Asami Ryuchi walked into the student council office, watching all of the lower positions scramble to look like they're working. He was in a fairly good mood, so he wouldn't dish out any punishments to the slackers. Of course, that's not saying that he couldn't. He was the the student body president, after all.

His VP, Kirishima Kei, walked up to Asami and silently handed him a stack of papers. Asami nodded and walked to his own office. He sat down and looked at the file in his hands and smirked.

The file was Takaba Akihito's, the school's number one delinquent. Takaba was the biggest trouble maker he had ever had the displeasure of hearing about. Asami never met the boy, but heard some quite incriminating things from around the student council office.

Takaba's file held reports for all the days of rules he broke. He flipped through the papers and was quite shocked. September 1st, wasn't wearing uniform. September 4th, smoking on the roof. Cutting class, getting in fights, showing up late. This kid broke more rules in a week than most people do in a whole semester! Asami shook his head and set the file down on his desk. He would straighten this guy out.

Asami stepped out of his office. Now, he was in a bad mood. He had to deal with a troublemaker. His sharp golden eyes shot to the nearest slacker. "Hey!" He boomed, "Get to work or get out of here!" The kid in question jumped in his seat and scrambled to get the pile of papers in front of him in order. He walked out of the student council office in a huff. Now to find Takaba.

He checked the 1st year hall first, checking his classroom. Absent. Then he went to the bathrooms, empty. Asami was not a patient guy, and the longer he kept looking, the angrier he got. He finally went to the roof where he was positive the kid would be, if he was at school at all.

Asami opened the door to the roof, and low and behold, there were two boys with cigarettes and unkempt uniforms. They were leaning against the rail and jumped when the door opened. They turned to see a very pissed off student body president.

"Takaba. Akihito." He huffed out. The dumb looking one with black hair looked at his companion, with the other just kept smoking and staring at Asami. Asami glanced at the other and commanded, "Go to class. Now."

The kid with black hair nodded quickly, flicked his cigarette over the rail, and skirted past Asami back into the building.

Takaba gave Asami a once over with his eyes. Muscled, tall and gorgeous. And he radiated power, arrogance, and money. Takaba wasn't impressed. This rich kid would lecture him and send him to class or the principal's office. No different from middle school, no different from his last high school. There was a nagging feeling his uncles wouldn't be too happy with him, which was never a good thing, but he was /too/ concerned, not with this big guy staring daggers at him.

"Go on," Takaba said. "Yell at me, send me to class, I don't have all day." He laughed at his own joke.

Asami just stood where he was, fuming inwardly. That was in fact exactly what he was going to do to the kid. And the fact that Takaba wasn't cowering in his presence got him a little annoyed, to, if not a bit impressed. Most people would be running for the hills by now. Asami stalked toward the boy, hoping to intimidate him with his larger size. He was 6 feet of pure bulk, while Takaba was too skinny and 5'7.

Takaba laughed again when he saw through the older boy's intentions. Like he would be scared off with a little muscle thrown in his face. At least this guy wouldn't get physical with him, he thought. The perfect student body president wouldn't break any precious school rules.

Asami got closer than necessary to him, crowding him even, and he shot his hand out to grab Takaba's arm.

Takaba's mind went blank and he screamed, dropping his cigarette, as searing pain spiked up his fractured arm. He was wearing a sweater so no one would notice the bruising, and it was fine unless someone touched it. This asshole, of course had to grab on with all his might. Asami immediately released his arm and stepped back. Takaba fell to his knees and curled protectively over his left arm.

Asami was startled at the violent reaction. He watched as tears fell to the ground, thinking that he didn't grab the boys arm very hard at all, that there was something else going on. He crouched down and said in (what he hoped to be) a soothing voice, "Let me see it."

Takaba was in a full panic. See it?! His uncle told him not to tell anyone. He scrambled backward until he hit the rail, shaking his head quickly. "No, no... I, uh, I'll go back to class..." Takaba stood up on shaky legs, keeping a safe distance from this new threat, and made his was back to the building.

Asami was quick to grabbed his good arm, though. Takaba wasn't getting away so easily. "Show me your arm, now." He demanded. Takaba rapidly shook his head and tried to pull away.

