Chapter 3

That afternoon, they boarded a plane that took them back to D.C. Throughout the flight, Ziva was wrapped up in her thoughts. Her short conversation with Yaniv was all it took to have her in full on work mode again. Her time with Tony was incredible, the best she'd had in years. It was a welcome distraction from what had been happening in her life as of late, and finally telling him that she loved him took a huge weight from her shoulders. But now, it was time to get to the bottom of the situation at hand. Her mind was reeling. Why did Yaniv speak to her of loyalty? Why did he imply that she knew the motives that governed his actions? Ziva had not backed her family when they did wrong. Everyone knows she killed her own brother. And she fought with her father over his actions until the day he died. How she regretted those words now. Telling him that being sorry was not enough, that whatever he did to make amends, it couldn't be enough. She had basically told him that she could not forgive him. And then he was gone. The thought only served to fan her flame of revenge for Bodnar. Why had Ilan done this? Someone she and her father had trusted, loved and cared for like family. Ilan, Yaniv and even Orli filled up the space in her head with numerous questions and wonderings for hours.

Tony had been sleeping next to Yaniv on the plane since about 10 minutes after take off. Thats when Ziva decided she'd had enough of his conversation. When he woke up he noticed her, she was seated across the aisle, was awake, and appeared as though she hadn't slept a wink. She had that far off look on her face, and Tony could tell that she was deep in thought. He could imagine what she was contemplating. Her father, killed by a man they trusted, that man manipulated his brother into doing his dirty work. Tony felt so sad when he thought of how her heart must be breaking. He knew just then that he would have to be her stronghold, he had no room for selfish thoughts or motives. Until this case was solved, her heart healed, and this painful chapter of Zivas life closed, he resolved to do all he could for her. Nothing was about him anymore, or even about them. It was all about Ziva. He saw what looked like a single tear roll down her face. He got up and knelt down in the aisle next to her seat.

Ziva hated when she cried. She hated anyone seeing her like this, especially Tony. He had seen her cry so few times that he knew her thoughts must be very dark indeed for her to be crying in public. "Ziva, are you alright?" Tony asked as he pushed her hair back out of her face and kissed the tear on her cheek away. "I'm ok, Tony. Just thinking about my father again." She said, feeling her spirits lift at his touch. "What can I do? " he asked her, wanting to think of something, anything, to make her alright. "Exactly what you've been doing for me the last 24 hours, and the 8 years before that. Help me catch the bad guys, tell me that I'm doing good, that I'm making a difference. You are the one who knows me better than anyone. Just be you and stay with me. That's all I need." She looked at him with her not necessarily sad, but very troubled eyes, and allowed him to kiss her right there.

As soon as their lips met and she felt his hand move over her face and neck, Ziva felt a serene comfort wash over her. Of course she did. Tony not only knows her best, but is also the only man, aside from her own father, ever able to conjure up emotions in her so easily. He was the one who calmed her down after a hard day or a stressful case. The one who made her laugh on those days she didn't feel like getting out of bed, much less being at work. The one who had caused her extreme annoyance on so many occasions she couldn't count them if she wanted to. And the same one who let her know that she was not alone. The first who ever caused her to believe it. Just then she realized, she had faith in Tony, that she always had. She trusted him with her life daily. Trusted him to watch her back, and caused her to realize she needed someone to in the first place. She hadn't been really alone or on her own since meeting him. He had always been there to pick up her pieces. She then remembered all the times Tony had riled her up for no reason, and made a mental note to ask him if he somehow enjoyed seeing her in a flustered state. So many revelations in one day. Her love life had improved by leaps and bounds over these last days, but she had major ground to cover as far as her career was concerned. They both did. It was time to focus.

Tony broke their kiss and leaned up to kiss both of Ziva's cheeks, her forehead, and her nose. She smiled and shook her head. "You have always known just what I needed, Tony. I hope I can be for you all that you have been to me," she said with a serious yet bewildered tone. Wondering why, after all he had done, it never dawned on her before that he returned her love. You would think a great detective and ninja could put two and two together. "Ziva, you have been my source of passion and my reason to go on for so long. I hope I can give you what you truly need. You give me all I need simply by breathing." She hugged him tightly and said, "I love you with all I have." Tony cocked his head to the side, understanding exactly what she was saying. " Ziva, I love you with all that is within me, with everything I am. And I always will."

Neither could foresee the impending danger. They couldn't have known that in a few short hours, their 'always' could be over.