Naruto: The New Story

Chapter 1: Enter... Naruto Uzumaki!


I'm falling. I'm falling to my death. One moment I was in my comfy bed, and the next I was falling. Not like a leaf, but like a rock. Although, rocks don't really get hurt when they fall, they're sturdy.


Probably like a plane. Planes explode when they plummet to the ground at lightning fast speeds. OK, I'm exaggerating. It's not lightning fast, but it's fast enough to kill me instantly.


I wonder... Where am I? As I said before, it was time for bed. I live in the U.S, if you need to know. Ya know...


It was 10:00pm. Which means it's also...

"Jalen! Time for bed!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I sighed, and turned off my tablet. I really hate going to bed, but it's not so bad when you really think about it. Actually, I really hate waking up for school.

I'm a 7th grader, 12 years old.

Just like Naruto.

I love Naruto, the show, that is! It's really entertaining, and it has one of the best Anime Plots! It was actually the first Anime I watched, since I was little kid. I still remember waiting on Thursday nights to watch the show. Too bad it got cancelled...

I turned off the TV and turned off the light. This was my everyday schedule, or... Role... Whatever it's called. I turn off my tablet, then TV, then light. It's simple, really.

Well, as I get in the bed... I don't just go to sleep. I usually grab my phone and read fanfiction. Since I do that, I usually go to sleep at 12:00... Giving me 7 hours of sleep.

That's good, right? I mean... What 12 year old doesn't do that at least once?

Before I actually get in the bed, however, I kiss my mom and say my prayers. After all that is settled, I get in my bed and grab my phone. I type in " .net" on the search bar at the top, and head straight for the Naruto section, since I was in a Naruto mood.

Now... Here's where it gets strange. I get a text from this person called... Naruto_Uzumaki. There was no number, just that name. Would you text back to a person like that? Anyway, the text said... "If you want to live your dreams, text back: 'Ya know'."

Now, I was puzzled. Mostly because Dattebayo is what Naruto says after some of his sentences, and that translates to, Ya know. I... Think.

But, because I'm in a good mood, and want to see if this is a prank or not, I type in 'Ya'.

...I... Can't explain this correctly, so bear with me... But... I could feel... Energy inside my body. Yeah, I know it's probably nothing... But I can also... Uh... See it. It's blue... Like chakra.

I can also feel the energy in other places, like... In my house, I think. To be honest, this just excites me, because I'm not thinking. So, I type in 'Know'.

Now! Now this is where it gets exhilarating! I can easily pinpoint where that energy is coming from; my kitchen. I can feel the energy going through me faster, all through my body..! I feel lighter! I feel tougher! I adjust my glasses, because my vision is getting blurry, but it doesn't take me long to figure I don't even need them. I feel amazing!

I black out.

And I wake up, not a second later (it seems), dropping from the sky!

~Flashback Over~

So now, I'm falling like a plane. And I seem to have an idea of where I am, although this could be a dream. I think I'm in the Naruto World. It makes since, right? The blue energy must be chakra, and I'm plummeting into the Naruto World right now... Hm...

As I near the ground, I panic. I don't think I want to die here... But maybe... Maybe... Maybe!


"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ya know!" Huh!? I'm... Not dead? And I was laying on someone, who... Smelled like ramen... "Uh... Could you get off of me?"

I got off the person, and looked at them, quietly apologizing. It... Was Naruto Uzumaki! His blond hair and marks on his face proved that to me.

"Huh? Who are you? Why did you fall from the sky? That really hurt, Ya know..." He said, rubbing his head.

"U-uh?! I-I'm..." I don't know what to say. This could all be a dream, so... I'm kind of lost. "My name is..." Should I say my real name, or should I think up a fake name? I... Don't know! "Jalen. Uh... I... Don't know Why I fell from the sky, really..." That was partly true! "A-and I'm sorry for hurting you!" I bowed, apologizing to him, but he just looked confused.

"Oh... Well, see ya, Jalen! I need to be up early tomorrow, Ya know!" He grinned. "I'm becoming a ninja tomorrow!"

Wait..? He's just now becoming a ninja? This is... Weird, but...

"Oh? What's your name?" I asked. I needed to not act like I know him.

"Naruto Uzumaki! The greatest ninja in the Hidden Leaf Village!" He exclaimed as he jumped over me and started to run away. "See ya!"

