Hey guys! :D So I was bored tonight and I decided to write another (fluffy) one shot. Sorry if it sucks but it's kind of late already and yeah. This was a prompt on imagineyourotp (tumblr) and because I am a hopeless romantic, this caught my attention. I know it's not really long but oh well. I had fun writing it ^^ Also, I finally found how to edit my documents on the site! :D
Okay, enjoy your reading (?), please review and stuff :D

xoxo Emma

-Phil's POV-

We've been married for five years and three years ago we adopted Katie, a beautiful blue-eyed, brown-haired girl. Six months ago, we decided to adopt another baby. Four months ago, we went through the entire process and two months ago, it got accepted. Today, we will tell Katie she'll have a baby brother. We will finally be able to meet him in a week.

'Katie? Can you come over here for a second?' I ask her. We are both sitting on the couch in the living room. Katie comes toddling over to us from the kitchen where she was playing. I can't help but smile widely. She's so adorable with her round little cheeks. She almost falls when she reaches us but luckily Dan scoops her up right on time and puts her on his knees. My heart melts every time I see him with Katie and I don't think that'll change soon, especially with baby number two on the way.

I turn around so I face her and Dan. I look at Dan and take a deep breath. I know this sounds ridiculous but I'm nervous to tell her. We don't know if she'll understand what will happen.

'Katie, we have something important to tell you.'

She looks up to me with curious, big blue eyes and asks 'Yes dada?' I'm dada and Dan's daddy.

'Next week, there will be someone coming over and stay with us forever. Wait, no, we…' I can't seem to find my words so Dan takes over.

'Next week, you will have a baby brother Katie.'

At first she doesn't react, then she looks up to me with a confused face and when I nod, she starts smiling. She squeals 'I'm gonna be big sister'. She crawls in between us on the couch and demands a hug from the both of us at the same time. We obey gladly.