A/N: My dear readers, this is the end of a story that has had a larger exit than I ever expected. I hope it doesn't disappoint anybody, it's not a big finale, and neither anything romantic or dramatic... it's just an end that I hope you'll like.

I would only like to say thank you to those who have stayed since the beginning and specially those who have left some review during the journey... Wow, talking like this of a story of only 9 chapters sounds ridiculous, but it seems as if it was longer. Anyway, thank you.

Enjoy ^.^



The last chapter


by Saeshmea


It was past midnight when Severus was woken up by a knocking at his door. He opened his eyes and sat up on his bed only to find Minerva was curled up under his shits.

He had gone to sleep after having a shower and Minerva was still napping in the armchair, so he'd decided to have his bed back for the night. Wondering how she'd ended up sleeping with him, he guessed that she'd got cold during the night and had decided to change the armchair for the bed.

He heard the knocking again, this time accompanied by some voices. Severus decided to get up. Barefoot and wearing his pajama, he walked to the door of his rooms and opened it, thinking of giving a week of detention to whatever kid was standing in the corridor. To his surprise, it was no kid, but Rolanda Hooch and Pomona Pomfrey.

"Do you know what time it is?" he asked, and the two women passed by him into the room without asking permission.

"Time to bring Minerva back to normal," Pomona said, showing to Severus an extremely short wand that she was holding with both hands.

"It's Umbridge's wand," Rolanda pointed out, "do you want to know how we got it?"

"I rather not," he said, and he took the wand from Sprout's hands and examined it as if he was checking that it was authentic. He was intrigued to know how those two witched had managed to get the wand so soon, but if he had asked them to do it was not to get in trouble with the headmistress himself, so he prefered not to get involved in whatever was that they had done.

He walked to his bed and Minerva was already sitting down at the edge, looking at the three of them. Severus pointed the wand to her and stopped for a moment, realizing that once the spell was said, Minerva would be back to her human form and their relationship regain that safe distance they had established between them. Minerva meowed, to get his attention, and without waiting any longer, he pronounced "Expedio Incantatio".

Nothing happened.

"Are you sure that's the right spell?" Hooch demanded.

"Of course," Severus mumbled, not taking his eyes out of Minerva as he thought what the trouble could be.

"Maybe you did it wrong," Sprout suggested, "maybe you need to move your hand in a certain way, we could ask Filius if-" but she realized he wasn't paying attention to her.

"We did what the book said," he was thinking out loud, "the spell had locked Minerva in her cat form so..." he stopped for a moment, "maybe," he thought, "you should try transfiguring back," he concluded, looking at the tabby cat sitting at the edge of his bed.

Minerva frowned for a moment, but tried. Soon she felt that particular tickling in her bones, and that instantaneous pain on her spine and then… she was standing on her legs, her human legs.

Severus smiled as Minerva looked at her pair of hands as if she'd never seen them, and brushed the smile away when she raised her head to look at him.

"Thanks," she said. It was the first time he heard her voice in days, "Thank you, Severus" she repeated. Her eyes, her sparkling green human eyes were staring at him, and he didn't know what to say.

"I'm so happy you're back!" Pomona suddenly jumped at Minerva's arms and Severus stepped backwards to keep some distance from their moment.

"Come on, Pom," Hooch interrupted them, "I'm sure Min is dying to get out from this dungeon and stretch her legs."

"I..." Minerva muttered and she looked at Severus again, and he didn't understand what she was trying to say.

"Let's go," the flying teacher insisted, taking Minerva's arm and pulling her towards the door, "I'm sure Severus can't wait to be alone either."

"Thank you for everything, Severus," Pomona said, "we wouldn't have been able to do this without you."

"I know," he replied, "don't forget this," and he handed Umbridge's wand back to Sprout, and they left, and Minerva was gone, and he was back to being alone.

"I'm sorry we left you with Severus," Pomona said as they climbed the stairs.

"It's alright," Minerva replied, "it wasn't that bad."

"Oh, come on!" Hooch laughed, "we're friends, you can tell us."

"Really, Severus has been very…" Minerva stopped, thinking for the right word, "nice."

"Oh, please," Rolanda exclaimed, "Severus nice?"

"I wonder what the two of you can have been doing the entire day alone," Pomona said.

"The same we do when we are alone in the teachers lounge," Minerva replied, "reading, playing chess…" he's been petting me and I've been watching him naked, she added to herself.

"But you must have discovered some of his secrets," Rolanda wondered, "maybe you've seen him out of his boring clothes?" she asked, and Minerva blushed, so she decided to change the way of the conversation.

"How did you get the wand?" she asked.

"We entered Umbridge's room while she was asleep and used some Somnium Dufungo to make sure she wouldn't wake up," Pomona explained.

