
The next morning we arrived at the school around the same time as all of the students. I still hadn't spoken to the Doctor since my little blow up last night. I kind of felt bad about how I'd yelled at him but then I remembered he'd told Sarah-Jane my secret and I got over that pretty fast.

So I was giving him the silent treatment, which was definitely childish but I was only seventeen so I can be as childish as I want…At least that's what I was telling myself.

"Nina, Rose and Sarah, you go to the Maths room. Crack open those computers, I need to see the hardware inside. Here, you might need this." The Doctor went to hand me the screwdriver but I just pushed past him to walk next to Rose, catching his slightly hurt look. I am not feeling bad about this! I thought to myself. Nope. Not at all.

Rose shot me a look before putting her hand out for the screwdriver but he had already past it to Sarah-Jane. Rose sighed in defeat and I locked arms with her, pulling her towards the school as Mikey, The Doctor and Sarah-Jane conversed.

"Are you guys fighting or something?" she whispered to me as we opened the glass doors to the school.

I just shrugged "Kind of. I found out he told Sarah-Jane about… you know. So I'm not speaking to him at the moment."

Rose just nodded in understanding "He's not really my favourite person at the moment either."

We continued down the hall to the IT room, Sarah-Jane caught up to us after a little bit and we all walked in silence.

Super awkward.

Once we got in there, Sarah-Jane started to work on the computers. After a few moments she groaned in frustration. "It's not working."

"Give it to me." Rose sighed pulling it out of her hands and handing it over to me "Nina's the best at using it. Almost as good as the Doctor." I smiled at her compliment, pulling my hair into a ponytail on the top of my head, ducking under the table to examine the computer's wiring.

"Used to work first time in my day." She muttered, sounding miffed.

"Well, things were a lot simpler back then." Even without seeing her face I could still hear the bite in the words.

"Rose." I warned but they both ignored me.

"Rose, can I give you a bit of advice?"

Rose scoffed slightly "I've got a feeling you're about to."

"I know how intense a relationship with the Doctor can be, and I don't want you to feel I'm intruding." Oh god this didn't sound like the start of a polite conversation.

"We don't feel threatened by you, if that's what you mean." We? What was with people lumping me into their conversations?

"Right. Good." Sarah-Jane stated, shortly. "Because I'm not interested in picking up where we left off." Seriously?

"No?" Rose spoke incredulously. "With the big sad eyes and the robot dog? What else were you doing last night?"

"I was just saying how hard it was adjusting to life back on Earth."

"The thing is, when you two met they'd only just got rid of rationing. No wonder all that space stuff was a bit too much for you." Okay, getting a little hateful now. Maybe I should cut in?

Sarah-Jane's voice raised a little bit "I had no problem with space stuff. I saw things you wouldn't believe."

Rose let out a small snort "Try me." I pulled myself out from under the desk, watching the argument play out.

"Mummies." She challenged.

Rose rolled her eyes "I've met ghosts." Ghosts? I wanted to see ghosts!

"Robots. Lots of robots." Sarah-Jane shot back.

"Slitheen, in Downing Street." Okay that one I was there for. Ghosts would have been cooler though.


Rose scoffed "Met the Emperor."

Okay maybe I should stop this now. "Guys-"

"Anti-matter monsters!" okay going to ignore me then right.

"Gas masked zombies!"

"Okay, guys-"

"Real living dinosaurs!"

"Come on-"

"Real living werewolf!"

"The Loch Ness Monster!"

There was silence as Rose and I shared a look "Seriously?" I spoke up, causing the two of them to start laughing.

When we stopped laughing Rose spoke up again "Listen to us. It's like me and my mate Shireen. The only time we fell out was over a man, and we're arguing over the Doctor. I mean the only one here with a chance with him is Nina." say what now? She caught my confused look and shrugged "I mean we're only human and you have to die but-"

"Please stop talking." I interrupted her. "Before I throw up, like everywhere."

Rose shook her head at me amused before turning back to Sarah-Jane "With you, did he do that thing where he'd explain something at like, ninety miles per hour, and you'd go, 'what?' And he'd look at you like you'd just dribbled on your shirt?"

