This story is about Commander Wolffe and an oc I made up. I don't own star wars.

Today is an average, ordinary day on planet earth. In other words, I'm bored. I sigh quietly to myself, nothing ever seems to happen to me anymore. Some days I will look at the sky and wish that aliens truly existed. That one would land near my house so I could have something to do.

Eventually, I go back to staring at my math homework. Nope, it still doesn't make sense.

I let my mind drift back to my boyfriend, Romeo Peterson. Or as half the female population of my high school knows him, Romeo McDreamy. Yeah, I am dating that guy. 5, 10 feet tall with that long and scruffy, bronze hair, gorgeous baby blue eyes, and glowing, tanned skin. To top it off, Romeo is quite the fitness buff, so most girls swoon when looking at him.

I could just see his reaction if he knew I was thinking about him. He will chuckle and say, "Relax, Juliet. You're such a silly girl, you know. You're my girl. He would look at me a bit critically now, and playfully tease, "You can lose some weight though, then we'll be the perfect couple."

Just as I finally start to focus on my homework, I hear a loud sound coming from who knows where, and saw something crash into the nearby field.

Being curious like I am, I start smiling and rush out to my Honda and race to see what just crashed. It doesn't take long to arrive and see I was correct in guessing that no one else would be here. Everyone else in this dead-end town wouldn't ever go near anything like this.

Glancing around, I quickly spot the thing that crashed and see that it looks like a ship of some kind. It is shaped a bit like a triangle with big gun-like things over the wings.

I'm about to walk over when I feet a hand grab my arm. At this, I turn around and find myself staring into the grey and white helmet of an armored man. "Where in the Republic are we?" the man snaps at me. I blink in surprise as I wonder what he's talking about.

Apparently i'm taking too long responding because the man quickly ads, "Answer me, civilian!" I sigh and say softly, "You are on Earth silly, Which 'Republic' that you are talking about?" The man snaps his head back in surprise. "Earth?" he says in confusion, "Where in the Galactic Republic is that?" Now I stare at him as I ask, "What is the 'Galactic Republic'? I have never heard of it before."

I look at him in confusion until another man in similar grey and white armor rushes up and says, "There's three dead and two wounded, commander. Seeing me, he asks, "Pardon miss, but is this a separatist planet or a republic one."

I smile at him in polite confusion as I say. "Well for one thing, you are on the planet Earth. But what are these 'Separatists' and 'Republic' that you're talking about? You make it sound like there is a war going on." I pause for a moment and then ask, "Are you two twins or something, because you sound a lot like each other."

The men then look at me and then at each other. Finally the second says, "The hyper-drive must have been imputed incorrectly. It sent us to an unknown sector. That must be why she doesn't know about the republic. Once we repair the ship, we can visit other planets in this sector to see if they know anything."

As the men turn to go I call, "Wait!" They turn to look at me as I add, "My planet does not have quite the technology you have, but we are certain that this is the only inhabited planet near by."

The second man groans slightly, and mutters, "That's just great. What're we going to do about the wounded?" I look at him sympathetically, "Well, how many are there of you?" The first man looked at the second, who says, "Including Commander Wolffe and myself, there are six of us."

I flinch slightly at the number, but it's rude to turn away people in need. Sighing in acceptance I look at them and say gently, "If you want, you can stay at my house for the now. It will be as long as you need, but I may ask for help if you decide to stay."

The first man, Wolffe, looks at me and says gruffly, "Give us a minute to ask the others." At that he walks away, leaving the other to apologize and rush after him.

I watch them as they go, feeling excited. There really is life outside of our solar system! I smile slightly at the thought of the Wolffe and his twin brother. The smile quickly fades though. It was 'Commander' Wolffe. That meant there was war going on out there.

I sigh to myself and think, "You are going to get in trouble for doing this someday, Juliet Winters."

Entering the gunship, I cringe at the sight of my two injured brothers. Sinker and Boost had been standing near where the explosion was, and both have burn wounds to prove it. Thankfully, I'm wearing my helmet so no one can see my reaction to the injuries.

Once we're all together, Fixr immediately starts telling the others what happened.

"The hyper-drive seems to have been imputed incorrectly, we're in an unknown sector. Thankfully, a local civilian has offered to let us stay at her home while we recover from the crash."

Boost looked at him thoughtfully, "At least we'll be comfortable." Sinker said, "Probably more comfortable than sleeping here." Comet just shrugged his shoulders. Warthog snorted, "At least we know the natives have some sense now." Warthog still hasn't forgotten about the mission to Aleen. Not that I don't agree with him.

I watch Fixr, I am sure he will accept the offer, so I am not surprised when he says, "It would be better to treat our injuries away from the crash."

I look at him through my helmet, "You realize we'll be expected to 'help around the place' if we stay there." Fixr shrugs his shoulders, "Sounds fair to me."

I sigh and say, "Then you're going to go tell her." Fixr chuckles at my bad mood, and he and I help Boost and Sinker to walk outside.

I watch as the two armored men return with others with them. I quickly notice that Wolffe and his twin are helping two other men walk. Seeing this, I hurry over to them. "Are they alright?" I ask anxiously.

The man being helped by Wolffe looks at me and says, "We're OK. Still a bit shaken up by the explosion, that's all." I blink in surprise, he sound almost like the others as well. "OK," I say cautiously, "Are you three triplets or something, because you really sound almost alike." I point at Wolffe, the man he is carrying and Wolffe's twin. The men look at each other and suddenly burst out laughing, except for Wolffe who groans instead.

This makes me even more nervous, they all sound the same. Wolffe's twin chuckles as he says, "Should we take off our buckets sir?" I have just enough time to think to myself, 'Buckets?', When Wolffe shrugs his shoulders and they all remove their helmets.

I feel my mouth drop as I look at the six identical faces. Most of the men are smirking at each other. Wolffe is frowning. And, the one I thought was Wolffe's twin, is smiling at me. Suddenly I found myself speaking out loud, "Well, I guess I can't call you Wolffe's twin in my head anymore." Hearing me say this aloud I blush and the men start to laugh again, except for Wolffe, who scowls at me darkly.

The man who's not Wolffe's twin chuckles and says, "We should introduce ourselves. This," he says while gesturing to Wolffe, "Is Commander CC-3636, nicknamed Wolffe. The man who you thought was our triplet is CT-2367, nicknamed Boost. At my side is Sergent CT-2365, nicknamed Sinker. And this standing next Sinker, is veteran pilot CT-784, nicknamed Warthog. Between me and my twin is corporal CT-5283-29 nicknamed, Comet. I am the medic CT-1936-44, nicknamed Fixr."

I stare at them, "Wait a moment, why do you have numbers for names? That doesn't seem right."

Wolffe glares at me, "Doesn't matter if you think it's right or not. The Kaminoans who cloned us and our brothers decided to give us numbers, and that. Is. It. Now, are you going to let us stay with you or not."

I take a step back at the venom in his voice and politely respond, "I did not mean to offend you, It just seems strange that your names are numbers. Anyway, yes, you can stay at my house for the time being. Just don't be surprised if I ask for assistance with some things that take more physical strength."

"Thank you, miss." Fixr says, frowning at Wolffe. "Well", I say looking at them, "It looks like we have to find a way to fit all of you inside of my car."


Wow, I went back to make sure I did not write the next chapter wrong, and what did I find? Mistakes, plenty of them. I think I fixed them now.

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