Wait! Wait! WAIT! He can't leave me out here! I don't know what to do... I don't even know Why I'm here! I... Need to be with him! To be safe! This is also a once in a lifetime opportunity!

"W-wait! Naruto!" I yelled, running after him. Surprisingly, I could match his speed. I also could see his chakra if I observe him closely.

"Huh? What do you need?" He sounded irritated. Please don't hate me, Naruto! "I have to get up early, Ya know!"

"Can I stay with you!" I asked, looking down. "I... Have nowhere else to go..."

"What?" He looked shocked. "Where are your parents?"

"..." Naruto! Stop asking me stuff and just let me live with you! "I... Have none."

"Oh." He looked sad. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Aren't you the same?" I said. I'M AN IDIOT! WHY DID I SAY THAT! NOW I'M GONNA LOOK LIKE A STALKER! GAHH!

"How did you know that?" He asked me.

"I could feel it." I lied. "You were always alone, weren't you? Always bullied, weren't you?"


"Because I saw!" I yelled, turning red. "I saw how the adults treat you! I saw how the children treat you! I... Wanted to help you so bad... But I couldn't." What am I saying? Where is this going? "C-can I please just stay with you... For at least one night?"

One night? I want to stay with you forever!

"S-sure." Naruto was also red, looking down. I shouldn't have said all that... I'm so stupid. And Naruto was so caring to let a random boy stay with him in his small apartment.

He began to walk, motioning me to follow. I guess I should look at what in wearing. I looked down and studied myself.

I had on a black shirt, and blue jeans. I also had on a red jacket and blue sandals, just like Naruto.

"Hey, Jalen..." Naruto started. "You don't have to stay one night..." He turned redder. "You could stay for... A long time, Ya know..."

I gasped. I was planning on begging him to let me stay forever, but this is just as good. "Really?" He nodded, and I ran up and hugged him. "Thank you sooo much, Naruto!"

He laughed. "I'm such a good person, Ya know!"

After that, we made it to his house, and he closed the door behind me.

It was... Messy. The room, that is. Clothes, scrolls, empty ramen cups, and a lot more stuff littered on the floor. And there was only one bed, and a small kitchen. There was a bathroom too, by the way.

"Sorry for it being so messy! I just didn't expect company, Ya know!" He began cleaning the room, which made me sweatdrop. I sweatdropped because he could have just made multiple clones to help him.

The house also smelled like ramen... Is he a ramen addict, wait... Duh...

After he was done he went in his cupboard and took out a ramen cup. "Do you want one?" He asked. I nodded, so he took out another one.

After about 10 minutes, we were starting to eat. I noticed Naruto kept a grin on his face all the while he was making it.

"Hey, Naruto." I caught his attention and he looked up. "Um.. I just wanted to say thanks for letting me live here. Again."

"Heh, no problem." He said. "Now eat up!"

We began eating the noodles, and I must say, they... Are... AMAZING! Naruto must have thought so too, because he was eating pretty fast. I'm not gonna let him beat me!

After the food was devoured, Naruto threw the cups away and he sat on the bed, looking at me.

"You don't have any night clothes."

I sweatdropped. Did he just notice that? "Oh, really? Do you have some I can borrow?"

He grabbed a pair from the ground and tossed them at me. "See if they fit."

I took off my shirt and jacket and put on the shirt he gave me. I also took off my jeans and put on the pants he gave me. "They fit perfectly! Wow!"

Naruto grinned. Somehow, he already had his on. How did he do that so fast? He suddenly stopped grinning. "There's only one bed."

I swear, Naruto. You get things so late...

"Oh... I'll sleep on the floor." I said looking away.

"No! You shouldn't have too! I'll sleep on the floor, Ya know!" Naruto exclaimed.

"That's OK. I'm use to it." I lied. I have to keep the act up, though.

"OK, Why don't we both just sleep on the bed?" Naruto inquired. "It doesn't really matter to me."

OK, if this is a dream, wake me up, now. NOT! This dream is awesome!

"Sure. If it's fine with you." I agreed. He got in the bed first, then I did. It was kind of small, but if I just scoot over a bit more...

"Hey, Jalen." Naruto called. I turned around, and we were face to face, noses almost touching. What is going on..? "Um, since you're living here, and you have no parents, like me... Uh... Want to be brothers?"

Brothers? With Naruto? This is pure bliss. I couldn't think of anything better!

