I do not own Supernatural.

In the end they took her to the Men of Letters Bunker, they hadn't wanted to show it to Gabriel, still being somewhat unsure how far they could trust him, but after the attack they had already been through it seemed the only safe place for her. They settled into somewhat comfortable domesticity after a while, when they weren't on hunts everyone chipped in, and aside from the odd argument between Gabriel and Castiel about her wings and whether they were the right size for her age, having very little to go on on the matter, it was easy to forget she was anything other than a regular baby...

She was nine months old when Sam was taking one of the books off the shelf to read her a bedtime story, no sooner had he gotten over to the crib than it vanished and reappeared on the shelf. Sam frowned, his first suspect whenever something weird happened would usually be Gabriel but he didn't see how the trickster would get much amusement from something so basic. He was on his way back to the shelf when Castiel entered the room holding one of the other books.

"I do not see the purpose of your leaving this book in my seat if you were intending to read to Honey yourself." Castiel commented to Sam.

"I didn't Cas..." He replied but Honey burbled at them.

"Ka..." She gripped the side of the crib, reaching in Cas's direction.

"I think she's trying to say your name..." Sam said in a wondering tone of voice.

"She has known me for her entire life, I understand that she was incapable of speech at first, though not why, I would have thought she would get my name right though... I am Castiel, Honey, you may call me Cas."

"Cas, she's a baby, they have to learn things."

"She has had nine months..."

"Honey, can you say Sam? Saaaam?" He leaned closer to her.

"Am." She tugged on his hair. "Ka." She reached out in Cas's direction again and the book which he had put down on the chair appeared on Cas's head, open and squashing his hair slightly.

"Gabriel, Dean, get in here!" Sam called out, Gabriel appeared with his blade out in moments, and Dean was not far behind stumbling into the room with a gun in his hand.

"You called me away from two lovely Dryads in Europe to show me that my little brother has a new fashion accessory?" Dean burst out laughing.

"Dude, you're supposed to read books not wear them."

"Gay!" Honey squealed happily her little hands clasping in the direction of Gabriel.

"She just called you gay!" Dean bent over chuckling, until that is Gabriel's angel sword disappeared and found its way into the crib with Honey who was patting it with her chubby fingers.

"No, no Honey, weapons are for grown-ups, not for you, not for babies." Sam took it away and Honey started crying.

"I believe Sam called you in to inform you of her new abilities." Cas took the book off his head. "And that she has picked up the habit of nicknames from Dean. I still do not understand what the fuss is, you were just as excited when she first slept for six hours in one go.. it is most perplexing."

"This isn't like last week when you thought she was saying hungry but she wouldn't eat anything is it?" Dean asked warily, part of him sinking, he'd kind of hoped he might be her first word, he spent more time with her than any of them, partly because he was the only one with any experience of kids.

"No, look. Honey, can you say Sam?" He picked her up, naptime forgotten for the moment.

"Am." She tugged on his hair, it was hard enough to hurt slightly but he smiled anyway.

"She could just be repeating, not calling you it Sammy..." Dean said sceptically, he wanted to believe it but part of him also wanted to deny it... he knew it was selfish wanting to be her first word but he couldn't help it. "Was that her first word?"

"No, she was trying to get Cas to read to her I think."

"Ka." Honey said as if in agreement.

"I see..." So he wasn't the first, he wasn't even second or third, he was the last one she'd called out to... even if it had been priceless seeing her call Gabriel gay...

"Unkdee." Honey squirmed in Sam's arms.

"You can't be hungry you little scamp, I only fed you half an hour ago." Dean said, taking Honey from Sam and feeling a little of the tension fade as she patted his nose and managed to poke him in the eye, he moved her hand away gently. "Now I want you to promise your Uncle Dean that you won't go poofing weapons to yourself until you're old enough for us to teach you how to use them."

"I can't believe I didn't see it before..." Sam said in an amused tone. Causing all three of the other men to look at him with confusion. "She started saying Unkdee after Dean was hurt and she wouldn't stop crying or eat anything until he came and fed her."

"It's because we all know I make the best aeroplane noises." Dean said matter of factly and earning himself frowns from both the angels whose aeroplane sounds sounded like actual aeroplanes... it was no small point of discussion that Honey seemed to prefer Dean's unrealistic ones, it was right there with the complaints about the book of animal noises.

"Or because she wasn't saying hungry at all... UNCLE Dean..."

"You mean... HA! I was her first word." Dean beamed, right up until Honey grabbed hold of his lip and tugged slightly.

"It should have been me, I'm her father." Gabriel complained.

"Well if you spent a little less time with the Dryads and a little more with Honey..." Sam began.

"The Dryads, of course! Call me when she's got enough powers to practice altering reality." And with that Gabriel vanished.