Sarah-Jane nodded laughing "All the time. Does he still stroke bits of the Tardis?"

I laughed at that one "Yeah he does."

Rose nodded as well "I'm like, do you two want to be alone?"

We all start laughing as the Doctor enters the room causing us to laugh at him harder.

"How's it going?" still laughing. He sent us an exasperated look "What? Listen, I need to find out what's programmed inside these." I felt tears pour down my cheeks from laughter as he continued to look at us in confusion "What? Stop it!"


After we had calmed down the bell had rung and Rose had to direct the students coming into the classroom to another room while the Doctor fiddled with the wiring trying to get into the CPU.

"I can't shift it." He sighed in frustration.

"I thought the sonic screwdriver could open anything!" Sarah-Jane demanded.

"Anything except a deadlock seal. There's got to be something inside here. What're they teaching those kids?"

My head started to burn as a symbols appeared on all of the computer screen.

"You wanted the programme? There it is." Sarah-Jane gestured to the screen, causing the Doctor to move to look at it.

"Some sort of code." I muttered, grabbing my head slightly as it started to move, as if it was some problem trying to be solved.

"No." The Doctor whispered "No, that can't be. The Skasis Paradigm. They're trying to crack the Skasis Paradigm."

Sarah-Jane gave him a weird look "The Skasis what?"

"The God maker. The universal theory. Crack that equation and you've got control of the building blocks of the universe. Time and space and matter, yours to control." I couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen, my head pounding more.

"What, and the kids are like a giant computer?" Rose asked.

The Doctor nodded "Yes. And their learning power is being accelerated by the oil. That oil from the kitchens, it works as a, as a conducting agent. Makes the kids cleverer." His eyes moved over to me as he saw me wince in pain "Nina!" when I didn't look away he grabbed my arm, pulling me out of my trance. I tried to look back over but he grabbed my face "Stop looking at it. The oil is accessing the Timelord side of your brain to try and crack the code."

I felt something dribble out of my nose causing me to touch it. I pulled my hand back to see it covered in blood. I looked up at the Doctor fearfully "What's happening to me."

"You're human side is trying to fight the oil." He explained.

I examined the blood slightly, muttering to myself "Well, it's not doing so well." I forced myself to turn away from the screen "I'll be fine. Let's just work this out."

"But, I've been eating them too." Rose spoke up. Um hello? Are you bleeding everywhere? No I didn't think so.

"What's fifty nine times thirty five?" The Doctor asked her, still keeping an eye on me from the corner of his eye to make sure I wouldn't look at the screen.

"Two thousand and sixty five." Her eyes widened slightly. "Oh, my God."

"But why use children? Can't they use adults?" Sarah-Jane questioned.

The Doctor shook his head "No, it's got to be children. The God maker needs imagination to crack it. They're not just using the children's brains to break the code, they're using their souls." Okay that was super creepy.

"Let the lesson begin." Mr. Finch spoke walking into the room. And that was even creepier. "Think of it, Doctor. With the Paradigm solved, reality becomes clay in our hands. We can shape the universe and improve it."

The Doctor glared at him "Oh yeah? The whole of creation with the face of Mister Finch? Call me old fashioned, but I like things as they are."

Mr. Finch rolled his eyes "You act like such a radical, and yet all you want to do is preserve the old order? Think of the changes that could be made if this power was used for good."

He raised his eyebrows "What, by someone like you?"

Mr. Finch shook his head "No, someone like you. The Paradigm gives us power, but you could give us wisdom. Become a God at my side. Imagine what you could do. Think of the civilisations you could save. Perganon, Assinta. Your own people, Doctor, standing tall. The Time Lords reborn." I could see the hesitance in the Doctor's eyes. Not good.

"Doctor, don't listen to him." Sarah-Jane spoke up a frightened look on her face

Mr. Finch turned on her. "And you could be with him throughout eternity. Young, fresh, never wither, never age, and never die." He turned back to the Doctor. "Their lives are so fleeting. So many goodbyes. How lonely you must be, Doctor. Join us."

The Doctor glanced back up at the screen causing me to follow his gaze my eyes locking on the Paradigm. "I could save everyone."