"Isn't the smell of those flowers able to kill a person?" Minerva wondered, a little worried.

"Only during spring, right now they only provoke a deep sleep," she said, "but anyway, we removed all the plants before leaving, although she will probably be sleeping peacefully until breakfast time," she added, "so I guess I'll pass by and leave this back on her night table," she said, holding the small wand as if it was a toy.

"I'll take care of that," Minerva said, taking the stick from her friend's hands just when they had to go in different ways.


Minerva entered the Headmistress office and found the door that separated it from her bedrooms opened. Umbridge, the woman who had made her live as a cat for the past three days and who had cruciated her with no mercy and no reason, was peacefully sleeping on her bed as if she'd never committed any sin.

Making no noise, she left the small wand on the bedside table with a note under it, then she left, but before stepping on the office, she turned around and pointed to the pink sheets with her wand.

With a victorious grin on her lips, she returned to her own rooms. She needed a proper shower, some sleep and a change of clothes.

Severus was preparing himself for breakfast in the Great Hall when someone knocked at his door. Seeing the time, he guessed one more time that it would be some student, but it wasn't.

Standing in the corridor, dressed in a long green gown with some tartan details, there was Minerva.

"Missing my dungeon already, professor McGonagall?" he joked, having no clue of what she could be doing there at that time of the morning.

"So witty," she mocked, "I was wondering," she said, her eyes looking at the Slytherin students that were walking by the corridor, "if you would lend me that copy of The Metamorphosis to finish reading it."

"Oh, of course," he said, "come in," and he walked to his library as Minerva stepped into his rooms, closing the door after her.

He returned with the muggle book on his hands and when Minerva went to take it, her hands touched his. They were cold, but soft, her fingers were thin but they tickled his skin when they brushed his knuckles.

"Severus," she made him returned to the present, "is everything alright?" she asked, their hands still holding the book together.

"Yes," he said, "it only that," he mumbled.

"What?" she smiled, it was cute seeing him so nervous.

"Never mind," he said, and he removed his hands and looked away. Minerva closed her eyes and sighed. For a moment, for an instant, she had allowed herself to think he had the slightest interest on her, but it couldn't be.

"We should go to the Great Hall," he said, "Umbridge will be happy to see you back."

"I don't think that she'll be joining us today," Minerva replied as they walked into the corridor together.

"What have you done, Minerva?" he wondered.

"You don't want to know."

Dolores Umbridge woke up feeling weird that morning. She shouldn't have eaten so much the night before, but since Minerva escaped her rooms she was hysterical, if the Ministry found out what she'd done, not only would she be dismissed, but would also have to respond in front of the Wizengamot.

As she left her sheets, a croak startled her. Umbridge looked around but saw nothing, apart from the fact that… the room… it looked… different, bigger. Suddenly, another croak.

It was then when Dolores looked down at herself and realized that she was... green!

Umbridge ran to her mirror, well, she leaped, and instead of her short rounded body she saw a disgusting green toad.

She went to find her wand on her night table, and she found it, with a piece of parchment under it.


Dear Dolores,

You will be pleased to know that you can stop your search for a new Transfiguration professor since I have returned from my sudden free days.

I found it so nice of you to give me this little vacation in the middle of the year that I decided to thank you in the same way.

We'll see each other in a couple days in your office to exchange experience.

Yours faithfully,


P.S. Mrs. Norris loves hunting frogs, so good luck avoiding her.


A/N: Let's do some maths:

1. Minerva was born in 1935, Severus in 1960, that makes a difference of 25 years old between them. In this fic, she's 60, he's 35. Not only are they both adults, but this is a fictional magic world where people can be 116 years old and still work with all their mental and físical faculties and look like if they were 70… What I'm trying to say is that, we must understand that despite her age, Minerva looks like a 45/50 year old woman, probably.

2. In the CANNON, Lupin marries Tonks. He is Severus age and she is 13 years younger… If that doesn't creep you out, I don't get why MMSS does.

3. One of the most popular pairings for our dear Minerva is Dumbledore… again, she is 60 and he is more than 100! There's a difference of 54 years between them. 54!

CONCLUSION, There's only two reasons why anyone could feel upset by Minerva having carnal desires for Severus (who could be her son). One must rather be really old-fashioned, or too young to understand that love and sexuality are things so natural and primitive that they don't understand of rules or mathematics.

This is not a direct response to the Guest who left a comment anonymously, but something i wanted to say because MMSS is one of my favourite pairings and it really upsets me when people sees a problem on their age difference. If you don't like them together, just say it, but don't use the year they were born as an excuse.

I decided not to put them in this particular fic at the end because after writing, deleting and rewriting their last encounter with and without an ending kiss, I realized that it just didn't fit in the story. I hope you tell me if I did right or wrong... were you all expecting for a happy ending kiss?