The room was tense and silent. The atmosphere was heavy and dark, and it had been a long time since this many countries willingly sat in the same room together. It was your typical meeting hall; bland walls, stiff chairs and ugly brown carpets. It seemed no matter where you go, there is a sense of normalcy with these things. The only way a person could tell exactly where they were was the set of five flags draped along one wall, the Nordic crosses identical except in color.

Spain turned his gaze from the wall to glance at the far end of the room where the Nordic countries sat, though only numbering in four, and a feeling of unease settled over him. Sweden was obvious, sitting on the far left, his stern face facing out into the room. He was a big man, very tall, and very intimidating, though Spain had never really had more than a few moments contact with him. Sitting beside him and clutching his hand was little Finland, his large violet eyes betraying what he couldn't see in the faces of the others; absolute worry.

Norway and Denmark were sitting to the right of the pair, the former's face stoic as usual, his indigo eyes trained only on Denmark as the larger man spoke to him in a whisper. But Norway's shoulders were tense, his hands balled tightly into fists on the table, and Spain could make out dark bags under his eyes even at this distance away from him. He couldn't help but wonder what was being said to him.

Uncomfortable, he turned his gaze away from the four of them to glance around the room. Many people he knew had shown up today because of the plea from the Nordics, something that didn't happen very often. Spain was sure many of them were simply curious as to what could plague such a tight knit, very powerful group of countries to call a meeting such as this. But the fact that they were here at all spoke wonders. On the left side of the table, juxtaposed directly to the Nordics sat Germany, Prussia, Hungary and Austria, who for once weren't causing a commotion with each other. Spain was glad he wasn't sitting over on that side.

After an empty seat Lithuania and Poland were talking seriously to each other like they were the only two left in the entire room, their voices not carrying at all even in the relatively quiet room. Rounding the corner of the table sat Latvia and Estonia beside him, his eyes trained warily on Russia, who was staring off into the distance in a very strange show of daydreaming. A little farther down sat Japan and China, the two not speaking to each other but neither complaining about the presence of the other either. There was a certain aura of 'sit down and shut up because this isn't about you' resonating about the room that seemed to keep everyone in check.

Around another corner were Belgium and Netherlands, the two quiet but seeming like they wanted to get the meeting underway as soon as possible. Spain sat beside them, a chair empty to his right between himself and Belgium, and he eyed it warily before turning his gaze past himself to see the last guests at the table. France sat to his immediate left, his arm around the shoulders of his pride and joy Seychelles and picking at her hair bow anxiously. Beside her was America and Canada, the former of which was bouncing in his seat to get started, though pointed looks from his brother made him keep his desires to himself. Last was Britain, his hand shaking slightly as he drank his tea, the expression on his face almost giving Spain cause to worry, if he cared that much.

Finland's voice rose cautiously above them, catching Spain's attention from the seat directly beside him that he hadn't realized he'd been staring at morosely for a solid minute. He caught Ludwig's eye from across the room and frowned worriedly, knowing that he was worrying about the same exact thing. "Ah, even though we're short two, Norway wants to start—"

"Mama! Papa! I found them!" A small grimace crossed England's face as Sealand crept into the room, clutching the hands of their last two guests. Italy's face was broken into his constant smile despite the atmosphere in the room, his light auburn hair frazzled from the trip and his curl even more prominent than before. He hugged Sealand and thanked him before taking the seat beside Germany after wrapping the man himself in a hug as well. Sealand walked over to Sweden and Finland and climbed into Sweden's lap, looking out at the room curiously as he did so.

Spain turned from Italy to meet the honeyed brown eyes of Romano and he felt a twinge in his chest at the sight. His face was skewed into its customary scowl and his dark auburn hair was slightly less of a mess than his brother's, but Romano was still obviously a little worse for the wear. But no matter what he was still cute, Spain thought dreamily as the young man grasped the chair that was open taking a seat right beside him. Spain went to greet him, but he noted that Romano was a little pallid and it was noticeable against his olive skin tone. Before he could ask what was wrong, Norway stood and all was silent.

Spain knew little about Norway. Sure he'd heard the stories about northern Europe, about he vikings and plundering all that, but in terms of face to face encounters, he couldn't say he'd had many with the man. He had incredibly fair skin and a lovely face, though Spain felt a little guilty for thinking so as he glanced at Romano for a moment out of the corner of his eyes. Romano quickly glanced away and Spain realized he'd already been staring for quite some time. He felt his heart swell.

