt Dianne tugging his arm gently.

"Come on honey. We should go."

"You go along. I will be in the car in a few."

"Ok." Dianne left without a complaint, her hand clasped tightly around Wesley's.

Ezra watched as they all left. All throughout the funeral he tried to stay strong but at this point he couldn't take it anymore. Couldn't hold it in anymore. He broke down crying, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Dad." Ezra sobbed. "Daddy." He never called him Daddy, but right now he felt so hurt, so alone, so broken, that he didn't care if sounded babyish. "Dad. Why did this have to happen. How could someone hurt you like this? Why would someone hurt you? You were the nicest person ever. Selfless, loving, caring. There aren't enough words to describe how amazing you were. I'm gonna miss you so much Dad. You will forever be in our hearts. Don't forget that." Ezra wiped away his tears. His pain soon turned into anger. "I promise you one thing for sure. Whoever did this to you will pay for it. I will be sure to do this even if it's the last thing I ever do. I promise you that." Ezra eyes once filled with pain and loss were now filled with anger and revenge. He didn't care about the consequences, or what he would do, hell he didn't even know who caused all this pain. What he did know for sure though was that he was determined to get revenge.

"I will keep my promise. I'm now more determined than ever. Your killer will pay for what they did. They will experience the pain we went through. I promise you. Like I said before, even if it's the last thing I do, he will get what he deserves. I promise. The Montgomery's will pay."

A/N: Please review! We really want to know what y'all think!