Hey guys so this is probably a big surprise to most of you since this episode has long since passed but I want to continue the story. I've been hitting dead ends with a lot of stories recently and getting major writers block. Plus this story got some great reviews so hey why not re-write the rest of the season from this point. So here we go, next chapter.

"Tony…." Ziva mumbled wearily at the sight of him, her gaze then shifting to survey her surroundings, "What happened? Where are we?"

His hand reached for hers and squeezed it gently, "You don't remember?"

Her face strained as she tried to think back to the last events in her mind, "I… uh… I remember… we were going to go to Berlin to try and catch Bodnar..."

"Going to? You mean you don't remember ever going to Berlin?" Tony sighed and his eyes fell.

"We were in Berlin already? Why can't I remember!?" She threw her hands up in frustration, releasing Tony's hand.

"Yes we were there almost two weeks ago" He avoided all eye contact with her, staring at the ground or the empty chairs around them.

"Tell me what happened! Now!" He could hear the frustration ringing in her voice and he cursed himself once again for how this turned out. Ziva was tough, he knew she was already in an emotional state with the death of her father and betrayal of Bodnar and being injured would only make that far worse. These circumstances made it the worst possible situation for him to admit his feelings.

He bit his tongue so his emotions wouldn't show and recounted the experiences with Bodnar, including the video call, and the capture of Yaniv. But he didn't mention any of the rest, the dance or the memories she shared with him, none of it. He just couldn't bring himself to, it wasn't the right time.

"I can't believe this" All she could do was vent. She spoke for what seemed to Tony like forever and he just sat there, listening and avoiding eye contact but every once and a while he would glance at her and it would all flood in and his mind would wonder to better things. The song that played as they swayed to the music, the look on her face if even for just one moment that told him maybe there was a chance.

Suddenly he realized she was calling his name, and he snapped back to reality and met her eyes. He forced himself to slap a classic Dinozzo smile on his face and chuckled lightly, "Wow I spaced out didn't I, sorry I haven't been quite myself recently. Probably because I haven't been able to work, my leg seems to disagree with running"

Her eyes flickered to the thick cast on his leg, "So you were injured in this thing too? What happened? And is something wrong? I feel like you're not telling me something."
He chuckled again, burying his feelings in his usual charm, "Well aren't you the perceptive one." Then his face got serious again, "I was driving us back from the airport and… a car came out of a side street and hit us, on your side."

"Oh…" Her eyes scanned his face, examining every detail of his demeanor. And he knew she could see right through him.

"Yea uh I'm sorry."

"For what? And what are you not telling me!? I know you Tony, I can always tell when you're hiding something. You are driving me down the wall!"

He couldn't help but give a genuine smile at the mixed up idiom, "It's up the wall"

"Don't change the subject Tony"

He chuckled again, "I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm not hiding anything."

"Tony... You can tell me" He saw the moment then, she said he could tell her. He knew that was a good opportunity but he still knew in the back of his mind that the circumstances were not the best. At the same time he desperately wanted to tell her, he wanted her to know what happened in Berlin and how he felt. In fact he needed her to know, the feelings had been building for so long and he had come so close to losing her recently. What if he never got the chance again? Or what if he did say it now but it was the wrong time or she didn't agree or share his feeling? He thought about it for a moment and than made up his mind.

Okay guys so I know that was a pretty short chapter, just getting back into the story. Plus I thought that was a good cliffhanger. What will his decision be? I want your guy's advice on where the story should go from here? How should we change season 10 and the transition towards season 11? What should happen next? Also please tell me what you think of the story so far.