"Thank you to everyone who answered," Norway said quietly, but the room was deathly silent and even those near the back were hanging on every word. "We've tried to keep this a private matter because we were unsure of the seriousness of the situation up until recently. Now we've decided that in addition to it being in our best interests, it is quite possibly in your to know." He paused and Spain realized that Norway seemed quite lost, his hands shaking at his side. At the same time, Denmark and Finland reached out and grasped his hands tightly.

"Iceland has been missing for two weeks now," he managed to say after a moment, the knuckled on his hands white where he was grasping his brothers' in a vice like grip. Italy gasped in shock and Estonia looked appalled, his eyes searching out for Finland's to no avail, as he was still focused on Norway. "And, if recent conjecture is to be believed, he may have been forcibly removed against his will." That brought insurmountable tension to the room. Spain felt it deep in his bones, his arms suddenly tight and ready to defend if needed. Southern Italy was no longer under his control, but there will never be a day when the urge to protect Romano would fade.

"What are you saying exactly?" Germany asked cautiously, knowing better than anyone else to remain tactful in a tense, high pressure situation.

Finland spoke up, his voice fearful. "We aren't blaming any of you. Not at all." Spain didn't miss the way Tino's eyes wavered very quickly to Russia and back to the room. He wondered if anyone else besides him were thinking that exact same thing. By the way glances were flickering about the room in that general direction, probably. "We're asking your help to find him. We're worried. Terrified. He's never been gone this long before, not without a call to someone and we've exhausted all our ideas. Please." There was silence as no one raised a voice or an offer to aid, and Spain suddenly felt very small.

He simply didn't have the resources to dedicate to something like this, not to mention the fact that he would probably get scolded by his boss just for coming. But he couldn't help it. It would shame him to not be here, when someone needed help so badly. "Please." Norway's voice sounded again, and Spain turned his gaze back to the front of the room. Denmark was standing behind Norway, his hand on the man's shoulder and his blue eyes desperately unsure of what to do. "He's my little brother, I raised him. If anything's happened to him I'm not sure what I would do. I'm generally not the type, but I am begging you to please consider helping us find him."

The room grew quiet again, and Spain saw Romano gaze out across the table at his little brother, his gaze dark and his amber eyes thoughtful. He raised his hand suddenly. "I'll be helping." Everyone stared at him in surprise, Germany and Italy's jaws dropped in identical expressions of uncertainty. Norway watched him quietly, not surprised nor actually any sort of emotion at all. He nodded, though Spain could read the thanks in his eyes.

"Like anyone as awesome as me can sit this out," Gilbert called loudly, nudging his brother in the ribs and raising his hand with a ridiculous grin on his face. He and Romano shared a gaze that spoke volumes that Spain simply couldn't read and he frowned. Though this meeting for once seemed like it would going to have a peaceful resolution after all. There was a short brush of skin on skin as he glanced down and saw that Romano had placed his hand on the table right beside Spain's, centimeters apart. He ached to grasp that hand, but before he could, another voice rose and a chair was knocked back.

America said, "I feel the same as Prussia! You've got me to help! I am the hero after all!" He slapped Canada on the back hard and reached over to fist bump Romano, who declined the offer with a dangerous glare. America sat back down with a shrug and Spain caught a strange expression on Britain's face, who, for the most part, had been unusually silent for most of the meeting. For a split moment, he saw a rush of emotion flit across Norway's face, but it was gone.

"Thank you," he replied, sitting down and pressing a hand to his chest. Denmark, however, hadn't budged, his eyes trained in the far corner where Russia was sitting, a smile on his face. Spain turned to Romano and for the first time that day he turned back about to say something to Spain. Before he could though, a hand slammed on the table at the front of the room, catching him off guard as everyone turned to face a rather angry faced Denmark, glaring in accusation. Romano pulled his hand back.

Finland and Norway both said in unison, "Denmark, don't." But the man ignored them, his eyes on Russia, the grimace on his face not one to be bargained with at that moment.

"I know it was you, you bastard," Denmark said angrily, his fingers tapping against the table like he wanted to throw it. Latvia and Estonia jumped up and backed away from their seats, worried about being in the line of fire in case he did. Japan scooted his seat over in China, alarmed, and Germany stood up warily, probably to break up anything that happened. And it seemed that something always did.