"S-sure..." I nodded, and closed my eyes. I guess I'll be leaving this dream, now. But... It was fun while it lasted...


"Hey, Jalen!"



"Don't... Wanna."


I opened my eyes and looked around slowly. Was it time for school already? Oh yeah... I had that weird dream last night... I met Naruto and we slept and...

"Hey, Jalen, wake up already, Ya know..."

"Naruto!" I gasped as I jumped out the bed. Naruto's bed. What's going on here?!

"Don't look so surprised." Naruto said, pointing to his headband. Or... Ninja headband, or whatever you call it! "I told you I had to get up early because I'm becoming an official ninja today, Ya know! Hehehe!"

"Oh yeah..." I got out of the bed. This is to much... I don't understand what's going on. "Hey, can I go with you?" I asked him, rubbing my eyes.

"Huh? You can't go with me. You aren't in the Academy, are you?" He asked. Then Why did you wake me up. "And besides, you aren't dressed. You didn't take a shower and you didn't brush your teeth, Ya know."

"Oh really..." I swiftly took off my clothes and rushed in the bathroom. (I didn't take off my underwear before I got in the bathroom.) I grabbed a towel to use, turned on the shower, and swiftly took a quick shower. After that, I jumped out and grabbed the toothpaste. I couldn't really brush my teeth, since there was only Naruto's toothbrush, so I just squirted the toothpaste in my mouth. I mixed it in my mouth for a while, then spit it out in the sink. After that, I ran back out and grabbed the clothes I had on yesterday, since I don't think they were that dirty. "Done."

Naruto was eating his ramen happily. "Well, OK! You can come with me!" That was easy.

After he was done with his ramen, I followed him outside and he locked the door behind him.

Now... The Hidden Leaf Village is... Amazing! The air was so clear, the rivers were so clean... Everything was just perfect here. Well, not perfect. Take Naruto's and Sasuke's life.

"Fight me!" Some kid appeared from the fence, throwing down a towel that was painted the same way as the fence. Konohamaru? Is that you? He was using the towel to blend in with the fence... How long was he waiting for Naruto?

Anyway, he tripped on the towel and fell on his face. How clumsy is that?

"What are you doing, Konohamaru?" Naruto asked, not looking very surprised.

"I expect nothing less from the man I respect." Konohamaru mumbled as he got up.

There was a moment of silence, before Naruto replied, "I didn't do anything."

Konohamaru seemed to just notice me and asked, "Hey. Who is that guy beside you?"

"Jalen? Oh, he's my brother." Naruto explained, which caused me to turn red. How can anyone say something like that so casually?! And you should at least tell him I'm not your real brother! "He's living with me, Ya know."

I sweatdropped as I got my words together in my head. "Um, hi. My name is Jalen. You're Konohamaru, right? It's kind of a long name."

"Your... Brother?" He grinned. "Is he as strong as you, Naruto?! I'll test him myself!" He made a handsign.

"Sorry, we have to go to an explanatory meeting now." Naruto explained, scratching his head.

"Explanatory meeting?" Konohamaru repeated, probably confused. He'll find out when he's older.

"I'm a ninja starting today!" Naruto exclaimed, pointing to his headband.

Konohamaru gasped.

I chuckled. "Sorry kid, maybe another time, OK?" The sad thing is... This kid could probably beat my ass.

Anyway, after leaving Konohamaru, we finally made it to the Academy building, and I could tell Naruto was excited. His chakra was literally bouncing all around in his body.

I'm actually pretty surprised I could sense chakra. Am I going to be a ninja like Karin? Hm... I probably won't be a ninja at all. Although, I do want to be.

We walked in the building, then Naruto showed me to the part where the new Genin will be.

We walked in the classroom and Naruto sat down. By Sasuke. I just sat in between them. This classroom is so big... It's amazing Iruka-sensei could teach every student.

I looked at Naruto, and he was grinning. He must really be exited. Hm... I wonder what Iruka-sensei will say when he sees me. I wonder what everybody will say when they see me. I stick out like a sore thumb with my red hair. I don't even have a ninja headband!

"Huh? Why are you here?" Someone asked Naruto, he then looked at me. "And who are you? Today's explanatory meeting is only for those who graduated." This boy seems familiar... Especially the voice. Kind of..

"Hey, can you not see this forehead protector?" Naruto replied, pointing to it. He smiled. "Starting today, I'm also a ninja." The other boy looked uncertain, and I cleared my throat.

