
5 Years Later

The sun was shining through the window of their bedroom, reflecting off the white melting snow and creating patterns of light on the ceiling. Killian had his arms wrapped around Emma, watching her chest rise and fall as she slept. He gently ran his fingers through her hair, smiling as her eyes fluttered open.

"Morning love."

"Morning." Emma leaned up and kissed him. She felt his knuckles graze her cheek as he drew back, laughing as he rolled on top of her. "Are they up yet?"

"I don't think so." He planted kisses along her jaw and made his way down her neck.

"What time is it?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Actually it does."

Killian let out a long sigh. "It is," he looked up at the alarm clock, "now 7:35."

"Crap! I have to be at the office in twenty five minutes!" Emma tried to push Killian off of her, but he wouldn't budge. "Come on, Killian. I need to get ready!"

"Can't you be late once? It's not like your father is going to fire you."

Emma just rolled her eyes and shoved him off. She got out of bed, slipped off her pajamas, and started to change. Just as she pulled her top over her head, Killian had his arms wrapped around her waist.

"You're taking the day off tomorrow though, right?"

Emma spun around and gave him a chaste kiss. "Of course. Hope has been begging to go to the zoo for weeks. Plus, I don't want to miss Aidan's first visit." She grabbed her blazer and pulled Killian out of their bedroom. "Let's go wake them."

The two of them quietly opened the door to another room where Hope and her three-year-old brother were still sleeping.

Emma sat down next to Aidan and tenderly brushed his dark black hair from eyes. "Aidan," she whispered, "Aidan, sweetie, time to wake up."

Aidan grumbled and rubbed his eyes, but brightened up as soon as he saw his mother. "Mommy!"

She picked him up from his bed. "Ready for pancakes?"


Emma spun around to face Hope, who was now wide awake.

"That got her attention," chuckled Killian, standing up from Hope's bed. "Come on, lass. You can help me make them."

"Daddy, can you make happy face ones? Or the heart shaped ones?"

"I can make you any shape you want."

Hope took Killian's hand and walked down to the kitchen, with Emma and Aidan following behind.

Emma placed Aidan in his high chair, walked over to the refrigerator, and searched for something quick to eat. She made herself a bowl of cereal and shoveled it in her mouth as she prepared a pot of coffee. Emma watched Killian and Hope make the pancake batter, laughing when her daughter blew flour in his face. Once the coffee was ready, she poured herself a mug and grabbed her jacket from the chair.

"Bye, Aidan," Emma said, pressing a kiss on her son's forehead. "Mommy loves you."

"Bye-bye, Mommy."

She gave Aidan one last quick kiss on the cheek before walking over to the kitchen. She leaned over and planted a kiss on Hope's cheek. "Bye, Hope. Be a good girl today, okay?"

"I will, Mommy."

Emma felt Killian's breath tickle the back her neck and she couldn't help but smile.

"Go catch some bad guys."

"Will do." She spun around, wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him. She felt his arms snake around her hips as he gently pushed her against a counter. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Emma quickly gave Killian one last kiss before heading out the door. She got into her Volkswagen and drove to the MBI. As she entered, she was greeted by Neal.

"Hey Swan."

"Hey Cassidy."

Thankfully, Neal moved on from Emma. He didn't ask or anything, but he knew she was happy with Killian. When he and August went to visit her after she had Hope, he saw the ring and he knew. Neal handed Emma a folder and walked with her to the meeting room. "Ready for our new case?"

"Matthew Keller. Huh. Sounds interesting."

"Wait 'til you hear what August has to tell us." Neal opened the door, following Emma into the conference room.

"Hey Booth."

"Hey. Did Cassidy give you the new file?"

"Got it right here."

"Morning Swan."

Emma turned around and smiled at her father. "Morning Chief."

David gave her a light pat on the back before sitting down at table. "Let's get started, shall we?"

Emma was sitting at her desk, sifting through papers for the new case. As much as she loved being an agent and working with her father, August, and Neal, she missed the fieldwork. She missed chasing the bad guys on a daily basis. Emma didn't go undercover as often, and when she did, it was never as intense or exciting as her first case with Killian. She continued to study the file, searching for clues on the whereabouts of Matthew Keller.


Emma snapped her head up from her paperwork, feeling herself grin from ear to ear. She saw Hope running towards her, with Killian carrying Aidan close behind. "Hey sweetie! What are you doing here?"

"They were getting restless, so I thought we could take you out to lunch."

"I'd love that."

"Papa!" Hope ran from her mother's arms over to David, who squatted down and picked her up.

"Look who it is! What are you doing here?"

"For Mommy," she replied, playing with his tie. She wrapped her arms around David's neck and asked, "Where's Gramma?"

"She doesn't work here, honey," Emma told her Hope as she stood up from her desk.

David put Hope down so she could run off to say hi to August and Neal. He smiled at Aidan and waved. "Hey big boy."

Aidan grinned and spread his arms out toward his grandfather. Killian let David hold his son while he talked to Emma.

"How's it going so far?"

"Okay. Just the usual research for our new case. Matthew Keller."

"Sounds interesting. Something for us to talk about during lunch." Killian pressed as kiss on Emma's cheek and grabbed her jacket from her chair. "Now let's get some food."

"Granny's Diner?"

"Of course, darling. Anything you want."

"You're the best."

Emma walked over to her coworkers to round up Hope while Killian took Aidan and had a quick conversation with David. The family headed down a couple blocks to the diner, Emma leaning her head on Killian's shoulder as they watched Hope skip down the sidewalk and jump in puddles of melting snow.

Emma glanced at Aidan, who had his head buried in Killian's neck, and smiled. She had all the things she wished she had when she was young. She had a job that she enjoyed immensely, she had a family whom she loved with all her heart, and she had someone who loved her as much as she loved him. She had Killian. Emma reminisced of her days as a cop, catching car thefts and busting drug dealers. She remembered when she was first promoted to an agent, her first case, her first encounter with Killian. Emma couldn't believe that if she had not gotten promoted, she would have never met Killian. She was very happy with the way life was going and wouldn't change one part of it, not even for a million dollars.

"Whatcha thinking about, Emma?"

Emma looked up at Killian and smiled. "Just thinking about how perfect my life is."

A/N: Hi everyone! I'm so sorry this took me so long to update (I started school two weeks ago and have been swamped with work from my AP courses). Just if any of you guys were wondering, I based what Hope calls David and Mary Margaret off of what I call my grandparents. I've decided not to write a sequel to this, though. I really like the way it ended and I don't want to change the storyline. I just want to thank all of you who followed, favorited, reviewed and read my story. It means so much to me and I really hope you guys will continue reading my writing (I've got some more stories in mind). I hope everyone enjoyed Undercover as much as I loved writing it. Thank you!