I could hear the grin in his voice "Yes."

"I could stop the war." The Doctor whispered.

"No." Sarah-Jane spoke forcefully but I couldn't pull my gaze away. "The universe has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it's a world, or a relationship, everything has its time. And everything ends."

A flare of pain moved through my head, causing me to cry out, crumpling to the floor. There was a loud smash but I couldn't lift my head up. I felt someone grab me around the waist, pulling me to my feet. "Out!" the Doctor yelled, pulling me out the door. Rose and Sarah-Jane were just behind us.

We ran down the hall and down the stairs as I tried to regain some strength. Blood was pouring from by nose freely and I quickly wiped it on my stripped sleeve as we met up with Mickey and Kenny, one of the students, at the bottom of the stairs.

Mickey glanced at me in concern before turning to the Doctor "What is going on?"

The Doctor didn't reply as he pulled me down the hall and into the canteen, the others following closely behind.

The Krillitanes followed us in, the only one in human form was Mr. Finch.

"Are they my teachers?" Kenny asked, fearfully.

The looked over to him sympathetically "Yeah. Sorry."

"We need the Doctor alive. As for the others? You can feast." Mr. Finch called out to the other Krillitanes who started to swoop at us. The Doctor pushed me under a table. Okay I so didn't want to be eaten by a giant bat thing.

Suddenly a red laser beam shoots at one of the bat people. "K9!" Sarah-Jane called out relieved.

"Suggest you engage running mode, mistress." K9 spoke in his robot voice.

The Doctor pulled me out from under the table calling out to the others "Come on! K9, hold them back!" we all ran out of the canteen and down the hall to the physics classroom that the Doctor and I were in yesterday morning.

"It's the oil. Krillitane life forms can't handle the oil." The Doctor realised, turning to all of us. "That's it! They've changed their physiology so often, even their own oil is toxic to them." He then turned to Rose and I "How much was there in the kitchens?"

"Barrels of it." Rose replied for the both of us. My head was still spinning but by nose had stopped bleeding, which was a plus.

The Krillitanes started banging on the door causing us to all look over to it in worry. It wasn't going to keep them out for long.

"Okay, we need to get to the kitchens. Mickey." The Doctor looked at the boy.

Mickey looked kind of peeved "What now, hold the coats?"

The Doctor ignored the comment "Get all the children unplugged and out of the school. Now then, bats, bats, bats. How do we fight bats?"

Kenny looked around a bit before pulling the fire alarm, causing all the Krillitanes to call out in pain. Smart one.

We all quickly exited the classroom, running past the Krillitanes writhing on the floor. Ha. Sucked in.

In the kitchen the Doctor pointed the sonic at the barrels of oil but nothing happened "They've been deadlock sealed. Finch must've done that. I can't open them."

We all looked around at each other in desperation. This was not good.

"The vats would not withstand a direct hit from my laser, but my batteries are failing." K9 spoke up. I hadn't even noticed the robot dog follow us.

The Doctor looked around for a moment before nodding "Right. Everyone out the back door. K9, stay with me."

I stopped for a moment as Kenny, Rose and Sarah-Jane rushed out of the side door, watching as the Doctor knelt down next to K9. I sighed slightly before following the others out, moving to stand with Rose.

After a few moments the Doctor emerged a forlorn look on his face, not K9 in sight. A pit fell into my stomach as Sarah-Jane noticed as well. "Where's K9?"

The Doctor just shook his head, looking over to Rose and me "We need to run."

Tears started to pool in Sarah-Jane's eyes as the Doctor tried to push her away from the door. "Where is he? What have you done?!"

She fought against him slightly but he finally won, pushing us all back and away from the door as a pile of students exited the school in confusion, which was soon dispelled when a large explosion emitted from the kitchen, throwing me back a couple of steps.

There was an uproar of excitement from the student body as Mickey ran up to us, pulling Rose into a large hug.

The small grin that was on my face soon disappeared as I glanced over to Sarah-Jane and the Doctor who were speaking quietly, a devastated look on her face. That was her last tie to the Doctor and now he was gone.