"Hello. My name is Jalen." I greeted. "I'm sorry, but I'm Naruto's brother..." I like saying that. "Naruto wanted me to come with him, so I did. Sorry if I'm bothering, but I promise to not say much and disrupt."

"What?! Nuh-uh!" Naruto yelled. Not in a mad way, though. "You practically begged me to come!"

"Oh... OK." The boy said. "I didn't know you had a brother."

Well, after a while of talking, the boy left to his own seat. I still feel like I knew that person. So, Naruto and I started a conversation. It started with how many noodles their were at home, to how I didn't have breakfast, to what we need to buy for me. Like a toothbrush, clothes, and other necessities.

Suddenly, two girls ran in the classroom. One with long pink hair and one with a blond ponytail.

"Goal!" They yelled, putting their hands out. They began to pant, and the blonde (who I am sure it's Ino) said, "I win again, Sakura."

"What are you taking about? My toe entered the classroom a centimeter before yours." Sakura retorted. How can you even tell, Sakura? That makes no sense, what-so-ever.

"Are you blind?" Ino yelled.

Ino... Ino... Ino. She's... So cute. Way cuter than Sakura! What does Naruto see in Sakura?

Speaking of Naruto...

He was staring at Sakura, blushing.

Sakura looked over at where me and Naruto were at and gasped. And while I'm looking at Sakura and Ino, I can also see some other girl staring at Naruto and me from the corner of my eye.

Naruto blushed harder, thinking Sakura was looking at him, but in actuality...

"Wait, Sakura!" Ino shouted as she saw Sakura running towards us. Or... Should I say... Sasuke.

"Good morning, Sakura!" Naruto stood up and waved.

"Get out of my way!" Sakura pushed Naruto on the ground and glared at me. I glared back. Who does she think she is to just push Naruto on the ground when he's greeting her?

"Got a problem?" I asked, hostility lacing around my voice.

She smiled sweetly, but I can tell it was fake. "I would like to sit there, please. Can you move?"

I'm sorry, but why should I move for you? Even though you're kind of cute, you aren't royalty or anything.

"Hey! Why should you sit next to Sasuke? I'm going to sit next to him!" Ino yelled as she ran up to us, lightly pushing Sakura.

I swiftly stood up and got out the seat. "Here you go, m'am."

"Oh, really! Thank you! What's your name?" She asked me. Oh cool, score!

"Jalen." I answered. "How about yours?" I had to act like I didn't know her, I can't be looking like a stalker.

"Ino." She giggled, but instantly tried to sit next to Sasuke. Damn.

"What?!" Sakura yelled. Stepping in front of Ino. "How come you let her sit there?!" She pushed me, knocking me on the floor. Actually, not the floor, but on somebody. Who smelt like... Ramen. And... Tasted... Like... Ramen.

Tasted... Because our mouths were touching... And my... Tongue... Was...

"Ahhh!" We screamed, moving away from each other as far as possible. He started spitting and gagging, and so did I.

"Naruto, what the heck?!" I yelled, wiping my mouth.

"You're the one who fell on me, Ya know!" Naruto shouted back, also wiping his mouth.

Shouldn't this have happened with him and Sasuke?! Not me! Gah, who can I blame for this?!

I looked over at Sakura, who was staring at me with a blank face. Ino was staring at Naruto.

"You bitch..." I muttered under my breath, so no one could hear. She's the one who knocked Naruto on the ground, and she's the one who knocked me on the ground. It's all her fault! That bitch! Bitch, bitch, bitch!

She probably ruined my chances with Ino, too! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

After about 10 minutes of Naruto and I being awkward around each other, the girls fighting over who would sit by Sasuke, and rumors being made... Iruka-sensei finally showed up. I can tell it was him because who else would show up?

"Starting today, you are all official ninjas, but..." Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke was sitting at the table in front of me. Or... Could you call it a table? What can you call it? Anyway, I was sitting beside Ino and that boy from earlier. Now that I think about it, Shikamaru was the one that sat by Ino... So that boy is Shikamaru! Wow! "You all are still new Genins. It's only going to get harder from here. You all will be in a group of three, where you will complete missions under a Jounin teacher."

Ino suddenly gasped. Did she not know this? Well, I'm sure she's just gonna want to be with Sasuke. Too bad, Ino-chan.