Russia simply smiled. "Somehow I knew that is where this was going to be leading," he said pleasantly, leaning his elbows on the table as he did so. "But I can assure I have done nothing to Iceland and while I cannot myself aid in helping you find him, I wish you all the best of luck in your search." Norway gripped Denmark by the back of his jacket at hissed something at him, tugging him back into his seat.

"Anyone else you'd like to implicate, Denmark?" France said bitterly, his arms crossed over his chest and crossing his legs.

Britain snapped, "Feeling guilty, frog?" France scoffed angrily and the two fell into a loud argument with America and Canada and Seychelles still seated between them. Germany seemed at a loss as to what to do as Russia began to order Latvia and Estonia around in the corner making them both shake in their boots. Spain's eyes began to droop a little, tired from the long trip north, but he was sure this probably wasn't an appropriate time to be taking a siesta. When he got back to his room he would, though, that was for sure.

Denmark was still shouting obscenities at Russia and Spain caught Romano's eyes, the young man scowling at the room at large in frustration at the entire thing.

A loud bang sounded and the room looked around to see that Sweden had stood up so quickly his chair toppled over, and deposited Sealand gently into Finland's lap. He walked around Norway and grabbed Denmark by the back of the coat, dragging him forcefully from the room and tossing him into the hallway. He merely glared at Britain and France until the two stopped making a single noise, both of their faces skewed in expressions of terror. "G'nna have t' ask ya t' leave," he said with a frown, standing besides where Russia sat with his underlings.

"That is quite all right Sweden, we were just leaving anyway," he said with a laugh, ushering Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland towards the door. "Good luck finding Iceland, you will be needing it I think." And then he was gone, that cryptic remark sending a shudder down Spain's spine. He would most definitely not like to see that face again anytime soon, that's for sure. France pushed his way past Britain with Seychelles in tow.

"We will be leaving as well," he said angrily, the two exiting the room with as much dignity as they could muster. Many other filed out after that, disgruntled discourse being shared between them all. Norway looked defeated and Denmark had the class to seem apologetic. Soon all that was left was Germany, Prussia, and Italy, Spain and Romano, America and Canada, not counting the four Nordics still seated at the front of the room with Sealand, who throughout it all, remained silent and almost scared.

Romano stood, and the rest of the room watched him. For a moment he seemed unsure of what to say before stammering out, "My offer still stands." He walked away from the room and Spain stood and followed, nodding at the Nordics before chasing him down the hallway. Romano had moved fast, apparently very eager to get out of that meeting, and Spain felt upset that the entire affair had upset him so much.

"Romano!" he called, feeling like an old man all of a sudden. "Slow down!" Romano did and turned to wait until Spain caught up with him, his face completely unfathomable. Something really did get to him, Spain realized, wondering what on earth it could possibly have been. The hallway was deserted, and his friend didn't move to continue on, simply leaned against the wall and glared at his own boots. "What's the matter Romano? You've seemed so out of it all day today!"

Spain tried to be cheerful, but it didn't seem to work. Romano's face didn't change. His customary scowl did not set into place, his eyes didn't flash in irritation at Spain for some reason or other. All he seemed was sad, lost, and unsure. His fingers inched over for a moment towards him, and Spain felt his chest catch slightly as Romano gently placed his hand on Spain's.

"What if this had happened to Veneziano?" he asked quietly, gripping Spain's fingers as if for reassurance, and at that moment everything Spain could have ever thought about how to reassure and comfort was dumped from his mind. What was he supposed to say? What was he supposed to do? He closed his eyes and released a sigh, giving Romano a small smile that the man glanced down at, his eyes grazing Spain's mouth for a moment before flickering back up to look in his eyes.

"I would help you find him," he offered, turning his hand slightly to grip Romano's better. "And I wouldn't stop until we did." Romano stared at him for a moment, his mouth just the tiniest bit agape, the two of them silent as they stood in that empty hallway, their hands entwined. Spain had an idea, a brilliant idea, and his smile widened. "Hey, do you want to come sleep in my bed tonight? That used to make you feel better when you were a kid."

Suddenly Romano's eyes did flash in irritation, and he snatched his hand away from Spain's angrily before taking a step back. "I'm not a little kid anymore, you know!" he yelled at him before hurrying down the hallway, the back of his neck beet red and leaving Spain unsure of what exactly he said.