Life sucked sometimes.


"You've redecorated." Sarah-Jane's voice echoed through the Tardis. I couldn't see her from my spot in the captain's chair, where I was lying down.

"Do you like it?" the Doctor's voice followed hers as they rounded the side of the console, where I could just see them.

Sarah-Jane nodded, looking around the expanse of the console room "Oh, I, I do. Yeah. I preferred it as it was, but err, yeah. It'll do."

"I love it." Rose spoke up from beside Mickey, leaning on the console. A light grin on her face.

Sarah-Jane turned to look at us a small smile on her face "Hey, you what's forty seven times three hundred and sixty nine?"

Rose just shrugged "No idea. It's gone now. The oil's faded."

"But you're still clever. More than a match for him." She then turned to me "What about you?"

I sighed, sitting up in the seat "Well I'm not bleeding everywhere anymore but I've still got a killer headache. But I'll survive. For now."

The Doctor shook his head at me "Not just for now. For as long as humanly possible."

I rolled my eyes at him causing Sarah-Jane to laugh slightly. "Are you going to ask her or what?"

The Doctor glared slightly at my bluntness but turned to Sarah-Jane anyway. "Err, we're about to head off, but you could come with us."

Sarah-Jane smiled fondly but shook her head. "No. I can't do this anymore. Besides, I've got a much bigger adventure ahead. Time I stopped waiting for you and found a life of my own."

There was a beat of silence before Mickey spoke up "Can I come? No, not with you, I mean with you." He nodded at the Doctor. "Because I'm not the tin dog, and I want to see what's out there."

"Oh, go on, Doctor." Sarah-Jane nodded in delight. "Sarah Jane Smith, a Mickey Smith. You need a Smith on board."

The Doctor shrugged feigning indifference "Okay then, I could do with a laugh."

"Rose, is that okay?" Mickey asked as Rose stood there with her hands crossed.

"No, great. Why not?" yeah so not okay.

"Is anyone gonna ask if it's okay with me?" I spoke up trying to defuse the tension.

"No." Both the Doctor and Mickey said at the same time. Well that was rude.

"Well, I'd better go." Sarah-Jane spoke up, moving towards the door but Rose grabbed my arm, leading me over to her.

"What do we do? Do we stay with him?" she whispered to her.

Sarah-Jane nodded. "Yes. Some things are worth getting your heart broken for. Find me, if you need to, one day." She looked over at me "Both of you. Find me."

I nodded, grabbing Rose's hand in comfort. "We can make like a book club."

They both gave me strange looks before laughing.

"I was being serious!"


Ahhh. I'm so excited for Girl in the Fireplace you don't even know. So be ready for some intense Doctor/Nina/Renette moments!

Sorry it took me so long, I just starting writing a new fanfiction for Teen Wolf so if you like that then please read it! I've only got a couple of chapters up so far but I've got so many ideas. I've also got a 100 fanfiction if you like that show too!

Positively Stubborn Angie: Nina is going to stay human for a long time. She's only 17 at the moment and I want her to grow up a bit before anything changes but I can't tell you when/if she's gonna change :D

Bored411: you're gonna love Girl in the Fireplace trust meeeeee. That's gonna be drama central!

Time-twilight: Honestly pregnant Nina isn't one of my top priorities at the moment. She has a lot of growing up to do throughout the seasons.

NicoleR85: I'm glad you liked it, and trust me you're gonna love his apology ;)

Fr33fangirl: I'm so glad you like it! Let me know how you like it when you're up to date!

Grapejuice101: Sorry it took me so long! And I'm so glad you love it! It makes me super happy to hear people are enjoying my writing!

Wicken25: yeah that was the idea I had with Nina, I wanted her to be different to all the other OCs that people have done for Doctor Who.

Don't Define Me: HAHAHAHHA that's the best thing I've ever heard! You better not read the next couple of chapters at night cause you'll definitely wake her up again hahahhahaha

Guest: thank you! I love that song!

FreakyFrenzy12: sorry it took me so long. Hope you like the chapter!

sakuraLT: sorry sorry sorry! I suck at updating on time! I'm so glad you loved the story though!