"I wonder who's gonna be in Sasuke's team?" Ino said to herself, but mostly to Sakura.

"Don't know." Sakura replied, glaring at Ino.

I heard Sasuke suck his teeth. I wonder what's his problem. I should be the only one mad here, buddy! Well, me and Naruto... But let's not think about that.

"We've arranged the groups such that overall abilities are equivalent." Iruka-sensei explained. "I will now announce them." He held up a sheet of paper and began to read. I ignored the first 6 groups because they were names I didn't know, like Tobi or Yomiko. Yep, random names like that. "Next, Team 7. Naruto Uzumaki. Sakura Haruno."

There was a moment of silence.

"Yeah!" Naruto cheered, standing up from his seat. Sakura must be devastated. Tsk tsk tsk...

Sakura put her head down, which made be chuckle.

"...and Sasuke Uchiha."

Naruto sat down and lowered his head, while Sakura cheered, "Yeah!"

"Oh yeah, and there will be one arrangement. Can... Jalen come up?"

"What?" I stood up and nervously walked up to Iruka-sensei. What does he mean by new arrangement? What's going on?

When I got up there, he gave me a ninja headband and two packs. One had shuriken and the other had kunai in it.

"Apparently, you're going to be added on to Team 7." Iruka-sensei said. "There's not much time to explain, so just introduce yourself to your peers."

"O-OK..." This is a major plot mess up. I'm kind of... Excited... "My name is..." I just can't keep on saying Jalen. I have to have a surname too. "...Jalen Uzumaki." I am Naruto's brother, right? I turned red, and glanced at Naruto who was also red. There was a lot of whispering now, and I put my head down, hiding behind my bangs.

"OK, you can sit down now, Jalen." Iruka-sensei instructed. I knew he was surprised too, since he knew I wasn't really Naruto's brother.

I hurried to my seat, still hiding behind my bangs. Why are their so many people whispering, just SHUTUP! I still don't even understand what's going on, though...

"Next, 8th group." Iruka-sensei started again. "Hinata Hyuuga."

"Y-yes!" The girl that was staring at me and Naruto. So that was Hinata.

"Kiba Inuzuka."

I hate Kiba. I just do. I don't even want to look at him.

"Shino Aburame."

Shino is OK, but no one I would talk to.

Sakura looked back and smirked at Ino, happy that she was in Sasuke's group.

Ino looked pissed. "Why do you have to be with him!"

Sakura just smirked, not having to say anything.

"Next, 9th group."

"Why do girls like such a guy, anyway?" Shikamaru sighed.

"Exactly..." I agreed.

"Don't you even know that, Shikamaru?" Ino asked.

"I'm not a girl." Was Shikamaru's only reply.

Ino looked so surprised. I wonder why.. But then she just sighed. "That's Why you're not popular. I wouldn't want to team up with a guy like you." Then this might really make you sad, Ino. But don't worry, I'm sure it'll be OK.

"10th group." Iruka-sensei was finally getting to the end, huh. "Ino Yamanaka. Shikamaru Nara."

"What?" Ino gasped.

"Looks like you'll have to team up with me." Shikamaru smirked.

"And... Chouji Akimichi."

I looked down and say Chouji eating a bag of chips. Wow.

Ino looked ready to kill herself. So hot...

"That's it for the groups." Iruka-sensei finished.

"Iruka-sensei!" Naruto yelled, standing up and pointing at Sasuke. "Why is a top-student like me in a group with this guy!"

Man Naruto. You didn't waste any time.

"Sasuke graduated with the highest scores." Iruka-sensei said. "And Naruto, you had the worst scores." Everybody laughed, which just pissed me off. "This happens because we evenly want to divide abilities within the groups."

"Don't pull my leg, blockhead." Sasuke said to Naruto.

"What did you just say?!" Naruto shouted, clutching his fist.

"Want to fight, blockhead?" Sasuke said. Is he trying to piss me and Naruto off, cause this is really uncalled for. Well, I guess Naruto started it. But what's really pissing be off is the class laughing.

"Blockhead?! Why you..."

"Stop it, Naruto...".Shutup, Sakura!

"Sorry..." Don't apologize!

"I'm going to introduce the Jounin teachers in the afternoon." Iruka-sensei announced. "Meeting adjourned until then!"

Well, I hope you all enjoy this story. I had a good time making it, and I plan to make more real soon. Well, I hope you all review... And yeah, Ya know.