A/N: I always wondered what life was like for Rose and Tentoo after Journey's End. This story was inspired by the "extended kiss" scene that was cut from the JE episode, since we can all guess what kind of life they had once they got settled.

This story will have a Mature/Adult rating because of sexual content in later chapters. I know it's not for everyone, so I will warn in the beginning of the chapter at upcoming steamy content. To be fair, if you are reading this here then things will be edited down (but things will be alluded to). If you want to read the full version of any love scenes, then you can read them on Teaspoon and an open mind under Penandpaper83 (link in my profile).

Don't own anything Doctor Who related.

"Well here we go," the Duplicate Doctor took a deep steadying breath and gulped as they watched the TARDIS dematerialize in front of them, "it's all or nothing now."

"He left. He actually left me again!" Rose said to herself as she stood staring at the spot where the TARDIS stood. Feeling a tiny squeeze of her hand, she turned to the duplicate Doctor that was left with her.

"It'll be ok Rose. I'm not going anywhere." The Doctor gave her his best smile as he tried to reassure her that she wasn't alone. His free hand had just securely pocketed the piece of TARDIS coral that the full Time Lord tossed him.

Inside his singular heart was pounding a mile a minute, things were going well at the beginning. They had come close to a full out snog fest, much to the chagrin of the full Time Lord Doctor. "Your loss mate," he murmured as he kissed Rose with all the love and desire that had piled up for the past three years.

Hearing her exhale and squeeze his hand, the Doctor reached up with his free hand and guided her head to face him. Leaning his forehead against hers in an intimate manner he whispered, "I love you Rose, that will never ever change. It took a lot for him to give you up, and yeah he didn't consult you, but would you honestly have stayed if you had a choice?"

"Norway Pete! That bloody beach in Norway! "Dårlig Ulv something..." Rose and the Doctor could hear Jackie shout into the phone over the sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks.

Rose cringed as Jackie continued on the phone, feeling sorry for her dad's poor ear as Jackie was still ranting about being left in Norway. Turning back and locking eyes with her half and half doctor, she placed a hand over his chest, smiling as he placed his hands over the hand on his chest. "It will always be yours Rose," the Doctor whispered into Rose's ear as she leaned her head against his chest. Rose couldn't believe what happened over the last 24 hours. While it wasn't her ideal situation, she could have been dead or even gotten Jackie killed.

Or even worse, she could have been brought back here with no doctor at all. So she really couldn't complain as Donna was right, she got the best that the Doctor could give her. A man who was in every way like him, except that now they could give each other their forever.

The Doctor tilted Rose's head back as he leaned in for another kiss. "I think I could get used to kissing you. I refuse to deny myself this any longer." He grinned as if he was the cat who got the cream.

Rose gave what could only be described as a small moan of pleasure as the Doctor deepened the kiss. She threaded her fingers through his hair, "really really GREAT hair," she thought as he pulled her closer to him. The Doctor ran his tongue along her bottom lip, drinking in every taste and inch of his pink and yellow human. Rose parted her lips to allow his tongue entrance, moaning at the back of her throat as their tongues began a dance around each other. Rose and the Doctor broke apart for a few seconds to gulp in some air before pulling each other back against each other, years of pent up sexual tension were finally being allowed a gradual release.

"Oi! Will you two cut that out already?!" Rose and the Doctor broke apart in surprise as they heard Jackie come up to them while raising her voice in an unamused manner. They kept their arms around each other as they faced Jackie, their faces slightly flushing at being caught mid snog.

"Mum! What do you expect honestly?" Jackie started to stammer a smart-ass response before being stopped by Rose. "Like you can really say anything, or have you forgotten how you and Dad acted when we got here?" Rose brushed a few locks of hair out of her face as the wind had picked up slightly. The Doctor was taking a few deep breaths while grinning his trademark grin, however his face fell slightly when Rose mentioned the incident at Canary Wharf.

He would never forgive himself for getting Rose and Jackie stuck in a parallel universe. Even if it contained a version of Pete Tyler who was not only was alive and well, but had achieved his dreams. Bringing himself out of his daze, he felt Rose's hand squeeze his as she must have seen his face. "In the past... Leave it in the past," he thought as he let himself grin again.

"Well a little modesty wouldn't hurt if yah don't mind!" Jackie had scrunched her face as she finally got to form her words, trying as hard as she could to erase the image of her daughter snogging an... Well she wasn't exactly sure what he was now. He wasn't completely an alien, but he wasn't exactly completely human either. While Jackie did like the Doctor, part of her had hoped that when they were trapped here, that Rose might decide to move on. That hopefully she would meet a nice human being and settle down. "And what's wrong with him?" Jackie nodded her head towards the Doctor.

"Oh just getting used to the lack of a respiratory bypass system. Nothing to be worried about Jackie." The Doctor assured her as he felt his face start to flush as well. "Well isn't this wizard." He thought as he tugged his ear.

Rose gave him a hug around the middle, she wouldn't admit it out loud but she was concerned. The Doctor that was here with her was taking all this a little too well and while she was thankful he wasn't running around in a panic; she knew that he sometimes likes to hold feelings in, to deal with later in private.

The Doctor looked down and wrapped his arms around her in one of their trademark hugs. So many emotions were running through his head right now and it bothered him that he might not easily control them like he could before the Meta-Crisis. However he was willing to do his best for Rose, he was being given a chance by the universe to have what he had always wanted since he met her. He knew that the road before them would not be easy, but he hoped that he wouldn't make things difficult for Rose.

"Well come on you two, your father has called to dispatch a cab to bring us to the nearest hotel." Jackie turned on her heels and started towards the road. The Doctor and Rose paused and turned once more to where they had piled out of the TARDIS. Turning their heads towards to look at each other, "forward and together," Rose said in a solemn promise.

The Doctor cupped her cheek with his hand and said just as solemnly, "forever and always."