OK so this my first fic and I did work hard so please be nice, but other than that I welcome honesty and Im open to ideas. I apologize for any mis spelled words but I'm a horrible speller. Other than that all you need to know is that in my story Ron hasn't left the gang yet but they have killed the locket horcrux.


She was bleeding on my carpet.

A year or so ago I would have been outraged at this destruction of property, but now as I stood there watching my aunt carve mudblood into her arm, something inside me snapped.

How often had I called her that? How often had I joked with my so called "friends" that all mudbloods should be branded so that we Purer folk would know whom to avoid? And in a cruel twist of fate my wish was granted in the form of one Hermione Granger.

Since before the start of term last year, I had known I was wrong.

I had known when the dark mark has been forcibly burned into my arm.

I had known when my own father had sat and watched as I was ordered to become a murderer, and that the price of my failure would not only be my life but my mothers' as well.

And when I stood atop the astronomy tower, out of my mind with fear, and my would be victim offered me mercy I had known.

I had known how wrong I was, but I had known too late.

Dumbledore died that night , that he hadn't died by my hand did nothing to ease the guilt that had suffocated me since. I told myself that it didn't matter; my beliefs on blood purity. I had made my bed now I would damn well burn in it, and there was no one but myself to blame.

Even so I longed for some escape, so desperate was I that I'd considered turning Avada Kadavra on myself more than once. There never had been a problem I couldn't run from, the only thing that stayed my hand now was my mother and her fragile hold on reality. Try as I might I couldn't leave her.

When Grayback brought in the golden trio, I panicked. As long as Potter was alive there was a chance that the Dark Lord would be slain, a chance that my hell could end. My pride took a blow when I had finally admitted to myself that Potter gave me hope. It was in a vain attempt to keep that hope alive that I found myself risking the extremely real possibility of a painful death at the hands of my aunt, and lied to protect Potter.

I saw his eyes go wide with shock that I was internally mirroring, but I stuck to my story. My thin cover was believed only due Potter's massivly swolen head. While my lies may have bought Potter a few moments, there was no disguising Weasley or Granger. But it wasn't untill Aunt Bella saw the sword that the shit truly hit the fan.

The thought that I had never seen my aunt more unbalanced was followed swiftly by mind-numbing terror that so simple an objecct as a sword could take the epitome of madness, and push it even further.

Wormtail took Potter and Weasley, kicking and screaming, away as Aunt Bella dragged a terrified Granger to the center of the room.

When the first Crucio hit I didn't flinch, I didn't even blink, but at the sound of her screams I swore I could fell blood pooling behind a well practiced mask of indiffrence.

My aunt struck agian and agian screaming questions about the sword that Granger often didn't have time to answer between the rapid curses. One of the few answers she did give was an agonized "I don't know!", which due to her blasted reputation no one would believe.

Granger always knew, saying she didn't simply wouldn't fly.

Every scream that tore it's self from her throat cut into me and burned like the physical wound of basalisk venom. She writhed under my aunt's wand while her cries drove me to a state of madness that left me a bloody, quivering, heap inside my own unmoving body, and after so long I couldn't take it anymore.

I had pulled out my wand and cast a non-verbal sheild charm around Granger before I'd fully concieved the thought.

The shield didn't stop the pain, but it lessened it enough for Granger to notice, and when she swung her pale, broken, face to the side and her empty eyes focused on mine, they widened in confused realization.

She knew.

More the worse for her, so did Aunt Bella. Maybe not how the spell had lost it's potency, but enough to know it was time to change tactics. I watched in horror as my aunt drew from her side an ever present six inch knife that took the place of her wand in her cruel, twisted, fingers and I knew what came next.

You're a bastard, Draco Malfoy, my mind sneered to me You made all of this possible. Aren't you proud, aren't you happy this girl you once wished dead can now be punished properly, like she, and every mudblood deserves? Congratulations! Your wish is granted, now watch her die.

When the first few drops of her blood appeared on her arm, I went cold. I don't know what I expected, for her blood to actually have dirt in it, or look muddy? But the exact shade of red that ran in my "superior" veins was not it.

The last "d" was halfway done before I realized what my aunt was spelling, and as I stood there bombarded by her screams, a strange, rather random thought came to mind;

She was bleeding on my carpet.

As I stood there watching my aunt carve mudblood into her arm, something inside me snapped.

Potter and Weasley, having somehow escaped, stormed in wands drawn only to be met by Aunt Bella digging the point of her knife into the soft flesh below Granger's chin.

I didn't wait, while her back was turned I shouted my spell and her wand flew from her side. As soon as the spell left my lips Aunt Bella turned 'round dumping Granger to the ground, to stare at me with a mixture of fury and disbelief.

For several agonizing moments, no one moved, not untill my aunt threw her kinfe with inhuman speed, in my direction.

I braced for the weight of the knife and the pain, but neither my mother appeared before me taking the deathblow that should have been mine.

I sank to the ground with her in my arms, my mind not comprehending the scarlet stain that spread across her chest like a bib.

"Draco...," she whispered, and by her voice I could tell she'd given up, "I love..", she stuggled a few moments longer to finish the sentence and then went still. Desperately I looked to my father for help but saw only a disgusted sneer on his face.

In the chaos that followed I remember Bellatrix's dreanged cries of; " Traitor, ... My sister... Your fault!", followed by a crack, I later realized was the sound of a house elf apperating in, and Potter and Weasley dragging a bloody Granger behind me towards the sound. Bellatrix lunged at me but I pushed her away and she slid across the floor, her bloody knife once more in hand. There was shouting behind me and as my aunt got to her feet and drew back the knife once more, I felt a slim arm around my shoulders and the weight of a body on my back.

Then there was nothing, just grief, blood that wasn't mine, and the dizzy feeling of side-long apperition.

So whadd'ya think? Like I said this my first time doing this so be honest, but don't be mean. I appologize again for any spelling mistakes I did my best to catch them but I've got no beta so I'm on my own here, And it's not my forte to begin with. All the same PLEASE REVIEW ::::DDD ~ littleviolentone 3