"I have to go to class." Takaba mumbled.

Asami held fast to his arm, and hissed at the boy "The hell you have to go to class, you were out here skipping. Now show me your arm."

Takaba sighed and wiped his eyes, still wet with tears. He gently rolled the sleeve of his sweater up, to reveal his right arm covered in one giant, brutal bruise. Asami carefully turned it over while inspecting it, ignoring Takaba's breath hitching.

"What happened?" Asami demanded in a voice that spoke of barley contained anger, although he wasn't sure what he was angry about. Takaba shook his head, not looking at the older boy. Asami sighed in frustration, this kid was impossible! What could possibly have happened that made him so scared he didn't want to talk? "Did you get in a fight with another student?" Another shake of the head. Asami thought for a moment, Takaba would answer yes or no questions. He just had to ask the right ones.

"Are your parents abusing you?"

There it was, not quite the right question, but close enough. His whole life, summed up by five words. Only replace 'parents' with 'uncles,' and he's got it. But Asami didn't get the 'who' right, so Takaba shook his head again. "Don't have parents," he said in a shaky voice.

Asami was taken aback. Didn't have parents? That wasn't on his file. So if his parents didn't do it, what the hell happened!

Takaba decided that the interrogation was getting too close to the truth and rolled his sleeve back down. "Listen, uh, thanks for your concern and all, but I'm just gonna go, okay? I'm just gonna go home or something." He sniffled, pried Asami's fingers from his arm and scurried back into the building.

Asami decided to let the boy go, for now. He would find out everything about him eventually.

Takaba ran out of the school, ignoring teachers and students calls for him. How could he show his arm to some guy he didn't even know! Now the golden eyed boy probably thought he was a freak, a loser who couldn't take care of himself. He would just lay low and follow the rules for a while to keep the guy off his back.

He walked home then, trying to ignore the paranoid thought that everyone was staring at him, that everyone knew what he was. Takaba rounded the corner to his house, and took a deep breath before going in. He slipped off his shoes and stepped into the living room. No one. He glanced at the kitchen to see it empty. "I'm home!" he called out to his mother, who was sitting silently at her altar. Soft clanging noises of cans-on-cans came from his uncles's bedroom. He sighed and went to his own room, only to freeze when he saw his oldest uncle, Takaba Hiroshi, laying on his bed.

"Hey boy, welcome home." He greeted with a fake smile. His face changed like he thought of something. "Wait, it's only noon, why aren't you in school?" the man questioned, eyeing Takaba carefully.

"Why are you in my room?" Takaba demanded, then immediately regretted it. Hiroshi shot up off the bed and reached for Takaba. He grabbed the teen's collar and slammed him into the wall next to the door.

"Do not back talk me, boy. I asked you a question. Why. Aren't. You. In. School?" He punctuated each word with a slam against the wall.

Takaba's head cracked on the wall the last slam, and he grabbed onto his uncle's arms to keep himself up. "This guy was harassing me.. so..."

Hiroshi narrowed his eyes and dragged Takaba to the bed. He set the boy down harshly, and took off his tie. He grabbed one of the boys wrists. Takaba whimpered for the pressure on his fractured arm.

"One last chance, Akihito, why aren't you in school? We pay good money for you to go there, and here you are, screwing it up, again." Hiroshi swiftly tied the boy's hands together and the the headboard.

Takaba started shaking, tears threatening to spill. "Uncle, the boy, he.. he saw my arm... and he started asking questions.. and..."

Horoshi's eyes flashed, and he put none too gentle hands on Takaba's hips. "So your friend saw your little screwup, huh? I believe I gave you explicit instructions about that, didn't I, Akihito?"

Takaba felt the tears spill over and he turned his head into his arm, knowing there was nothing he could say to save himself now.

The bed dipped as Hiroshi crawled on Takaba, sitting on his hips. Takaba let out a choked sob, terrified of his oldest uncle when he got into 'punishment' mode.

His uncle's body moved against his, rubbing an erection down on him.

Takaba's struggles and screams fell on numb hands and deaf ears that night.